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单词 fire hydrant
释义  ˈfire ˌhydrant noun [countable]  TTRa water pipe in a street used to get water to stop fires burning 〔街道上的〕消防栓,消防龙头 →4  See picture of 见图 FIREExamples from the Corpusfire hydrant• In 1906, a fire hydrant saved the city.• It was as if a fire hydrant burst directly upon a group of thirsty street urchins.• She was built like a fire hydrant.• At the same time I started approvals to move a fire hydrant, which is even more critical.• The water poured from the sky as though a fire hydrant had been opened.• Ideas flowed out of me like water out of a Brooklyn fire hydrant in the midst of a summer heat wave.• Enter the hardware shop and buy the wrench, exit and walk over to the fire hydrant.ˈfire ˌhydrant nounChineseSyllable  a to in used street Corpus water a get pipe




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