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单词 fiddle
释义  Related topics: Music, Crimefid·dle1 /ˈfɪdl/ noun [countable] informal  1. APMa violin 小提琴2  British EnglishSCCCHEAT a dishonest way of getting money 欺诈,欺骗行为 an insurance fiddle 保险欺诈on the fiddle They suspected he was on the fiddle (=getting money dishonestly or illegally) all along. 他们怀疑他一直在搞欺诈勾当。3  be a fiddle informal to be difficult to do and involve complicated movements of your hands 难做,费事 This blouse is a bit of a fiddle to do up. 这件女衬衫扣起来有点费劲。 → fit as a fiddle at fit2(1), → play second fiddle (to somebody) at play1(22)Examples from the Corpusfiddle• Managers don't really get paid much here, but most of them are working a few fiddles.• One boy had brought his fiddle and played a tune.• So a bit of fiddle, but nothing really egregious.• The firm realised some sort of fiddle was going on, but they had no idea how much they were losing.• Within three weeks I was again as fit as Carl's fiddle.• Even the lyrics tend to play second fiddle and are generally added after the main melody has been composed.• She might also have simply got tired of playing second fiddle to the Prince's pastimes.• The locals were not satisfied playing second fiddle to Los Angeles.• Herron rounded out the band with some fiddle and steel guitar.• Majella took up the fiddle, I got an accordion and Mary got a banjo.on the fiddle• Ila Steven played reels on the fiddle and Jean Bechar sang Burns songs.Related topics: Crimefiddle2 verb  1  [intransitive]HOLD to keep moving and touching something, especially because you are bored or nervous 不停拨弄〔尤因厌烦或紧张〕 Stop fiddling, will you! 你不要瞎拨弄了,好不好! I sat and fiddled at the computer for a while. 我坐下来摆弄了一会儿电脑。fiddle with She was at her desk in the living room, fiddling with a deck of cards. 她坐在起居室的书桌前,摆弄着一副纸牌。2  [transitive] British English informalSCC to give false information about something, in order to avoid paying money or to get extra money 〔为了不付钱或多拿钱〕篡改,伪造〔信息〕 Bert had been fiddling his income tax for years. 伯特多年来一直在虚报所得税。fiddle the books (=give false figures in a company’s financial records) 造假账3. [intransitive] to play a violin 拉小提琴4.fiddle around (also fiddle about British English) phrasal verb WASTE somethingto waste time doing unimportant things 浪费时间,虚度光阴5 fiddle around with something (also fiddle about with something British English) phrasal verb a) CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENTto move the parts of a machine in order to try to make it work or repair it 拨弄〔使之运转或修好〕 I’ve been fiddling around with this old car for months but I still can’t get it to work. 这辆旧车我捣鼓了几个月,但还是开不了。b) CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENTto make small unnecessary changes to something – used to show disapproval 乱动,瞎搞〔含贬义〕 SYN mess around with Why did you let her fiddle about with the remote control? 你为什么让她乱动遥控器? The bus company is always fiddling around with the schedules. 公共汽车公司老是乱改时间表。6 fiddle with something phrasal verb a) CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENTto move part of a machine in order to make it work, without knowing exactly what you should do 〔在不知如何操作的情况下〕拨弄,瞎动 After fiddling with the tuning I finally got JFM. 我瞎调了一会儿,终于找到了JFM台。b) HOLDto move or touch something that does not belong to you, in an annoying way 乱动〔别人的东西〕 Don’t let him fiddle with my bag. 别让他乱动我的包。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfiddle• I fiddle at my computer for a while, trying to figure out what to say.• In the hushed surroundings of a smart restaurant, Boon fiddles enigmatically with a fob watch on a neck chain.• We had fiddled in Maastricht while Sarajevo began to burn.• My boss thinks I've been fiddling my travel expenses.• The company secretary has been fiddling the books for years.• She was sitting at her desk in the living room, fiddling with a pencil and drinking from a bottle of beer.• His wife fiddled with her spoons, putting the dessert spoon into the curve of the soup spoon.• Gary was fiddling with his wedding band when his illumination came.• The mechanics fiddled with my ship.• Obligingly, I did, and he fiddled with the lock.fiddle with• Martina was fiddling nervously with her pen.• She fiddled nervously with her watch strap.• Stop fiddling with the remote control!• Stop fiddling with your toys and pay attention.fiddle the books• The man he sacked for fiddling the books of his business.From Longman Business Dictionaryfiddlefid‧dle /ˈfɪdl/ verb [transitive] informal to give false information about something in order to avoid paying money, or to get extra moneyIt would be naive to think that staff never fiddle their expenses.Auditors ensure that employers or directors have not been fiddling the books. —fiddle noun [countable]an allegedinsurance fiddle→ See Verb tableOrigin fiddle1 (1200-1300) Medieval Latin vitula “instrument played at ceremonies”fid·dle1 nounfiddle2 verbChineseSyllable  a Corpus violin Business




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