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单词 conditioner
释义 Word family  noun condition precondition conditioner conditioning adjective conditional ≠ unconditional verb condition adverb conditionally ≠ unconditionally  Related topics: Hair & beauty, Cleaningcon·di·tion·er /kənˈdɪʃənə $ -ər/ noun [countable, uncountable]  1. DCBa liquid that you put onto your hair after washing it to make it softer 护发素2. British EnglishDHC a liquid that you wash clothes in to make them softer 织物柔软剂,衣物柔顺剂 SYN American English softenerExamples from the Corpusconditioner• Back inside his room, he turned on the overhead fan and the air conditioner.• Outside, over the low monotonous drone of the air conditioner, she could hear the mating call of a cricket.• If your hair is long, apply conditioner to the older, dryer ends only.• I've been using a leave-in conditioner on my hair and am very pleased with the results.• I wash it every day and use plenty of light conditioner but I don't stick to one brand.• Add a water conditioner to neutralise chlorine, and other nasties.con·di·tion·er nounChineseSyllable  your a onto Corpus put liquid hair you that after




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