单词 |
释义 |
ACAS /ˈeɪkæs/ (Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service) a British organization that tries to end disagreements about pay, conditions at work etc between the management of a business and its workers 〔英国〕咨询调解仲裁处〔负责协助解决劳资纠纷〕From Longman Business DictionaryACASACAS /ˈeɪkæs/ nounORGANIZATIONS Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service; a government organization in Britain that attempts to solve disagreements between employers and employeesUnder terms agreed with ACAS, both sides have agreed not to comment during negotiations.ACASChinese organization Business that tries a end to disagreements British |
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- Illness & disability-topic weal
- Illness & disability-topic weal
- Illness & disability-topic weep
- Illness & disability-topic weep
- Illness & disability-topic wheeze
- Illness & disability-topic wheeze
- Illness & disability-topic wheeze
- Illness & disability-topic wheeze
- Illness & disability-topic wheezy
- Illness & disability-topic wheezy
- Illness & disability-topic whiplash
- Illness & disability-topic whiplash
- Illness & disability-topic whooping cough
- Illness & disability-topic whooping cough
- Illness & disability-topic wind
- Illness & disability-topic wind
- Illness & disability-topic withered
- Illness & disability-topic withered
- Illness & disability-topic wound
- Illness & disability-topic wound
- Illness & disability-topic wrench
- Illness & disability-topic wrench
- Illness & disability-topic writer's cramp
- Illness & disability-topic writer's cramp
- Illness & disability-topic yaws
- Ahistorical
- Status bar
- Photooxidation
- Destructor
- Giotto
- Durer
- Hemopoietic
- Sunglow
- Unseemliness
- Essen
- 道是第一等,德是第二等,功是第三等,名是第四等。自然之谓道,与自然游谓之道士。体道之谓德,百行俱修谓之德士。济世成物谓之功。一味为天下洁身著世谓之名。一味为自家立言者,亦不出此四家之言。下此不入等矣。
- 道有一真而意见常千百也,故言多而道愈漓;事有一是而意见常千百也,故议多而事愈偾。
- 道有二然,举世皆颠倒之。有个当然,是属人底,不问吉凶祸福,要向前做去;有个自然,是属天底,任你踯躅咆哮,自勉强不来。举世昏迷,专在自然上错用功夫,是谓替天忙,徒劳无益。却将当然底全不著意,是谓弃人道,成个甚人?圣贤看着自然可得底,果于当然有碍,定不肯受,况未必得乎?只把二“然”字看得真,守得定,有多少受用处。
- 道格拉斯
- 道歉的意思,道歉的近义词,反义词,造句
- 道歉的离合词含义解释,道歉的离合词用法
- 道歉词义,道歉组词,道歉造句
- 道法自然
- 道法自然抱朴守真——《老子》
- 道潜
- 道潜《秋江》原文翻译、注释及赏析
- 道犹金石,一调不更;事犹琴瑟,每弦改调。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 道理中作人,天下古今都是一样;气质中作人,便自千状万态。
- 道理书尽读,事务书多读,文章书少读,闲杂书休读,邪妄书焚之可也
- 道理书尽读,事务书多读,文章书少读,闲杂书休读,邪妄书焚之可也。
- Lend-lease句子
- Sills句子
- Lashings句子
- Fly on句子
- Lapsus句子
- Localise句子
- Tartness句子
- Black pepper句子
- Swear in句子
- Stereoscope句子
- Cross-country句子
- De-ice句子
- Wurst句子
- Green beret句子
- Wen句子