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单词 follow through
释义  → See Verb tableRelated topics: Sportˈfollow-through noun [singular]  1. DSthe continued movement of your arm after you have hit the ball in tennis, golf etc 随球动作,顺势动作〔网球、高尔夫球等击球后手臂的延续动作〕 → follow through2  FINISH DOING somethingthe things that someone does in order to complete a plan 〔计划的〕落实(工作) → follow through The budget has to cover not only the main project but the follow-through. 预算不仅要包括项目本身,还要包括落实工作。Examples from the Corpusfollow-through• The enthusiastic, spontaneous idea-generator type worker will probably not be as organized and good at follow-through.• The final step to the process, then, is follow-through.• Soft money helped pay for the contract and its follow-through, just as it helped finance the Democratic counterattack.• This kind of follow-through provides children with important lessons in reading strategies.• All the follow-through was in accord with these themes.• The budget covers not only the main project but the follow-through.• The follow-through not only helps children meet their responsibility, it also fosters the growth of good work habits and autonomy.ˈfollow-through nounChineseSyllable  after Corpus movement of arm the continued your you




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