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单词 Conceptual
1. The two systems are, at bottom, conceptual models.
2. The main weakness of the proposal is conceptual.
3. In the 50s, Rauschenberg anticipated the conceptual art movement of the 80s.
4. The conceptual problems of such a model are enormous.
5. Secondly, there have been important conceptual advances.
6. Simmons proceeds to offer a stronger conceptual framework.
7. The mall's plans are still in the conceptual stage.
8. It is wrong; it evokes a false conceptual model.
9. First, there are the methodological and conceptual criticisms.
10. They must be intuitive, conceptual, synthesizing, and artistic.
11. Coursework gives a solid conceptual grounding introducing major themes from economics, sociology, history and business management.
12. If we can develop a conceptual language therefore, there may be important advantages for the scheme.
13. Library-Collegians reverse the usual conceptual model, as their name implies.
14. Postmodernism I believe that Bourdieu's conceptual framework opens up the social-scientific study of postmodernism in several ways.
15. It means using evidence, making deductions, seeing conceptual connections and drawing conclusions.
16. They are included to provide insight into the conceptual underpinnings of the team-based, decentralized approach.
17. As a conceptual analysis of the idea of law, sanction theories of the traditional Austinian type are largely discredited.
18. Conceptual problems Despite these technical limitations, physiological psychologists take the lesion method very much for granted.
19. The plan reflects bold conceptual thinking on a grand scale.
20. Along with others, Gassendi obviously felt that this whole elaborate conceptual structure was obstructive to, rather than productive of, knowledge.
21. They locate the various strands in feminist thinking, and show the conceptual problems involved in combining them.
22. But it is hard to avoid the conclusion that Mr Grand has simply moved the conceptual goal-posts.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. Piaget allows two years for the development of sensorimotor intelligence as distinct from conceptual intelligence.
24. A properly drafted heads of agreement should, however, take care of such conceptual problems.
25. As if technical problems were not enough, there are also a number of conceptual problems surrounding the application of these methods.
26. Utilitarian notions in the social sciences are not enough for even providing a conceptual framework for grasping what actually happens.
27. Eventually, therefore, it may be possible to specify the underlying conceptual grammars which create theistic and religious universes of meaning.
28. For these are, of their very nature, dependent on the acknowledgement of existing conceptual frameworks.
29. Figure 2.2 represents a model of the information-seeking activity in a library and provides a conceptual framework for observing user behaviour.
30. We therefore introduce a intermediate form to act as a conceptual and technical bridge.
31. Also implicit within, but fundamental to, Dicey's conceptual structure is the idea of the separation of powers.
32. Presumably, framing these contexts, there are limits to human conceptual schemes.
33. Conceptual art was another attempt by artists to avoid the strait-jacket of commercialisation and the conformity of gallery art.
34. Mann's children may provide the initial impetus for her practice, but the conceptual agenda lies beyond them.
35. The conceptual block of the Nat Bell case is circumvented by regarding a component of the X question as jurisdictional.
36. So I revised my works from that point of view, and some others from a conceptual point of view.
37. The work has led to the development of a conceptual framework for a period which is both a phase and a process.
38. The impression received is that Brooke-Rose had simply given up trying to integrate the conceptual content of her novel with its story.
39. The approach is conceptual and skills-based, with extensive use of audio-visual resources, fieldwork and written texts.
40. The value of empirical research ultimately depends on the quality of conceptual analysis that defines the objects of enquiry.
41. Most adverse comments concerned specific issues in the design and layout of the form, rather than its conceptual basis.
42. A conceptual model is constructed to take these factors into account, and used to make a comparison with the existing situation.
43. Some political scientists think it is an overused and seriously flawed conceptual framework for political analysis.
44. As a concept album, it's remarkably low on conceptual tosh.
45. Some will say that that is all very well as a conceptual distinction.
46. A great deal of work is needed to close that conceptual gap.
47. An increased consciousness of conceptual systems as necessary fictions accompanies a growing awareness of the conventions of narrative.
48. Graham's results are not very surprising at a conceptual level.
49. In the conceptual case, each example's properties are supposed to be precise and discrete.
50. The very conceptual systems which inform our perceptions need to be scrutinised.
51. Unfortunately this clear conceptual distinction between perceptions and attitudes is unrealistic.
52. The course will appeal to advanced level students interested in pursuing conceptual issues about the nature and preconditions of politics.
53. Each of them, however,[http:///conceptual.html] raises certain basic requirements of a conceptual and empirical kind.
54. The managers also relied heavily upon experiences that had provided opportunities to develop human and conceptual skills.
55. That is to say that conceptual profundity must be balanced by clarity of content and simplicity of form.
56. For, like tribal art, the Cubism of Picasso and Braque was to be essentially conceptual.
57. A descriptive sociology requires a sensitizing of oneself to the social phenomena described whatever may be their nature or conceptual complexity.
58. There are other conceptual similarities between network analysis and linguistic analysis.
59. Such a perception was to lead to a new kind of paradigm or conceptual map.
60. Some key conceptual and empirical questions that you might consider in assessing the validity of each approach are listed below.
61. If properly appreciated, and seen as instruction, the empirical can be used to assess theoretical and conceptual formulations.
62. The aim is to maximise the number of solved problems while minimizing the number of conceptual problems and anomalies.
63. In 1975 he taught a great deal and wrote a conceptual study book for the drums.
64. To provide a focus, Section 11. 4 describes three conceptual approaches to oil boiler conversion to gas-coal burning.
65. It provides a conceptual setting for what follows in the succeeding chapters.
66. It appears unduly insistent on the primacy of certain conceptual connections between cognition and language.
67. Geophysical and geological interpretation, conceptual engineering design, reservoir simulation and environmental screening studies have been completed on the field.
68. Another consideration is whether conceptual distinctions and classifications in family and marriage sociology are appropriate to a female perspective.
69. The conceptual problem is that of interpreting the effects of localized stimulation in a system that probably deals with patterns of input.
70. It can aim for their assimilation and the development of conceptual understanding of the more strategic skills.
71. As we have discussed, there is now available a conceptual framework for adequately understanding the changing nature of contemporary civil society.
72. Consequently the complete criminal lawyer is no narrow expositor of black-letter legal rules and exhaustive conceptual analyses.
73. Yet the strengthening of autonomy creates practical and conceptual difficulties of control and the transmission of state objectives.
74. Ironically, a formal process of strategic planning often does more to inhibit than to enhance innovative conceptual thinking ....
75. Both theoretical and practical problems exist in fashioning out conceptual frameworks for the development of the continent.
76. Armies massed on both sides of this conceptual Maginot Line.
77. Dressing up, role playing and masquerade form the conceptual basis of Kahlo's work.
78. In addition there is the conceptual difficulty of defining clients for some services such as the police or highways.
79. This stage is characterized by the development of language and other forms of representation and rapid conceptual development.
80. The separation of strategies into generic versions is a useful conceptual device, even if such strategies become intertwined in practice.
81. Conceptual clustering involves more detailed analysis of relationships between traits.
82. We must now turn our attention to this general conceptual background itself.
83. But it is in developing a coherent conceptual framework for such discussion that the book is least successful.
84. First,[http:///conceptual.html] it makes a detailed analysis of the conceptual understanding of the teaching and learning of the subject within the institution.
85. A good conceptual clusterer is one which finds a succinct meaningful hierarchy of succinct definitions of meaningful concepts.
86. Further work is needed at the conceptual level in this area to determine the exact nature of the constraints required.
87. Enthusiasm, however, is no substitute for conceptual clarity and agreement on objectives.
88. How we view power directions is often a function of the conceptual model that we use to understand behavior in organizations.
89. Most of the conceptual distinctions which have been used to narrow the scope of such protection have been applied to them.
90. Let us just say that we are dealing with pure conceptual models of types of social action.
91. The second kind has to do with the conceptual coherence of the theory that the empirical investigation is designed to support.
92. A number of models exist which can help to develop a conceptual framework to explain motivation at work.
93. Usually, conceptual clusterers employ the natural hierarchy of predicates directly, and make no mention of a metric.
94. However, increased use is being seriously inhibited by technical and conceptual difficulties.
95. There are discernible cases of the Presocratics being influenced by conceptual frameworks, but they are not scientific frameworks.
96. They are entirely independent of minds, theory, conceptual schemes, the statements which state them, and so on.
97. The child's actions on the material world also provide a stimulus for conceptual development.
98. Does the whole conceptual perspective of the Monitor theory narrow down to a focus on filling in the blanks?
99. But it has been seen that Picasso was also attracted to tribal sculpture because he admired its conceptual quality.
100. My last recommendation gave them the biggest conceptual problems of all.
101. This shifted the conceptual focus away from needs as defined in relation to the child's handicap towards educational needs arising from learning difficulties.
102. The systemic requirements of the conceptual model were also considered.
103. There is a way of proceeding in conceptual matters whose method is to define away any inconvenient difficulty.
104. Their conceptual framework is based on two central questions: What functions must be performed if the state is to persist?
105. But in some ways,[] the students' technical skills have raced ahead of conceptual understanding.
106. As opposed to Western art, tribal art is more conceptual, much less conditioned by visual appearances.
107. Our culture needs more right-brain qualities, needs to be more intuitive, conceptual, synthesizing, and artistic.
108. The crucial point is that such expressions should be warranted by conceptual and communicative purposes recognized as having point in classroom activity.
109. Any theory of an open shop trade union must deal with the following conceptual problem.
110. The conceptual or lexical meaning is sufficient for its indexical purpose on this occasion.
111. This, in turn, requires more significant technical and conceptual changes, which take more planning time in order to build consensus.
112. Related Occupations Construction managers participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, and implementation.
113. Students often find it difficult to move from the approach and conceptual basis of one subject to the other.
114. At first sight, much of this conceptual art seemed either flip or overly theoretical.
115. By exploiting features of the standard language, the contrasting conceptual systems of the people and readers are constantly juxtaposed.
116. When conceptual distinctions are expressed in language they are referred to as semantic relations.
117. The thematic stage may be defined as the conceptual framework within which the story is told, presented and performed.
118. The first-resolution conceptual model shown in Fig 11.5 was then constructed from this root definition.
119. The answer is that there is an interdependence between conceptual and normative argument.
120. Apollinaire and Hourcade added that this conceptual or intellectual approach led naturally to a selection of simple geometric forms.
121. Consent, which lies at the root of self-determination, should be the conceptual mechanism whereby the right is guaranteed and safeguarded.
122. It was necessary for him to transcend the terms of the old conceptual system by developing a new one.
123. Against the first objection, I hope to show in this chapter that the conceptual distinction is far from mere pedantry.
124. The conceptual framework it has produced is particularly pertinent to the discussion here.
125. Whereas conceptual art chooses to break the link between art and craft, it is this link that any painting re-enacts.
126. After discussions with the client, a neutral viewpoint is selected as the basis for a root definition and conceptual model.
127. Can similar considerations be applied to the reality or the unreality, in their effect, of the objects of conceptual belief?
128. Have I had the kinds of experiences that give conceptual and interpersonal skills?
129. Lakoff and several others in his field have demonstrated, how-ever, that nearly all conceptual and abstract thought is structured metaphorically.
130. I should like to pursue this argument through the use of Benjamin's conceptual framework in the analysis of postmodernist cultural forms.
131. His conceptual approach to problems and decision-making is supported, mostly positively, by a superior general intellect.
132. The conceptual distinction between primary and secondary clues made this much clearer than it would otherwise have been.
133. Is not that a confusion of conceptual analysis and normative argument?
134. Early sensorimotor development is the foundation on which later conceptual development is built.
135. In such a situation, further collection of data may be pointless in the absence of any fresh conceptual insight.
136. At this point, we might step back and attempt some conceptual clarification from other angles.
137. Conceptual factors are those which limit our ability to draw conclusions from experiments, even if they are technically perfect.
138. Figure 4 offers a conceptual view of this solution.
139. There seemed little conceptual alternative.
140. She then explained some of the conceptual knowledge.
141. a conceptual framework within which children's needs are assessed.
142. Escalation has conceptual affinities with bargaining theory.
143. Loss of information through transformation or conceptual mismatch.
144. The forth chapter"Counterplea of Product Defect"is the complement of conceptual standards for determining defectiveness, which is an important part of product defect legal system.
145. Starting with setting forth the theories of conceptual change, it elucidates that declarative knowledge supports conceptual change.
146. Much of this conceptual material will become invalid as our knowledge of cardiac function advances.
147. Conceptual design of the hydrogen system of cold neutron source (CNS) in China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) was proposed, and feasibility test was carried out.
148. That realizes the quick index of the similar case of the deceleration machine conceptual product.
149. In this paper , for a analysis to conceptual comprehension of grown-up college, extent of teaching evaluation and structure of first and second rating indicatrix system.
150. Using the methods of natural classifying and multi-dimensional scale, this paper probed into the conceptual structure of kinship words of Naxi nationality.
151. I'll take a deeper look at each of these tasks at the conceptual level before exploring their implementations in Mahout.
152. Basically, I am trying to share with you all I have, currently, in my attempt to learn and master the conceptual help support in Sandcastle .
153. NORG's Bohemian two third length, roman period cobber buttons, sophisticated cutting, light and thin material. It is a great conceptual design for the warming climates.
154. Figure 11 shows the conceptual structure of TPS, sometimes called "TPS House".
155. Your text outlines a conceptual view of how data are organized in information systems.
156. According to the conceptual model of high-level radioactive waste geological disposal repository, thermal conductivity equipment of compacted bentonite block is designed for teaching and research.
157. Figure 3 shows a conceptual view of the base tables for the address relationship described in Example 1.
158. Angeline: Actually, this is a conceptual album, incorporating the flavours of the Middle East and Love. Also, because of this album, we've increased our knowledge of the River Nile.
159. Allan Snyder and John Mitchell of the Centre for the Mind in Canberra , Australia, argue that savant brain processes occur in each of us but are overwhelmed by more sophisticated conceptual cognition.
160. Challenging and critically analyzing the authority and the mainstream opinions has remained the engine that empowers artistic creation since Dadaism and the conceptual art movement.
161. The result is a new conceptual framework for the analysis of customer satisfaction in retailing.
162. CLO consists of a series of ALOs and CLOs, it represents the course conceptual structure and the relationship between knowledge points.
163. Words have sociocultural meaning as well as denotative or conceptual meaning.
164. NET Entity Framework uses a DSL called conceptual schema definition language ( CSDL ) to define conceptual models.
165. Besides, composition, completion, and elaboration as three cognitive processes of conceptual integration theory are also used in the analysis of synaesthetic metaphor.
166. BlastX is used to compare the conceptual translations of a DNA sequence against a protein sequence database.
167. A favorite quote of mine is from p. 250: "As always, if you propose to build something, make sure it has some conceptual integrity--it should not be merely a collection of unrelated "features".
168. Reasoning algorithm based on polychromatic sets theory for conceptual design of mechanical products is brought forward.
169. Conceptual alarm clock based on digital paper. To switch the alarm off, just scrunch it up.
170. It also makes his brand distinctively conceptual and lends more mystique to his name.
171. Conceptual design is an indispensable stage in fixture design automation. It is also a bottleneck problem.
172. Section II provides a conceptual framework of financing - motivated mergers and acquisitions under financial repression.
173. The conceptual data model defines the major business entities, generalizations of those entities,[ ] and relationships between the entities.
174. Structural metaphor is a mapping from one conceptual structure to another.
175. Man has discovered a remarkably simple conceptual model with which to characterize matter.
176. The non-instrumental feature of language is the cause of different expressions in the "sayable" and "unsayahle" facts as well as the conceptual and non-fine discrimination of expressions.
177. Chapters 3, 9, and 10 discuss conceptual - level design principles.
178. The decrease in the Chinese fertility rate has both its substantial space:scale space, structure space, policy space and comparison space, and its conceptual space.
179. By contrasting advantage and disadvantage to knowledge representation, Conceptual Dependency (CD) theory and Production System was chosen as a method of knowledge representation.
180. This conceptual data model is the basis for both current and future phases of data warehouse development.
181. It'sounded uncharacteristically complicated and conceptual for a Soviet opening position.
182. However, in accordance with the conceptual structure of the DOC verbs, two objects in DOC show a different degree of salience. This difference is more a matter of semantics than syntax.
183. The functionalist model of industrial society was subjected to conceptual criticism.
184. Project name: International Consultancy of Conceptual Planning of Qianhai Region.
185. In fact, both of these limiting conditions are more conceptual idealizations than actual physical realities.
186. Finally, the prototype software of computer - aided conceptual design for the vibration isolation system is developed.
187. Continuous change leads to software rot, which erodes the conceptual integrity of the original design.
188. Modern Chinese paintings strive to visual and conceptual knowledge, which shows the compromise with the depth of feeling, also must conform to the picture plane.
189. Waterfall model, prototyping model and fountain modal were concluded based on current development of conceptual design process.
190. The thesis aims to interpret the phenomenon of synaesthetic metaphor by using the theory of conceptual integration.
191. Only conceptual rewording has proved to be useful for improving children's performance, especially among younger children and for difficult problems.
192. This led to an overestimation of what conceptual thinking could contribute to practical life.
193. Using the methods of natural classifying and matched-words semantic decision,() the pa- per further probed into the conceptual structure of Chinese kinship words.
194. Collect a good, long list of the fields, and then proceed to the next phase, the conceptual schema, in which you define the concepts of the system.
195. Today biology, chemistry, geology, physics, and astronomy all use the same conceptual organization of matter.
196. Among the three conceptual design of Auto - gate, which one do you prefer most?
197. Then, based on these three strategies, the conceptual scheme general cost calculating model is set up, and the model algorithm is given.
198. This approach is based on designing a set of Java classes in the Eclipse IDE that define a conceptual relational network through the object model they represent.
199. After the conceptual schema comes the logical schema -- the data model that defines the concepts with greater detail and shows the relationships between the entities.
200. For each CompositeData, an Entity model element is also created in order to capture conceptual entity-relationship models.
201. The micro / macro distinction is also important with respect to the conceptual origin of behavioral relations.
202. A conceptual design and cost study was made by TVA for EPA in 1968.
203. A pyramid provides a useful conceptual model for organizing scientific knowledge.
204. The distances between the bony landmarks and joint line are also measured. The results of this study suggest that 3D conceptual measurement can reduce the errors from 2D images measurement.
205. Conceptual knowledge base includes two categories of knowledge elements, i. e. subject-related concepts and semantic relations among concepts.
206. We possessed neither the conceptual nor the historical framework for so cold - blooded a policy.
207. The complicated system maybe represented by a simplified conceptual model.
208. Then both conceptual insight and generic design methodology of the digital enhancement technique are systematically discussed.
209. Even correctly computed results are developed from a conceptual model and not from reality itself.
210. The revenues from public services are self - explanatory and raise few conceptual problems.




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