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单词 Seeming
1. At the risk of seeming rude, I'm afraid I have to leave now.
2. She hesitated, seeming to grope for words.
3. She handled the matter with seeming indifference.
4. Despite his seeming deafness, he could hear every word.
5. For all his seeming calmness, he was really very nervous.
6. He said, with seeming embarrassment, that he would have to cancel the meeting.
7. What explains these seeming deficits in teaching quality?
8. I relapsed into a seeming normality.
9. Plato would probably have puked at Williams' seeming materialism.
10. The cloudbank spread, seeming to soak up the light.
11. Bear with me while I unravel this seeming oxymoron.
12. Don't be fooled by her seeming fragility.
13. Ten years ago now yet seeming so much more.
14. The kitchen clock croaked and creaked,(Sentencedict) seeming to match the uneven rhythm of his heart.
15. In looking at childhood photographs, her sullenness, always seeming to be apart, looking rather sour, tense.
16. Such surprise twists and seeming contradictions are typical of the man.
17. He alienated Henry one last time by seeming to offer support to the young king during the rebellion of 1173.
18. Gleysteen sensed that Park was losing his way, seeming to be uncertain about the wisdom of his own decisions.
19. I wondered about Richard's seeming reluctance to talk about his family.
20. Wall Street analysts have been highly critical of the company's seeming inability to control costs.
21. The worst reason to launch an attack would be a fear of seeming irresolute.
22. While lower on the slope a group of sheep, seeming to sense his presence, bunched together and moved off.
23. I remember it as horrible, with a smell of cold cabbage seeming to come from the upholstery.
24. She was full of tension as her eyes searched the group with seeming casualness.
25. Physics also tells us that there is a logical answer to the seeming conundrum of the diversity of species.
26. It is easy enough now to mock the film industry's seeming paranoia about the Film Society screenings.
27. The second Bush presidency starts with the road team seeming to have the advantage once again.
28. Sometimes the self-absorbed child also shows little interest in his parents, ignoring them or seeming not to focus on them.
29. I spent hours with that wretched boy evading his questions and seeming more stupid by the minute.
30. Those mysterious dark eyes of his drifted over her, unhurriedly, seeming to burn where they touched her.
1. At the risk of seeming rude, I'm afraid I have to leave now.
2. For all his seeming calmness, he was really very nervous.
31. In July, with a seeming disavowal of his earlier pessimism, he pushed the market up.
32. Mr Copley, robed in cassock and billowing surplice, was impatiently pacing the back lawn seeming oblivious to their presence.
33. There was a reason: Investors shunned fallen angels out of a fear of seeming imprudent.
34. The dark eyes slid over her, just as they had earlier, seeming to strip the clothes from her skin.
35. Their whole life began seeming like a missing persons bureau.
36. The cottage blocked out the sunlight, seeming to fall over her like a pale shadow.
37. Laura gasped, the blood seeming to rush through her veins with a new, heady warmth.
38. His eyes twinkled merrily, seeming to send out light and warmth.
39. How, she wondered, might she look in without seeming nosy?
40. Approaches seeming to have a scientific basis are often welcomed by contributors to the Review.
41. Yet at times kungfu appears to contradict itself, professing one thing while seeming to do the opposite.
42. Science has to cling to the available evidence even in the teeth of seeming contradiction.
43. Without it I would not thrill to every unexpected occurrence, each seeming coincidence that has brought me closer to you.
43. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
44. One athlete in particular, however, has caused more of a disturbance with his seeming lack of concern.
45. For the watching world, she smiled and laughed, seeming perfectly delighted with her husband and newfound status.
46. And, as their pressure increased, Laura felt a brilliant light seeming to explode in both her mind and body.
47. Their happy marriage, their seeming perfection, was porcelain: they daren't raise their voices for fear of shattering it.
48. They watched the Dynmouth Hards performing at the rifle range, their black-frilled girls loitering beside them, seeming bored.
49. She choked on the words, seeming on the verge of tears.
50. Attempts to harness the numerical strength of the casual poor had foundered on the rocks of seeming apathy.
51. For all his seeming rebellion against middle-class values, he remains essentially middle-class.
52. Dole has to go negative without seeming negative, a neat trick.
53. Something like marble gleamed close by the shore, seeming to leap yet not to fall again-a carved statue of a hound!
54. Ears Ringing sounds in ears, vertigo, sensitivity to loud noise, sounds seeming very distant.
55. To explain this seeming paradox, let me refer you to a drawing now found in many introductory psychology textbooks.
56. I would here like to give two examples of such skewed populations and to speculate on the seeming anomaly.
57. Seeming to be merely speckles and punctures at first, actually they were tall as the highest trees.
58. The public will applaud the seeming gains in excellence achieved by more efficient methods of exclusion.
59. Then, his eyes seeming to skip the mound of her stomach, he looked at her face.
60. Seen from above they were twice as wonderful, seeming to sweep across his cheekbones like silky black feathers.
61. They record and reflect on daily activities, delicately holding within the innocent seeming image much that is intimate.
62. He was terrifying, towering over her seeming twice the size in his fury, but she would not run.
63. I argued that drama is not in itself direct, that indeed its power lies in its seeming directness.
64. Have you had lots of instruction with each new teacher seeming to contradict the one before?
65. The roses swarmed in the heat-haze, seeming to flow and recede, seeming to peak and slide like waves.
66. It stood nearby, seeming to lope ahead of Laelaps' silent pursuit.
67. Though a good deal older than Privet the mole gave the impression of vigour and intelligence, talking quickly, and seeming restless.
68. As we went towards the platforms, I said, she's frightened of seeming behind the times.
69. The professor became frustrated by his students' seeming inability to understand simple questions.
70. Now there was the sound of a seeming kiss as an airtight hatch in the bottom of the saucer was opened.
71. Kennedy, the other newcomer, remains silent, his blank, hooded eyes seeming quietly amused by something.
72. But its seeming determination to do so is deeply troubling.
73. This table also confirms the seeming decline in overall profitability during the 1980s and particularly in 1986.
74. Part of his strength was in never losing consciousness for the whole affair(sentence dictionary), his good eye seeming never to close.
75. What bothers us more is the seeming predisposition of the federal courts to strike down term-limit laws on just about any pretext.
76. It was a fairly uneventful life, seeming to begin and end in that one small harbour town.
77. Keeping her glance averted, her smile modest, she practised the art of scrutinising without seeming to look.
78. The effect of contrast and seeming absurdity is revealed in vivid examples.
79. At first I distrust this seeming complicity with the police.
80. Although I may be seeming to make light of my brain's struggles, there is a serious side to it.
81. And the particulars of such a seeming unequal struggle are of little immediate help to the Kids from La Fama.
82. There is within us all an urge to make order out of seeming chaos.
83. They express their anger by destroying their own lives and thereby hurting others, while seeming to be wide-eyed and innocent.
84. so metimes seeming doglike, other times more like monkeys.
85. His opponents were still obsessed by his seeming invulnerability.
86. His seeming friendliness was merely a disguise.
87. For lovers'hours are long, though seeming short.
88. With seeming awkwardness he fumbled long with the bow.
89. The play ends by seeming to validate Antigone.
90. Not only did Americans demonstrate strong price inelasticity, but they actually increased their purchases of Chinese imports, in seeming defiance of the law of demand.
91. Seeming friends are often more to be dreaded than open enimies.
92. My heartbeat grew calm , almost seeming to stop altogether.
93. Whatever troubles arise, we'll have peace of mind amidst seeming chaos.
94. I still had a misty recollection of a phoenix tree which was swaying its silhouette on a moonlit night seeming to tell the hurry of time and its withered yellow leavers was falling one after another.
95. Let us risk seeming repetitious explanation, in order to drive it home.
96. There are still more who have tasted the bitters by mistaking seeming beauties for happiness.
97. In fact they are often driven by ruthlessly self-interested motives that leave him in a position of seeming weakness and unwillingness to defend not only national but his own political interests.
98. It is no accient, he would claim, that Mitchell's Spitfire, with its Merlin engines and distinctive wings, could help win a war while also seeming wonderful to the eye and ear.
99. Americans'spending on deficit only helped maintain the seeming balance between the consumption and overproduction.
100. Nim's suit had been returned, seeming none the worse for its sojourn on the coal conveyor.
101. Also, some nervous systems randomly fire, causing seeming symptoms of involuntary muscular contraction.
102. And just as this seeming fact of nature disheartened many Libyans, it bred a sense of untouchability in the dictator and his children.
103. The quail were walking around like pullets, seeming all dainty and unseen.
103. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
104. Even the most innocuous - seeming document can be a viral carrier.
105. Chaos is a kind of seeming random, chance or irregular movement, which appears in definiteness system.
106. The little boy moved his hands forward and held up highly two thick candles, seeming to perform a conjuring trick.
107. Progress remained mostly stalled because of the seeming unpredictability of the events.
108. "Aunt, look, my mum asked me send you. " The little boy moved his hands forward and held up highly two thick candles, seeming to perform a conjuring trick.
109. It might compensate in some way for his seeming neglect of her.
110. He came toward Wilson, his tallness all seeming a naked reproach.
111. Urbanization, although seeming to be an irreversible result of population growth, is caused by both gentrification and industrialization in fact.
112. The seeming disorder of calcite highlights the geometric precision of fluorite.
113. And though the citizens of Benghazi cheered McCain, they also said they were baffled at the West's seeming unwillingness to take more aggressive steps to stop Gaddafi's shock troops.
114. She thought what a kind heart was hidden under her visitor's seeming chilliness.
115. All my seeming prosperity wore off, and ended in misery and destruction.
116. The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they sit in seeming happiness on the branches, and waste their lives in tuning one unvaried series of sounds.
117. This physiognomy was strangely composed, it began by seeming humble , and ended by seeming severe.
118. No doubt the Supreme Court's due process decisions have their share of seeming inconsistencies.
119. Granted the essay is about confluence of seeming opposites, but poetic license should not obscure important content.
120. Be covering that face seeming to have met before, be fearing to irradiate onlyly in dark.
121. Fouda, who conducted the interview at an Al Qaeda safe housein Karachi, said that he was astounded not only by Mohammed's boasting but alsoby his seeming imperviousness to the danger of being caught.
122. It is something akin to the philosopher's stone: seeming to create extra value without consuming resources.
123. "The Krebs Cycle, " Edward answered, seeming reluctant as he turned to look at Mr. Banner.
124. However most planets of seeming lifelessness do hold life; some upon other dimensions within your creation even hold an etheric humanoid form.
125. It would be foolish to spoil the opportunity by seeming too assured or brash.
126. To their utter amazement, this seeming harpy spoke to them.
127. The discussions to - night were a sort of seeming plagiarisms of each other.
128. "To yield to seeming," as Buber wrote, "is man's essential cowardice, to resist it is his essential courage... one must at times pay dearly for life lived from the being, but it is never too dear."
129. The seeming disdain shows for customers and users is what one might expect from a monopolist.
130. Wandering Iranian towns in 1978, I remember riot squads in the streets and the Shah's portrait seeming to hang tenuously in market stalls.
131. A merely seeming swiftness of our vessel will keep him dumb.
132. The mountain remains unmoved its seeming defeat by the mist.
133. All this is convoluted code for something simple: companies meaning ( or seeming ) to be good.
134. Another style that's seeming over - used, and will probably run its course over the next year.
135. A title whose seeming tautology made it clear that she was primarily interested in poetry.
136. Heaven knows what seeming nonsense may not tomorrow be demonstrated truth. A. N. Whitehead.
137. When you talk to kids, how do you get your message across without seeming preachy ?
138. The seeming paradox emerged from the first study to explore the effects of variation in the human gene for a brain master switch, DARPP-32.
139. Flattered by her seeming importance, she evoked a confinding smile in return.
140. He hurled his arms about seeming to clutch at something and then fell.
141. They now more often appear staring vacantly or seeming disoriented, being psychologically removed from their situation.
142. The Trades Union Congress (TUC) did not support the NUM, seeming to support Thatcher's call for a national ballot.
143. The notes, written on yellow foolscap, contain an assortment of limericks and anecdotes, drifting into seeming nonsense.
144. But, despite its seeming absurdity and nonsensicality, it brings to light the moral weaknesses of the English upper class and other problems in modern English society in a jocular manner.
145. The seeming failure of the urban offers an exceptional opportunity, a pretext for Nietzschean frivolity.
146. Negative symptoms are marked by absence as much as presence: inexpressive faces, monotone speech, few gestures, seeming lack of interest in the world, and inability to feel pleasure.
147. Such will be his fate, though to outward seeming he may occupy the earth's loftiest seats and be established upon its most exalted throne.
148. "The day after the elections, CNN started a 24-hour psychological war room against Iran, " Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hassan Qashqavi told a moderator with seeming outrage on Iranian state TV.
149. This seeming to is specialized to measure a body to create for the lately classic romanticist.
150. On the snowfield of Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest), an egg yolk is lying there quietly, seeming to be waiting for hatching out a new life.




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