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单词 intrigued
释义  in·trigued /ɪnˈtriːɡd/ adjective  very interested in something because it seems strange or mysterious 〔由于奇特或神秘而〕深感好奇的,有极大兴趣的intrigued by/with He was intrigued by her reaction. 他对她的反应很好奇。intrigued to know/learn etc She was intrigued to know what he planned to do next. 她很想知道他下一步是如何打算的。Examples from the Corpusintrigued• "Stop me if I'm boring you." "No, please carry on - I'm intrigued!"• Diana was intrigued by Sue's cryptic message on the answerphone.• Scientists became intrigued by the rock, which appeared to have come from outer space.• I was intrigued to find that she spoke Aramaic.intrigued to know/learn etc• His classmates were all intrigued to learn about and see his ducks.• When you first meet her you're intrigued to know what happened to those missing·trigued adjectiveChineseSyllable  seems interested it Corpus because something very in strange




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