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单词 Reflexive
1. In 'He cut himself', 'cut' is a reflexive verb and 'himself' is a reflexive pronoun.
2. The sucking reflex illustrates a reflexive schema.
3. At birth, schemata are reflexive in nature.
4. Habermas's theory involves a reflexive moment that was present but unsatisfactorily worked out in the earlier versions of critical theory.
5. His reflexive response pulled him to one side and his shoe appeared to touch the white line.
6. Many management researchers choose to publish the reflexive account separately from the study findings.
7. These active reflexive behaviors allow the infant to construct his or her first differentiations within the environment.
8. Here the reflexive pronoun himself marks the fact that him has the same denotation as the subject of the verb, John.
9. Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun.
10. Clearly this relation is reflexive.
11. Reflexive pronouns can be direct or indirect object.
12. Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun asobject.
13. Complete the sentences below using the appropriate reflexive pronoun.
14. Humans are not limited to reflexive action.
15. Reflexive pronouns can emphasize a noun or pronoun.
16. When do you use the reflexive pronouns?
17. Reflexive pronouns can be the object of a preposition.
18. A sudden reflexive or spasmodic muscular movement.
19. Remember, the supertype relation is reflexive.
20. A reflexive pronoun can also be used as the indirect object of a verb. In such a case, it is usually used after a preposition.
21. A reflexive pronoun can also be used as the indirect object of a verb.
22. This paper gives a new concept of reflexive closure of fuzzy relation and symmetric closure of fuzzy relation, and also gives operation method and properties about it.
23. I hadn't meant to answer her, it was simply reflexive.
24. In the sentence, "She prides herself on doing a good job", "prides" is a reflexive verb and "herself" is a reflexive pronoun.
25. At birth, an infant has no awareness of objects other than on a reflexive level.
26. Does this reaction suggest a heightened consciousness, beyond mere reflexive responses?
27. The last section considered the arguments for publishing such a reflexive account within management.
28. A puzzle that immediately arises is how this complex reflexive communicative intention is meant to be recognized by the recipient.
29. By way of comparison, the following extract highlights the use of reflexive critical interpretation in the analysis of the data.
30. The only thing I'd add is that we're all susceptible to reflexive tough-guy mottoes, not just pro athletes.
31. Performing a reflexive action does not prevent a character from performing another action within a turn.
32. By this iterative method, the solvability of the equations can be determined automatically, and its reflexive matrix solution or least-norm reflexive matrix solution can be got within finite steps.
33. Are actions that happen to the subject of a sentence. In a reflexive sentence, the reflexive verb has the same subject and direct object.
34. Matrix to determine whether it is reflexive and symmetric, Discrete Mathematics in the binary relation.
35. Bola ? o was a difficult , angry, self - reflexive writer who lived an erratic and occasionally unpleasant life.
36. As one of the anaphoric devices , English reflexive pronouns have long captured the imagination of linguists.
37. In his quest for savings, Gates faces reflexive pushback from the political right, which condemns any cut in a weapons system as a gain for a prospective adversary like China.
38. These droplets become the nuclei, or "seeds", around which reflexive stratocumulus clouds can form.
39. The definition of strictly singular operator is generalized to reflexive singular operator and weak reflexive singular operator. The equivalent characteristics of them are obtained.
40. The Koch method of building code proficiency character-by-character is similar to standard methods of teaching touch typing, another skill that must be reflexive.
41. Yet Chinese officials' reflexive response to more serious cases remains the cover-up. The pet-food case saw a classic hash of a government PR job.
42. In this paper it is proved that uniform convexity metric linear spaces with completeness are reflexive.
43. They found that the glazed stare was accompanied by objectively measurable changes in automatic, reflexive eye behaviour that could not be imitated by non-hypnotised participants.
44. And generate Rs reflexive closure, symmetric closure and transitive closure.
45. By the reflexive model , workflow system has the flex ability to changing circumstance.
46. By means of introducing semi - reflexive modules, we give the concept of SR - projective modules and SR - injective modules.
47. The active and reflexive voices are autoerotic—they lack a subject.
48. Do learners constitute their identities as part of a reflexive project?
49. One pupil will concurrently constrict in reflexive response to light shined in the other.
50. Recall that an equivalence relation in a set is a reflexive, symmetric and transitive relation.
51. It was reflexive for liberals to rail at President George W. Bush for jingoism.
52. "Dehumanization" is a basic feature of modern art,[] especially various avant-guard style arts. It originates in "reflexive" of aesthetic modernity.
53. "Certain environmental cues can trigger your reflexive brain into needless panic, while others can prime you for creative thinking or calm reflection, " Achor notes.
54. Traditional syntactic study puts emphasis on reciprocal and reflexive pronouns within sentences. Anaphoric function has been described only as a substitute of an antecedent.
55. In this paper, the concepts of E - unitary inverse semigroups and E - reflexive inverse semigroups are introduced.
56. He shifted his hams - that futile and reflexive gesture of hospitality - and she sat down.
57. In a sentence, a reflexive pronoun is used as the object.
58. His trip . is an eerie nightscape full of rubble and reflexive violence ( Time ).
59. A reflexive relation that is also transitive is a preorder .
60. The definition of strictly singular operator is generalized to reflexive singular operator and weak reflexive singular operator.
61. Generally speaking, KS-algebras are reflexive, maximal triangular with respect to its "diagonal subalgebra".
62. The sentence & quot ; he washed & quot ; has a reflexive verb.
63. Our study will make known that Russian reflexive pronoun can make up idiomatic collocation with verb, and its semantic content seeps into verb, its reference property reduces accordingly.
64. A binary relation on a set that is reflexive and symmetric is called a compatible relation.
65. The reflexive scientificalization process makes the diametrical rupture between the scientific rationality and the social rationality impossible.
66. Proves weak reflexive singular operators constitute a closed and injective general operator ideal and the space ideal generated by them is also injective.




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