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单词 Child support
1 He defaulted on his child support payments.
2 Families earning below a cerain amount can claim child support.
3 Maintenance and child support Bradshaw and Millar found that only 29 percent of lone parents received maintenance from their former partners.
4 In the longer term, the new Child Support Agency represents a major policy shift.
5 The way in which child support is calculated means that the amount payable can vary according to a number of different factors.
6 The new approach is generally supported by child support collectors, but some think Morales' optimism is unrealistic.
7 This approach to child support also gives priority to a particular type of family relationship - that based on biological parenthood.
8 A bill that would have slashed child support payments for most divorced fathers failed in the state Assembly.
9 Her former partners are not paying child support, although one has helped raise the two kids he fathered.
10 It also collected more child support money than the state average.
11 A partial solution is to strengthen regulations mandating child support by fathers.
12 At first he talked about his father, a l 950s version of a deadbeat dad who seldom paid child support.
13 Marshall remembers how his father used to resist paying even five dollars weekly for child support.
14 But we have no right to force collection of child support for the kids.
15 Nachshin argued that $ 30, 000 a month in permanent spousal and child support would be enough.
16 In addition, some custodial parents do not pursue collection of child support because they fear retribution from the nonpaying parent.
17 Other trends noted by the report: The average California county collects only $ 78 monthly for each child support order.
18 He gives no money for the care of his son,() and Aurora has abandoned plans to pursue child support.
19 Their proposals established the amount of child maintenance and a Child Support Agency to assess, collect and enforce maintenance payments.
20 But Garcetti said his office has made strides in child support collections.
21 She'll say she wants $ 50 , 000 or else she will sue for child support.
22 This means that certain checks you expect may run late this month, such as an insurance policy check, financial aid check, child support payment, loan, accounts receivable from clients, and so forth.
23 In order to receive more than the minimum rate of Family Tax Benefit A, single mothers are required to nominate and seek child support from the child's father.
24 Do the gentleman-like thing, ask for the kid to be named after you, write her a check for 18 years of child support, and get a vasectomy.
25 You can afford a cabin, but you can't scrape up child support?
26 When we need supplies , we radio the Earth Child Support Network.
27 Elias callsonce a month from lsrael to see if she got his money for '' child support ''.
28 Our estimate of the net worth of California real estate developer Donald Bren got caught up in a nasty child support fight.
29 And, of course, he doesn't die – the Nebraskan teenagers are placed in foster care or with other relatives, and the courts can require parents to attend counselling sessions and pay child support.




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