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单词 fifty-fifty
释义  ˌfifty-ˈfifty adverb, adjective spoken  1  EQUALif you divide something fifty-fifty, you divide it equally between two people, companies etc 〔双方〕平分(的);对半(的)divide/split/share something fifty-fifty The companies split the profits fifty-fifty. 两家公司平分利润。 We’ll share it on a fifty-fifty basis. 我们可以对半分。go fifty-fifty (on something) (=share the cost of something equally) 平摊(某物的)费用 We went fifty-fifty on a new TV set. 我们各出一半钱买了台新电视机。2  UNCERTAINif there is a fifty-fifty chance of something happening, it is as equally likely to happen as not to happen 〔可能性〕百分之五十(的) SYN equal a fifty-fifty chance of winning 百分之五十的胜率Examples from the Corpusa fifty-fifty chance• At least they stand a fifty-fifty chance of fighting if they go stupid.• He says he had a fifty-fifty chance of surviving the operation but it was better than no odds at all.• For two siblings there is a fifty-fifty chance that it will share one of its genes.From Longman Business Dictionaryfifty-fiftyˌfifty-ˈfifty adjective1divided or shared equally between two people, companies etcIt was suggested that they continue the development on a fifty-fifty cost-sharing basis. —fifty-fifty adverbWe decided to split the costs fifty-fifty.2having an equal chance of happening in one of two waysYou have a fifty-fifty chance of winning.ˌfifty-ˈfifty adverbChineseSyllable  something Corpus Business if you divide you divide fifty-fifty,




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