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单词 figure
释义  Related topics: Numbers, Finance, Human, Maths, Visual, Newspapers, printing, publishing, Other sports, Painting and drawing, Statisticsfig·ure1 /ˈfɪɡə $ ˈfɪɡjər/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  number 数字 a) HMN[usually plural] a number representing an amount, especially an official number 〔尤指官方公布的〕数据,数字unemployment/sales/trade figures Ohio’s unemployment figures for December 俄亥俄州12月份的就业数字 Government figures underestimate the problem. 政府的数据对这一问题反映不足。 It’s about 30,000 in round figures (=to the nearest 10,20,100 etc). 凑个整数大约是三万。 b) HMNa number from 0 to 9, written as a character rather than a word 〔从0到9的〕数字符号,位数 the figure ‘2’ 数字2 executives with salaries in six figures (=more than £99,999) 薪资达六位数的管理人员a four/five/six figure number (=a number in the thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands etc) 四位数/五位数/六位数 → double figures, single figures2  amount of money 钱的数目BF a particular amount of money 金额figure of an estimated figure of $200 million 估计为两亿美元的金额3  person 人 a) someone who is important or famous in some way 〔重要的或有名的〕人物,人士a leading/key/central figure Several leading figures resigned from the party. 数位重要人物退出了该党。 the outstanding political figure of his time 他那个时代杰出的政治人物 b) someone with a particular type of appearance or character, especially when they are far away or difficult to see 身影,人影 a tall figure in a hat 一个戴帽子的高个子身影 Through the window I could see the commanding figure of Mrs Bradshaw. 透过窗户,我看到了布拉德肖太太威严的身影。 → cult figure at cult24  woman’s body 女性的身体HBH the shape of a woman’s body 〔女性的〕体形,身材,身段 She has a good figure. 她身材很好。keep/lose your figure (=stay thin or become fat) 保持/破坏身材 Most women have to watch their figure (=be careful not to get fat). 大多数女性不得不注意保持身材。5. father/mother/authority figure MPsomeone who is considered to be like a father etc, or to represent authority, because of their character or behaviour 父亲/母亲/权威者形象6  figures [plural] British English the activity of adding, multiplying etc numbers 计算,算术 SYN arithmetic a natural ability with figures 算术天赋have a head for figures (=be good at arithmetic) 有算术头脑7  HMmathematical shape 数学中的图形 a geometric shape 几何图形,几何形状 A hexagon is a six-sided figure. 六边形是一种有六条边的几何图形。8  painting/model 绘画/模型AV a person in a painting or a model of a person 〔绘画或模型中的〕人像,人形 the figure in the background 背景中的人物 → figurine9. drawing 图TCN (written abbreviation fig.) a numbered drawing or a diagram in a book 〔书中有编号的〕图,图表10  put a figure on it/give an exact figure VALUEto say exactly how much something is worth, or how much or how many of something you are talking about 准确说出价值 [数量] It’s worth a lot but I couldn’t put a figure on it. 这东西值很多钱,但是我说不出具体数字。11. a fine figure of a man/woman HBHsomeone who is tall and has a good body 身材好的男子/女子12. a figure of fun STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEsomeone who people laugh at 被嘲笑的人13. on ice 在冰场上DSO a pattern or movement in figure skating 〔花样滑冰中的〕花样n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + figurehigh/lowThe figures are worryingly high.sales figuresWe exceeded our target sales figures.unemployment figuresThere have been changes in the way the unemployment figures are figures (=showing the value of a country's exports compared to imports)Trade figures showed a slump last month.government figures (=figures produced by the government)Government figures suggest a moderate recovery in consumer spending.official figuresAccording to official figures, two million houses in England are inadequately heated.the latest figuresThe latest figures show that crimes are down by 0.2 percent.the exact figureThe government was unable to give the exact figure for the number of foreign workers in the approximate/rough figureHe gave us an approximate figure for the cost of the repairs.a ballpark figure informal (=one that is not exact)Can you give me a ballpark figure of the likely price?verbsreach double/six etc figures (=be 10 or more/100,000 or more etc)The death toll in the region has reached five figures.add up the figuresI must have made a mistake when I added up the figures.release the figures (=make them public)The company will release the sales figures later this week.phrasesin single figures (=less than 10)Women heads of department are in single double figures (=between 10 and 99)Only two of the group had scores in double figures. in round figures (=to the nearest 10,20,100 etc)In round figures, about 20 million people emigrated from Europe during that period.according to the figuresAccording to official figures, exam results have improved again this year.a four/five/six etc figure number (=a number in the thousands/ten thousands/hundred thousands etc)Choose a four figure number that you can easily remember.Examples from the Corpusfigure• Now, the. 78 figure might seem pretty good if one did not know two crucial facts about the study.• a figure in a red robe• Freddy's bent figure limped in front of him.• Dark figures emerged from the building, and disappeared into the night.• Ohio's employment figures for December are not available.• That means a commitment to every figure in it, a commitment to taking a risk to achieve the budgeted outputs.• But for the writers and early translators of the Gospels, it was a very precise term, denoting a very exact figure.• Inflation in Japan is around 3%, while the German figure is now over 4%.• Government figures published today show that unemployment is rising again.• She eats enormous meals but still manages to keep her figure.• Susie wore a close-fitting black dress which made the most of her figure.• On a cheque, write the amount in words and in figures.• a rare 16th century Japanese figure• The motionless figures ap-peared determined still to make the leap to the playground.• Add up that row of figures, and transfer the full amount to the top of the next page.• The Gingrich investigation is hardly the first time Cole has taken on highly placed public figures.• Retailers are reporting their November sales figures today.• sales figures• Ali was one of the great sports figures of this century.• Caroline really has a terrific figure.• By the age of retirement that figure will increase to one in every five.• ""We need $30,000 to get the project started.'' ""How close are you to that figure?''• She turned slowly and looked at the figure in the chair.• He offered to buy the team for the figure of $140 million.• I saw the figure of a woman below the bridge.• The figures were recently released by the magazine.• A comparison of the two figures shows the estimated profit on investment.• Exercise and a sensible diet will help you get your figure back after having a round figures• Estimates for the delay, given in round figures, ranged from two to eight hours.• The LibDems, in round figures, had 45 percent, Conservatives 25 percent and Labour 17.• That's five and a half hours at a bit under two knots - say ten miles in round figures.political figure• Produced news reports have shifted from focusing on the words of candidates and political figures to concentrating on their images and actions.• His legal responsibilities for issues such as extradition have also brought him into contact with senior legal and political figures in Ireland.• Mr Heseltine was one of the most colourful political figures of the past 30 years.• Sportsmen, journalists, newspaper photographers and local political figures were among the many walking in the cortege.• He has not yet found a running mate, although he has approached several minor political figures.• He is arguably the third most powerful political figure in the state, after Gov.• He returned to his contact lists, abandoning the military personnel and concentrating upon purely political figures.• The political figure who has tried the hardest to harness this newfound enthusiasm is Pat ... figure• Alida watched her black figure, stiff as a crow, from the window.• At first there seemed to be nothing there, but as he watched the figure of a man emerged.• I nodded my head, watching the shadowed figures gesturing, belching in hunger, nodding heads, tippling bottles.• Marian watched the tall figure in grey disappear through the trees.• It seemed like she wasn't really watching the figures on telly though.• Lindsey stifled a sigh as she watched his retreating figure.figure2 ●●● S1 W3 verb  1  [intransitive]IMPORTANT to be an important part of a process, event, or situation, or to be included in something (以重要地位)出现figure in/among Social issues figured prominently in the talks. 社会问题是会谈的重点。 My wishes didn’t figure among his considerations. 我的愿望不在他的考虑之中。 Reform now figures high on the agenda. 眼下,改革是当务之急。2  [transitive] informalTHINK/HAVE THE OPINION THAT to form a particular opinion after thinking about a situation 〔经过考虑后〕认为,以为figure (that) From the way he behaved, I figured that he was drunk. 从他的行为来看,我认为他醉了。 It was worth the trouble, I figured. 我认为这点麻烦值得。3  that figures/(it) figures spoken especially American English a) EXPECTused to say that something that happens is expected or typical, especially something bad 〔尤指不好的事〕在意料之中,早就料到了 ‘It rained the whole weekend.’ ‘Oh, that figures.’ “整个周末都在下雨。”“噢,早料到了。” b) LOGICALused to say that something is reasonable or makes sense 这有道理,这合乎情理 It figures that she’d be mad at you, after what you did. 你那么做,她对你发火是在情理之中的。4  go figure American English spoken said to show that you think something is strange or difficult to explain 这就怪了 〔表示认为某事奇怪或难以解释〕 ‘He didn’t even leave a message.’ ‘Go figure.’ “他甚至没有留个口信。”“这就怪了。”5  [transitive] American EnglishCOUNT/CALCULATE to calculate an amount 计算 SYN work out I’m just figuring my expenses. 我正在计算自己的开支。6 figure on something phrasal verb informal especially American English to expect something or include it in your plans 预料到;计划,打算 She was younger than any of us had figured on. 她比我们大家想的都年轻。7 figure somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb a) to think about a problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has happened 弄懂,搞清楚 SYN work outfigure out how/what/why etc Can you figure out how to do it? 你能想出来怎么做吗? If I have a map, I can figure it out. 要是我有地图的话就能弄明白了。 Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out (=find a way to solve the problem). 别担心,我们会找到办法解决的。b) UNDERSTANDto understand why someone behaves in the way they do 弄明白,理解〔某人〕 SYN work out Women. I just can’t figure them out. 女人,我就是弄不懂她们。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfigure• Destiny will figure further down Olivetti's range, on personal computers and the M700.• The operation went fine, and they figure he'll be home next week.• What do you figure his chances of winning are?• You haven't figured it out yet?• She was younger and prettier than any of us' d figured on.• We had their offense and defense figured out exceptionally well.• He needs to sit down and figure out how many people are coming.• The dwarfs were devastated, because they could not figure out how to save Snow White this time.• So they're up there in the cashiers' office trying to figure out where all the money's coming from.• Lott figured prominently in the Chiefs' win last night.• There has been criticism about the current method for figuring social security retirement benefits.• The Reichmanns figured that if New York went out of business the world would go with it.• I figured we had as much right to vote for old crooks as new ones.• I'm telling you because I figure you're the only one who can keep a secret.figured prominently• New technology figured prominently as participants found ways of matching regional information and research needs with fast-paced advances in computer technology.• Strategy never figured prominently except in the most generalized way.• Housing Programmes Housing has not figured prominently in inner-urban policy.• They had all figured prominently in the election manifesto of the Labour party at the time.• Luca Cumani's well-related filly figured prominently until fading in the closing stages.figure (that)• A neat example of a sinusoidal oscillator is the Wien bridge oscillator shown in figure 10.13.• Every region reported a decline when compared to April's figures.• Harrick figured if he could do it in six, he could do it in 4. 8.• A few figures in battle-dress were walking round the perimeter.• One of the tasks facing all freshmen is to figure out ways to counter this loneliness.• Reserves and production figures quoted in this annual report are on a working interest basis unless otherwise stated.• I buy the pie shell because I figure that's easier than making it.• Some figure the King would appreciate the tribute.• Jasper built things more or less by figuring them out.From Longman Business Dictionaryfigurefig‧ure1 /ˈfɪgəˈfɪgjər/ noun1figures [plural] a number representing an amount, especially an officially published numberI need this week’s sales figures.These are the worst unemployment figures in three years.Poor trade figures rattled the market.February figures showed growth in lending had slowed to 5.5%. → listening figures2[countable]ACCOUNTING a number written as a sign rather than a wordIn management reports, it is often worth adding up the columns of figures that are presented.3double figures numbers between 10 and 99Their economy is a mess with inflation well into double figures.4six-figure/seven-figure etc a number in the hundred thousands, millions etc, often used to talk about someone’s incomeWhat’s the point of a six-figure salary with no time to enjoy it?5[countable] a particular amount of moneyThe event raised $200,000 for charity, and this is not the final figure. (=the amount that will be obtained in the end)6put a figure on something to say exactly how much something costs, is worth etcPolice are waiting to hear from the accountants before they can put an exact figure on the amount missing.7[countable] written abbreviation fig a numbered drawing or DIAGRAM in a bookFigure 3.1 shows the important position of planning in the decision-making process.figurefigure2 verb1[transitive] American English informal to calculate an amountDid you figure your expenses for last month yet?2[intransitive] to be involved in an important part of an activity, process, or situationfigure inA number of top British companies all figure in his career background.→ See Verb tableOrigin figure1 (1200-1300) French Latin figura, from fingere “to shape, make”fig·ure1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1figure2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  especially official a amount, an an representing number number Business Corpus




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