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单词 Properties
1. Each manager had responsibility for just under 600 properties.
2. The company's properties have been revalued.
3. Mercury was believed to possess magical properties.
4. The upkeep of larger old properties is very expensive.
5. Garlic is believed to have medicinal properties .
6. Old properties in the town have acquired a scarcity value.
7. Compare the physical properties of the two substances.
8. According to local lore, the water has healing properties.
9. These properties are considered especially suitable for older people.
10. The most desirable properties necessarily command astonishingly high prices.
11. Magical properties are sometimes claimed for certain medicines.
12. Essential oils have powerful antiseptic properties.
13. A fence divides the two properties.
14. Most of these properties are owner-occupied.
15. Several properties in this street are for sale.
16. The berries are prized for their healing properties.
17. Local people ascribe healing properties to this fruit.
18. The chemical properties of coal are still incompletely understood.
19. Many plants have medicinal properties.
20. These plants have medicinal properties.
21. Almond oil is renowned for its soothing,() emollient properties.
22. A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties.
23. Michael Owen is already one of soccer's hottest properties .
24. He buys up run-down properties, fixes them up and resells them.
25. The medicinal properties of the leaves of this tree have been known for centuries.
26. One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.
27. There are a lot of empty properties in the area.
28. She was responsible for buying the properties for the television series.
29. Upon his demise the duke's house and other properties passed to his son.
30. The agent had no suitable properties on his books but promised to keep an ear to the ground for us.
1. Each manager had responsibility for just under 600 properties.
2. The company's properties have been revalued.
3. Mercury was believed to possess magical properties.
4. The upkeep of larger old properties is very expensive.
5. Garlic is believed to have medicinal properties .
6. Old properties in the town have acquired a scarcity value.
7. Magical properties are sometimes claimed for certain medicines.
8. Several properties in this street are for sale.
9. These plants have medicinal properties.
31. Belief in the magical properties of this herb persisted down the centuries.
32. Many of the properties are in a desperate state but none is too far gone to save.
33. It is said that the spring water has medicinal properties.
34. Scientists claim to have identified natural substances with cancer-combating properties.
35. Some plunderers pirated the passengers' properties on the high seas.
36. After valuation, properties will be banded in groups of £20,000 or more.
37. The report failed to mention that most of the landowners do not live on their properties.
38. We value herbs for their taste, but we forget that they also have medicinal properties.
39. Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.
40. He owns a number of properties in the centre of London.
41. Resort Properties officials did not return phone calls.
42. But others are totally unexpected-another example of emergent properties.
43. Also, like most emergent properties, wear is communication.
44. These are the underlying determinants of the other properties.
45. But properties in bands C-H would face higher charges.
46. In 1986, about 1.78million properties worth £73billion changed hands.
47. Its unamplified acoustic properties are really quite surprising.
48. The brief period of electrical stimulation of the hippocampal cells had seemingly permanently altered their electrical properties.
49. The relationship between bonding and properties was discussed in chapter 2.
50. Most shaving products now contain moisturising properties but for the really sensitive man, Wilkinson have formulated Skin Solutions.
51. But, because of the statistical properties of the normal curve of distribution, they do have a large effect at the extremes.
52. Pointing at the object and pressing the right mouse button displays each object's properties.
53. Karevoll said many sellers sell properties at a loss, because they can buy a higher-priced property at a discount.
54. It allows organisms to protect their essential dynamical properties in the face of environmental changes by varying less essential dynamical properties.
55. About 600 people work on Unocal properties in the state, with most concentrated in the Central and Southern California areas.
56. The colligative properties are boiling point, freezing point, osmotic pressure, and vapor pressure.
57. The reducing properties of monosaccharides are attributable to the presence of a free aldehyde or ketone group.
58. However, sentences also exhibit meaning properties and relations that words and phrases lack.
59. The recession has cut the number of Thames's commercial customers and has virtually killed off profits from selling redundant properties.
60. Because of these shortages, much research has been undertaken to produce a fat with cocoa butter properties.
61. Never use aluminium as poisonous seepage will react with the plant alkaloids and its vitamin content, thus damaging the therapeutic properties.
62. The properties of meteorites tell us an enormous amount about the properties of asteroids.
63. Investment in commercial properties in enterprise zones within 10 years of the creation of the zone attracts 100% initial allowance.
64. The US$373,000,000 Tethered Satellite System was designed to be pulled through space to investigate the electrical properties of the upper atmosphere.
65. The main problem is the dead hand of local authorities, which keep tens of thousands of properties empty.
66. Even the computer biomorphs, with their nine genes, had emergent properties.
67. You will be telephoned, if you are agreeable, with details of properties just received on to the market.
68. The density and elastic properties of rock are both important in affecting the passage of seismic waves.
69. The method consists in extrapolating from concrete relations those properties which can be directly subsumed under these higher order abstractions.
70. Object properties, once set, can be redefined simply by re-clicking the right mouse button.
71. The response to this is that intentionality and consciousness are emergent properties of physical systems.
72. Paclitaxel's anti-cancer properties were discovered in the late Sixties, as part of a programme sponsored by the National Cancer Institute.
73. These old properties represent an age when craftsmanship in building reached an art form.
74. The duty only applies in respect of dwellings and does not apply to commercial or industrial properties.
75. Geranium though was obviously a good choice because of its diuretic properties - and bergamot for its cheerful and uplifting aroma.
76. Corporations involved in the escalating race to acquire media properties seek not only expanded profitability but also increasing influence.
77. Secondly(), we shall need to contemplate the various options available for disposing of the company's properties.
78. Through their properties of adherence to vascular or foreign surfaces and their aggregation with other platelets they can initiate haemostasis.
79. Returns on bank and building society deposits have crashed to 3%-4% and shares and properties are now a viable alternative investment.
80. Here too, surface coatings that modify interfacial properties are needed for more reliable operation in the liquid phase.
81. The idea behind the ion motor is to make use of the electrical properties of ionized atoms.
82. They also allow us to see whether stone with special properties was transported over greater distances.
83. It differentiates between solid and space and calculates solid properties with out any need for extra information.
84. The £2.1 million community facilities are to be provided by site developers Countryside Properties.
85. We will continue our programme of Large Scale Voluntary Transfer of council properties to housing associations.
86. Leasehold properties - flats in particular are often leasehold, involving detailed terms and conditions which a solicitor will check.
87. In that way housing associations could immediately buy up many of the surplus properties that are currently available on the housing market.
88. A substantial part of the literature has been concerned with the properties of steady-state or balanced growth.
89. The second question concerning the goals of a semantic theory is(), How should the theory handle these semantic properties and relations?
90. As well as these weather-resisting advantages, the cavity wall has greater sound and thermal insulating properties and a greater resistance to overturning.
91. For one thing, they show a concern for the dietary, and possibly healing, properties of growing things.
92. Once computer interfaces are built to show lifelike properties, many people will ascribe life to them.
93. Sime Darby, a conglomerate with interests in manufacturing, plantations and properties, is the sixth biggest.
94. But some symbols acquire their additional semantic properties from some characteristic they have as actions or things.
95. The new device, called a quiteron, exploits the strange properties that some substances develop at very low temperatures.
96. Perlite: A volcanic material like vermiculite and with many of the same properties. When dry it is easily blown around.
97. Finally, some explanation could be given for the long-known facts of the external appearance of crystals and their properties.
98. The bottom band might include properties falling 50 percent below the national average, the top band those more than twice the average.
99. The technique makes use of the properties that water develops when heated to high temperatures at high atmospheric pressures.
100. That can only be the case if these properties already include some dispositional properties, some properties to act in certain ways.
101. Valmark guaranteed the loan with its three commercial properties in Chatsworth, which carried a value of $ 2. 2 million.
102. The Government must discontinue their stupid propaganda about empty properties and do something about them.
103. Some of the 1-cyclopropyl-quinolone-carboxylic acid derivatives exhibited particularly interesting microbiological properties.
104. Unless you charge a fortune in rent, it follows that rental yields tend to be lower on more expensive properties.
105. The majority of the procedures themselves and of the theoretical results describing their properties rest on certain assumptions.http:///properties.html
106. Here, when the relevant act of bankruptcy occurred, Mr. Dennis was a beneficial joint tenant of the two properties.
107. Will those householders whose properties are valued through the use of aerial photographs be informed of that?
108. Rights were acquired in literary properties that would never be filmed.
109. They weld together mineral grains of radically different compositions and properties, rendering most techniques of mineral separation and enrichment ineffectual.
110. After all, Macbride had shown that carbonated water prevented putrefaction and had antiseptic properties.
111. Excellent progress was made in disposing of properties in Arizona when the market was considerably more bullish.
112. Use a checklist when visiting properties to buy, so that you keep a record of which features you liked and didn't like.
113. The proposal calls for easing land-use restrictions and establishing a road-financing plan so sparsely used properties can be turned into thriving enterprises.
114. In structuralism, these formal properties are taken at a relatively abstract level.
115. Another useful feature is the price guide to London properties that tells you at a glance where you can afford to buy.
116. The theorem is applicable to polygons whose constituent triangles share the above properties.
117. It is now believed that the peculiar properties of water are due to what is known as hydrogen bonding.
118. The office-vacancy rate in the Makati central commercial district is just 5%, and properties there yield nearly 10%.
119. Trials are currently being carried out in 12 areas involving 62,000 properties to assess its effects.
120. Cottage Holidays has a 92-page brochure with drawings and descriptions of properties.
121. As in the case of any musical instrument, the actual form of each grotto directly influenced its individual acoustic properties.
122. Attribute data relate to the properties of the points, lines and polygons that are stored in the cartographic database.
123. Other, more subtle differences show up in the symmetry properties of weak and electromagnetic interactions.
124. These two properties provide a most important development within the Region, albeit that they are very different in their aims.
125. A lot of the materials they use are quite complicated and do not have easy-to model properties.
126. Effective measurement requires detailed knowledge of the properties of phenomena which are to be reflected or mapped on to some mathematical system.
127. You have to present a case based upon comparison with similar properties in the same area.
128. Several thousand minerals can be distinguished, each defined by its own set of properties.
129. Like many other historic properties, Hackfall belonged to an owner who reputedly would never sell.
130. Here, the electrical properties of cells must have become important.
131. Vitamin A and its metabolites appear to have potent antioxidant properties.
132. The ceiling is closed up with varnished boards which renders the acoustic properties excellent.
133. But although he now runs a hotel chain with 160 properties in 47 countries, he has never actually managed a hotel.
134. Pavilions of Splendour is the brainchild of Gwyn Headley who says the idea was born from a growing demand for unusual properties.
135. Its good insulating properties mean that the young emerging plants in the spring are saved from the worst of the biting cold.
136. Currently,(http:///properties.html) the recogniser does not fully exploit information about the physical properties of the input.
137. The Bureau's comparative research programme comprises a continuing analysis of model properties and forecast performance.
138. Nevertheless, taken on balance, if you possess unpleasant chemical properties, it pays to advertise.
139. The Point, densely covered with expensive apartment blocks and high class properties, is the millionaires' district of the city.
140. The rules can be divided into those concerned with electron spin and those related to orbital properties.
141. Geotechnics, laboratory and numerical assessment of bearing capacity of soils under curricular footings, enhancement of soil properties using man-made additives.
142. Most of those borrowers defaulted and many abandoned the properties.
143. A cautious man would have inspected the properties he was lending against, for nothing but property underpinned the loans.
144. Appendix B contains more details on the mathematical properties of the Riemann tensor.
145. A year ago, Holiday Inn put the icing on the cake at two of its Florida properties.
146. This absorption band comes from the spherical geometry of the particles and the particular optical properties of the gold.
147. The Trust has become increasingly aware, as funding becomes available(), of the unrivalled educational resource of its properties.
148. There are 60 grammatical categories specified within this lexicon indicating such properties as transitive verb, plural noun, proper noun etc.
149. This is because the two properties may coexist in one and the same expression.
150. The bounds are not particularly close except when the phases have somewhat similar properties.
151. An extra £750m will be used before the end of 1992/93 to buy up some empty properties in the owner-occupied housing sector.
152. Properties of this calibre rarely become available therefore interior viewing is highly recommended.
153. The therapeutic properties of amber were widely recognized in the classical world.
154. Other semi-thin paints have similar properties when used with the airbrush.
155. Thujone, the main constituent of sage, is now known to have mild stimulatory properties.
156. Physical knowledge is knowledge of properties of objects and is derived from actions on objects.
157. If only passive properties determine the pressure elastic modulus, an exponential increase would have been expected.
158. After an introductory chapter the properties of amino acids are described.
159. The mud here has long been recognized for its curative properties.
160. You can concentrate your attentions on the feel and fit rather than any corrective properties of the shoe.
161. The fundamental advances have come theoretically through discoveries about the properties of various non-linear difference and differential equations.
162. And the article makes it sound as though McLoughlin had some entitlement to develop these properties as he wishes.
163. It briefly describes the origins, uses and importance of these elements before considering the factors underlying their chemical properties.
164. Then there are the moves to buy up empty properties and for temporary increases in local authority investment.
165. Research in other cell lines has suggested that the mechanical properties of the substratum are important in the maintenance of cellular differentiation.
165. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
166. Free radicals may also play a part in producing organic compounds with metallic properties.
167. It also is suggested by some studies that there are carcinogenic properties emanating from those products.
168. A dummy has all the restrictive properties of a real job but no time content.
169. His waters were drunk for their health-giving properties and as refreshing beverages, sometimes mixed with syrup or wine.
170. One of the properties comprised five thousand dunums of land owned by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem near Nablus.
171. For thousands of years,() some cultures have used plants and herbs believed to have healing properties or to alter consciousness.
172. Use of these properties could reduce the projected demand for new housing on greenfield sites.
173. Two-bedroom terraced properties are selling for £120,000-far beyond the means of most public-sector workers earning £20,000.
174. Gradually the pairing of this warning to time out leads to the warning itself acquiring some punishing properties.
175. It is easier to observe and measure electrical activity than it is to understand the chemical properties.
176. An aptly named gas, discovered in 1766, it had that potentially lethal combination of having both explosive and lifting properties.
177. Homeowners who want to sell their homes without a real estate agent can now advertise their residential properties free on the Internet.
178. But, as I understand it, the present legislation insists that all empty properties will be assessed at 50 percent.
179. Discounts for empty properties will be assessed at 50 percent.
180. In the chapter on technique the author describes the process of carving a figure from a wood with particular properties.
181. When new occupiers lease these properties, Control Securities will have to absorb a £7m loss in the value of these assets.
182. One type of query refers solely to the absolute or relative locational properties of the spatial entities.
183. Another method is to collect information on structural and other contextual properties and to use these as a basis for sampling.
184. Motorists were dragged from their cars and beaten, and hundreds of shops and properties were looted and burnt.
185. Because of his emphasis on their lawlike properties, however, Grimm is usually given credit for the discovery.
186. One adds up the probabilities for all the particle histories with certain properties, such as passing through certain points at certain times.
187. An Inspector window lets you examine the data of a selected type, including its methods and properties if its a class.
188. On the Maidenhead side, it would mean considerable expense and demolition of properties - it would be much more expensive.
189. It seems, therefore, that sample pore-space or matrix properties can not account for the different trends in electrical conductivity.
190. Eight of the properties Citalia has secured are in an old farmhouse on the estate about two miles away from the castle.
191. The same paragraph applies to valuation for banding, especially as properties will be banded in groups of 20,000 or more.
192. They all share certain acoustic properties which, he thought, would make the call difficult to locate.
193. The net book value of Banner's leasehold properties comes to £1.82m; the historical cost is £2.054m.
194. Geologists are aware of the existence of 2000 or more minerals with an amazing variety of properties.
195. Having sifted through the estate agents' details,(http:///properties.html) arrange appointments to view as many properties as possible.
196. The beneficial effects and side effects are similar to the other anticholinergic drugs, although the drug also has some antihistamine properties.
197. Most hypnotics appear to lose their sleep-promoting properties within three to fourteen days of continuous use.
198. It operates through receptors whose molecular and physiological properties closely resemble the calcium-mobilizing ryanodine receptors of muscle.
199. The second kind of data consists of the attributes or properties of the spatial entities shown on the maps.
200. The answer is no, because some truth properties and truth relations hold regardless of reference, provided meaning is held constant.
201. So I do things for chaps from the U.K. Keep an eye on their properties.
202. The exclusion of properties expropriated before 1949 from restitution was inevitable.
203. The water, drawn from a spring sacred to the druids, is celebrated for its healing properties.
204. Many of these seemingly contradictory properties of the agents are related to dose.
205. Beers, building and properties were other sectors which suffered acute discomfort.
206. These volunteers advise and guide the Director and staff on all aspects of managing Trust properties.
207. Retirement Assured, which lets sheltered apartments to the elderly on assured tenancies, takes account of tenants when valuing its properties.
208. All the mural fountains were built on the boundaries of properties belonging to the Pease family.
209. This provides a bursary for Simon Johnson to study the fundamental, physical and electrical properties of magnesium.
210. Such properties can not be predicted mechanistically at the outset from knowledge of the component parts.
211. Use your trusty right mouse button to click on it, which will bring up a properties sheet.
212. Reinforced plastics possess many diverse properties.
213. Sometimes cars, buildings, and other properties are partially buried.
214. Product properties refer to an entity.
215. Interaction between systems or between properties of a system.
216. The sulfur dyes are noted for their toxic properties.
217. Distance alone is insufficient to specify all properties at space.
218. Physical properties that are completely specified by their magnitude are called scalars.
219. We can distinguish one kind of substance from another by its properties.
220. Sodium and potassium are about the same in their chemical properties.
221. The very best properties, however, the colonial mansions and villas, were reserved for the government.
221. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
222. The two properties touch ( each other ) , ie share a boundary.
223. The firm's sales of repossessed properties is up by 40 per cent.
224. This correlation implies a direct connection between internal structure and surface properties as represented by convolution.
225. Properties can check values or formats as the application developer assigns them.
226. This hybrid seemed to combine the properties of both parental species.




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