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单词 fire escape
释义  Related topics: Buildingsˈfire esˌcape noun [countable]   TBBmetal stairs or a metal ladder on the outside of a tall building, that people can use to escape if there is a fire 〔高楼外部供火警时逃生用的〕太平梯 →4  See picture of 见图 FIREExamples from the Corpusfire escape• She and several others scrambled out and on to a fire escape.• We stand in front of the Winston Arms, staring up at the fire escape, then back at the sidewalk.• He turns, but the girl has managed to flee by the fire escape as Lepine makes his way to the bookstore.• Five days ago she fell from the fire escape of her hotel here in San Francisco.• How can Anna get Carl from the window of the room to the fire escape?• In particular, you should familiarise yourself with fire escape routes. c. What about local resort conditions?ˈfire esˌcape nounChineseSyllable  metal on metal stairs the of ladder outside a Corpus or




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