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单词 Neurobiological
1. Anybody who take psychology courses, neurobiological courses?
2. Autism is a collection of related neurobiological conditions that is being reported more often.
3. These findings "suggest a neurobiological link between human impulsiveness and drug abuse vulnerability, " the researchers noted in their paper.
4. The prize recognizes outstanding neurobiological research by a young scientist performed within the last three years.
5. Honeybees are frequently used as a neurobiological model for learning—they can be trained, using positive or negative reinforcement, to retain information.
6. The unique neurobiological apparatus that enables the finch to sing developed after the lineage of the zebra finch and chicken diverged[ ], about 100 million years ago.
7. Despite recent neurobiological findings suggesting homosexuality isgenetically-biologically determined, credible evidence is lacking for abiological model of homosexuality.
8. Our results partly support neurobiological theory of the language representation.
9. Establishing a neurobiological cause might help remove some of the blame and stigma that surrounds conditions like anorexia, he said.
10. There is a close relationship between the neurobiological disorder and autistic children's nervi cognition dysfunction.
11. ASDs are complex neurobiological disorders that inhibit a person's ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and are often accompanied by behavioral challenges.
12. ASDs are a spectrum of neurobiological disorders that affect communication, social interactions and repetitive behaviors.
13. Epidemiological, pharmacological , and neurobiological studies have certainly brought about progress in our general understanding of schizophrenia.
14. Breaking a promise is a complex neurobiological event, a new study shows—and a brain scan may be able to predict those who are making false promises before they break their word.
15. Thus Hong and his group wondered whether varenicline might be able to improve some of the neurobiological impairments experienced by people with schizophrenia.
16. In the past 20 years, increasing evidence has indicated that suicidal behavior bases strong neurobiological factors.
17. Cultural neuroscience wouldn't be making waves if it found neurobiological bases only for well-known cultural differences.
18. Squirrel monkey vocalization can be considered as a suitable model for the study in humans of the neurobiological basis of nonverbal emotional vocal utterances, such as laughing, crying, and groaning.
19. Skeptics say there is no way to verify such anecdotal reports—and that many of the experiences can be explained by neurobiological changes in the brain as people die.
20. "As long as we can't identify all the causes, which we cannot and will probably never be able to do, we should grant that for everybody there is a neurobiological reason for being abnormal, " he says.
21. She said PTSD involves changes in a person's psychological state and their neurobiological state.
22. This volume will be a valuable guide for those interested in a neurobiological approach to the study of social development.
23. In the eight years intervening between the third and the present edition, molecular biology has continued to facilitate the analysis of neurobiological problems.




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