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单词 conditioning
释义 Word family  noun condition precondition conditioner conditioning adjective conditional ≠ unconditional verb condition adverb conditionally ≠ unconditionally  Related topics: Sociologycon·di·tion·ing /kənˈdɪʃənɪŋ/ noun [uncountable]  SSFORCE somebody TO DO somethingthe process by which people or animals are trained to behave in a particular way when particular things happen 条件作用,形成条件反射的过程 Social conditioning makes crying more difficult for men. 社会熏陶使得男人不轻易哭泣。 → air conditioningExamples from the Corpusconditioning• Ask for the facts on electric air conditioning.• They incorporated all the Mark 3 features of air conditioning, insulation and good riding.• It is used in refrigeration, air conditioning, aerosols and foams.• B.F. Skinner emphasised that during instrumental conditioning an organism learns a response by operating on its environment.• But there are other forms of conditioning, too.• Operant conditioning involves contiguity, in that the reinforcing event follows closely the production of a response.• These causes are not necessarily genetic, but may include environmental factors such as upbringing in the family, social conditioning and so on.• Most adults are unaware of the social conditioning they have been subject to since childhood.• Odd litters can be born at any time of the year, weather controlling the conditioning of the does.con·di·tion·ing nounChineseSyllable  people or behave by which are animals process to trained the Corpus




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