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单词 fine-tune
释义  ˌfine-ˈtune verb [transitive]  IMPROVEto make very small changes to something such as a machine, system, or plan, so that it works as well as possible 对〔机器、系统、计划等〕进行微调,精密调节 Over the next few days, we fine-tuned the scheme and made some useful improvements. 接下来的几天,我们对计划进行微调,作了些有益的改进。 —fine tuning noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfine-tune• The natural gas industry continues to fine-tune its structure and business strategies.• The election campaign had to be constantly fine-tuned so that the right message got across.• You've established the general direction you want to go in, now you need to fine-tune your plans.ˌfine-ˈtune verbChineseSyllable  something Corpus changes to small make to very




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