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单词 ineffective
释义 Word family  noun effect effectiveness ≠ ineffectiveness adjective effective ≠ ineffective effectual ≠ ineffectual verb effect adverb effectively ≠ ineffectively  in·ef·fec·tive /ˌɪnəˈfektɪv◂/ ●○○ adjective  EFFECTIVEsomething that is ineffective does not achieve what it is intended to achieve 无效果的,不起作用的,不奏效的 OPP effectiveineffective in doing something The chemical was almost totally ineffective in killing the weeds. 这种化学品除杂草几乎一点用也没有。ineffective against Various drugs have proved ineffective against the virus. 许多药物经证明都对这种病毒无效。 an ineffective marketing campaign 一场毫无成效的营销活动 —ineffectively adverb —ineffectiveness noun [uncountable] the ineffectiveness of most diets 大多数节食的无效 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say that something does not work rather than saying that it is ineffective: 日常英语中一般说do not work,而不说be ineffectiveThese drugs don’t work against bird flu. 这些药对禽流感无效。Examples from the Corpusineffective• Efforts to get homeless people off the streets have been largely ineffective.• I sometimes feel that she is just totally ineffective in this job.• A combination of ineffective management and inadequate investment brought about this collapse.ineffective in doing something• At this stage the C- field is also ineffective in stopping gravitational contraction.• Does this mean that absolution by the patient is ineffective in relieving the doctor of his duty?• However, although there was no damage to the crop, the herbicide was almost totally ineffective in killing the weeds.• However, glucocorticoids are usually ineffective in the hypercalcemia of primary hyperparathyroidism, Phosphate also inhibits bone resorption.• It is ineffective in hypoglycaemia induced by alcohol, in which liver glycogen is already depleted.• Kamieniecki was pressed into duty as a starter because Jimmy Key had been ineffective in Game 1.• Many of her leadership behaviors seen as productive in the low slack system prove ineffective in the high slack company.• On the crucial issue of land ownership, the many agrarian laws passed in various States have been ineffective in·ef·fec·tive adjective →REGISTER1ChineseSyllable  that Corpus something is achieve it ineffective not does what




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