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单词 ram
释义  ram1 /ræm/ verb (rammed, ramming)  1  [intransitive, transitive]HIT/BUMP INTO to run or drive into something very hard 猛撞 In the latest raid, thieves used his van to ram a police car. 在最近一宗劫案中,窃贼开着他的小型货车猛撞一辆警车。ram into He lost control of his truck and rammed into a van, killing two people. 他的卡车失控,撞上一辆小型货车,撞死了两个人。2  [transitive always + adverb/preposition]PUSH to push something into a position, using great force 猛压,硬塞,压实 First, you’ll have to ram the posts into the ground. 首先,你必须把桩打进地里。 I rammed my foot down on the brake. 我猛踩刹车。3. ram something down somebody’s throat PERSUADEto try to make someone accept an idea or opinion by repeating it many times, especially when they are not interested 向某人反复灌输某事〔尤指某人不感兴趣的观点或意见〕4  ram something home to make sure someone fully understands something by emphasizing it and by providing a lot of examples, proof etc 一再强调某事,充分说明某事 a police video ramming home the dangers of driving fast in fog 一再强调在雾中开快车危险的警方录像带→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusram• Another rammed a barrier wall and broke its neck.• He rammed a clip of bullets into the gun.• The ship had been rammed by a submarine.• Napoleon, far from manoeuvring about the Duke's right flank, had rammed his troops into the seam between the allied armies.• The driver lost control and rammed into a car waiting at a stoplight.• Construction workers had to spend the night ramming iron girders into place to support the building.• I kept thinking that they would all ram me.• Ludo and I turn our collars up against the chill April evening, and ram our hands in our coat pockets.• Last week, the opposition rammed the 14 percent gains tax plan through parliament while few members were in the chamber.• Sharpe reloaded the rifle, this time ramming the bullet hard down against the charge, then released the horse.• Enthusiasts can overcome this by ramming the cartridge into its socket while the drive is running.• She rammed the papers into her briefcase.• Hancock tried to ram the police car.• The Republicans are trying to ram through a judgment in the Gingrich case.Related topics: Animals, Toolsram2 noun [countable]  1. HBAan adult male sheep 公羊 → ewe2. x-refa battering ram 攻城槌3. TZa machine that hits something again and again to force it into a position 冲压机,撞锤Examples from the Corpusram• Over the past year he has had eight sheep, one suckle-calf and a ram bitten by adders: the ram died.• Her prow, a cast-iron projection weighing 1,500 pounds, was intended for use as a ram.• There were 810 breeding ewes, ewe lambs, and rams on offer.• His animal was the ram and he is depicted as a ram or a ram-headed man.• The ram, though strongly built, had its defects.Related topics: ComputersRAM /ræm/ noun [uncountable] technical  TD (random access memory) the part of a computer that acts as a temporary store for information so that it can be used immediately 随机(存取)存储器 → ROM a model with 128 MB of RAM 一个RAM内存为128兆字节的型号Examples from the CorpusRAM• Previously, building RAM into a Smart Card required an on-card battery.• Applications then have more of the original 640 kilobytes of RAM to use, making them faster and more reliable.• Memory: Get 32 megabytes of RAM.• The Apollo computer's RAM was constructed of memory core of the type described above.• These RAM chips will output 1.• It comes with only one megabyte of video RAM.From Longman Business DictionaryRAMRAM /ræm/ noun [countable, uncountable]computing random access memory; the memory in a computer system that is used to store information for a short time. The more RAM a computer has, the more software can be used on it at the same timePrograms are getting bigger, requiring more RAM.The Marixx DS comes with 64 Megabytes of RAM.Origin ram1 (1300-1400) Probably from → RAM2 ram2 Old English rammram1 verbram2 nounRAM nounChinese  to Business run drive hard into something or Corpus very




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