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单词 flip side
释义  Related topics: Recordingˈflip side noun [singular]  1  OPPOSITE/REVERSEthe bad effects of something that also has good effects 负面,反面 The flip side of the treatment is that it can make patients feel very tired. 这一疗法的副作用是会使病人感觉非常疲累。2. TCR old-fashioned the side of a record that does not have the main song on 〔没有主打歌曲的〕唱片反面Examples from the Corpusflip side• But the flip side of that effectiveness is quite clear when things go wrong.• But the good news is the flip side of the bad: every change creates new needs.• The facts, which spilled out in no particular order, revealed the flip side of the fairytale.• The flip side is also true: if budgets showed the cross-departmental impact, governments might invest more in prevention.• The flip side of virtue is pride.ˈflip side nounChineseSyllable  has good something that also effects effects the of Corpus bad




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