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单词 flowing
释义  flow·ing /ˈfləʊɪŋ $ ˈfloʊ-/ adjective  1  GRACEFULhanging or moving in a smooth graceful way 松松垂下的,飘拂的 She had pale skin and dark, flowing hair. 她皮肤白皙,黑发飘飘。 long, flowing robes 飘逸的长袍2  continuing in a smooth graceful way, with no sudden changes 平滑的;连贯的 a flowing melody 流畅的旋律 flowing curves 平滑的曲线Examples from the Corpusflowing• A full centralisation of structure and a more flowing and energetic style - often with greater pictorial content - is in evidence.• It was coating the flowing brown surface with shimmering, sparkling gold.• This is particularly true when articulating curved or flowing forms.• the flowing lines of the car's design• Steve turned, raised his arm and threw the ball, all in one flowing movement.• A hard pelmet can be softened, if necessary, by adding a flowing shape such as a scallop to its lower edge.• The cheetah's long flowing strides make it faster than any other animal on earth.• I like flowing things, things that flow together and make sense, so that's how I write.• The shape of the elongated spiky dorsal fin is reflected in the sweep of the flowing ventral fins.• Its distance from the Sun was just right to sustain life, providing the right kind of equable temperatures and flowing water.• long, flowing white hairflow·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  a hanging moving Corpus smooth or way graceful in




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