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单词 Label
1. Attractive label is very necessary.
2. The label says 'Do not spin-dry'.
3. I have tied a label on.
4. We tested various supermarkets' own label pasta sauces .
5. He'll only wear clothes with a designer label.
6. It doesn't have a price label on it.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. The washing instructions are on the label.
8. It says 'Dry clean' on the label.
9. Don't forget to attach the label to your luggage.
10. Tie this label to your suitcase.
11. Label your suitcases to prevent confusion.
12. I read the information on the label before deciding which jam to buy.
13. No matter what label is thrown your way, only you can define yourself.
14. A large label had been gummed to the back of the photograph.
15. The label says to take one dose three times a day.
16. The label is on the inner side of the box.
17. It's described on the label as 'light, fruity wine'.
18. She glued the label onto the box.
19. She tied a label on to the suitcase.
20. Someone has stuck a label on the crate.
21. A label must be affixed to all parcels.
22. The price is written on the label.
23. I can't afford designer labels/designer label clothes.
24. The catalog is organized alphabetically by label name.
25. The record was produced under the Virgin label.
26. It says on the label 'Produce of France'.
27. What does it say on the label?
28. A label on the box read: "Glass?handle with care".
29. "Eat before JULY 14" was stamped on the label.
30. Place the jar in warm water to soak the label off.
1. Attractive label is very necessary.
2. The label says 'Do not spin-dry'.
3. I have tied a label on.
4. We tested various supermarkets' own label pasta sauces .
5. He'll only wear clothes with a designer label.
6. It doesn't have a price label on it.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. The washing instructions are on the label.
8. It says 'Dry clean' on the label.
9. Don't forget to attach the label to your luggage.
10. Tie this label to your suitcase.
11. Label your suitcases to prevent confusion.
12. Place the jar in warm water to soak the label off.
13. A large label had been gummed to the back of the photograph.
14. The label says to take one dose three times a day.
15. The label is on the inner side of the box.
16. Someone has stuck a label on the crate.
17. He has been given the label of " playboy ".
18. According to the symbol on the label, this sweater should be washed by hand.
31. His work is difficult to label accurately.
32. The label says to take one tablet before meals.
33. The label became detached from your parcel.
34. It's his first release for a major label.
35. The label on the box said 'made in Taiwan'.
36. To avoid confusion,[http:///label.html] label each box clearly.
37. A label on the crate read: "Handle with care".
38. She tore the label off the suitcase.
39. He peered at the label on the bottle.
40. Always read the label before taking any medicine.
41. I hated the label 'housewife'.
42. A large address label was gummed to the package.
43. The label on this shirt itches me.
44. Washing instructions should be on the label.
45. The label should be firmly affixed to the package.
46. Stick a label on your suitcase.
47. Soak a label off a jam jar.
48. The label will peel off if you soak it in water.
49. Her treatment of her husband earned her the label of the most hated woman in America.
50. You can't really attach a label to this type of art.
51. I don't need to see a label to identify the provenance of a garment that someone is wearing.
52. One sometimes feels that the label "classic" is applied to any book that is dull.
53. Label the diagram clearly.
54. He has been given the label of " playboy ".
55. He objects to the label 'magician' which he is often given.
56. Men these days have to avoid attracting the 'sexist' label.
57. The band are hoping to sign with a major label by the end of the year.
58. He had reached over to turn round a bottle of champagne so that the label didn't show.
59. I can't bear people who make judgements and label me.
60. She snapped her suitcase shut and stuck on a label.
61. According to the symbol on the label, this sweater should be washed by hand.
62. Affix the blue airmail label and leave the rest to us.
63. He'd like "happiness" to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit "Major affective disorder, pleasant type".
64. The label had come off, so there was no way of knowing what was on the disk.
65. Put the bottle in soapy water to soak the label off.
66. This margarine is full of additives - just look at the label!
67. A reviewer called her first novel'super - romantic'and the label has stuck.
68. Peel off the backing strip and press the label down firmly.
69. The label identifies the products that are least harmful to the environment.
70. He seems to be stuck with the label of 'troublemaker'.
71. A child first labels the household pet cat as a 'cat' and then generalises this label to other animals that look like it.
72. It says on the label that no preservatives or artificial colourings have been added.
73. She's signed a three-album deal with a new record label.
74. It specifically said/stated on the label that the jacket should be dry-cleaned only.
75. It is unfair to label a small baby as naughty.
76. The parcel had a label on it saying 'Handle with care'.
77. Follow the instructions on the label.
78. The label had got wet and was now illegible.
79. What makes a successful indie label?
80. Leave the struggling independent label for the corporate giant.
81. Victor looked at the label on the case.
82. But do check for that low-calorie label.
83. Also we can be talking crack,[] smack and Carling Black Label if we are so inclined.
84. On any other label, this could be the recipe for lackluster recordings by players better suited for small groups.
85. Starting in 1993, the label plans to re-release all the Smiths albums on compact disc in chronological sequence.
86. Parents who do not detect an intermittent hearing loss can become irritable and controlling and label their child as disobedient and unresponsive.
87. Check the care label on the bale of fabric when you are buying it.
88. Our private label business in the supermarkets continues to grow with our cat food products selling extremely well in the major multiples.
89. The duo, whose hit Turn Around got to No2 in 1999, planned to put it out on their label Multiply.
90. They were defensive about the taunts of critics who branded them with the photographic label.
91. The manufacturer makes products to match the retailer's specifications and these are labelled with the retailer's own distinctive label.
92. Join a consumers group and lobby for government legislation to make manufacturers label their products fully and accurately.
93. With dizzying speed, the tiny label almost single-handedly ignited the hip-hop revolution that made rap a household word.
94. I think most of the bad part is being confined anyway, being incarcerated-under the label of being mentally ill.
95. All second hand furniture should be fitted with a safety label like this.
96. Water well. 4 Label the pot and put on a cool bench or in a cold frame.
97. Almost all packaged foods now sport the Nutrition Facts label to help you make informed food choices.
98. On the inside, as promised, was a label, printed black on gold, scratched and ink-stained but clearly legible.
99. He read the label, then turned and ran downstairs three at a time.
100. After almost $ 20, 000 in legal fees, though, Frederick Brewing won approval with its catchy label intact.
101. There is no label on the bottle, it tastes a wee bit vinegary.
102. Label each container clearly. Place the sown containers in a warm propagator to germinate.
103. The Edel MacBride label is already familiar to Chicago with clothing being sold at a large department store in the city.
104. The derivation of a particular label is often quite obvious.
105. This label reflects the apparent concentration of power in executives and the relative decline of legislatures' powers.
106. McKennitt has since recorded four more albums on her own label, Quinlan Road.
107. And will the label have negative consequences for the person to whom it is applied?
108. The inclusion of an empty leather luggage label simply inscribed Josef Bien is one reminder of her personal involvement.
109. Few would label themselves feminists, and almost without exception they have worked hard at being submissive to their husbands.
110. It has never lost an artist from its record label, supposedly because it consists of many small and friendly individual companies.
111. A former legal-aid attorney, Mr Morrison is unusual in accepting, even welcoming, a liberal label.
112. Instead they seem to close ranks against any criticism and label it persecution.
113. If the new range do as well Doc Martens will surely be established as Britain's best known designer label.
114. Another kind of price competition between supermarkets is in the extent and diversity of private label offerings, so-called store brands.
115. Don't put that dress in the washing machine - the label says it should be dry-cleaned.
116. The organizational theorists who have championed the matrixing approach candidly label it an organizational overlay.
117. This label is not as unambiguous as might appear at first glance.
118. After washing with ethanol and drying, the amount of incorporated label was determined by scintillation counting.
119. As a rule even musicians signed to major label deals go uninsured, unless they have the foresight to insure themselves.
120. First comes a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, a label that seems right until other puzzling symptoms appear.
121. He is supported by a wonderful cast which graces a movie that deserves the label of epic.
122. As for clothes, fashion consultant Barbara Thomas decided Norma had the poise and presence to carry off a sophisticated designer label.
123. If this product is purchased, the label should be carefully read for content.
124. The classic reds of Bordeaux are best left until at least a decade after the vintage date printed on the label.
125. Pour the chutney into small sterilised jars, seal, label and give away as presents.
126. Given the potential for abuse, should drinks packaging carry a health warning on the label?
126. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
127. Applying the label often serves as an imprimatur of management respectability.
128. Entrants should remember to include their name, address and age on a label on the back of each piece of work.
129. He recently released a live acoustic album on the Plump label.
130. The product was discreetly set out towards the back with the label half turned away.
131. The alcohol content is clearly stated on the front of the label.
132. And more than half the women interviewed hate the label housewife because it sounds so patronising.
133. The laxative dose required to treat constipation in the young child is much higher than the suggested doses on the label.
134. It is possible to label the cells of the early embryo and follow what they do during development.
135. His first album was released on the hallowed Blue Note jazz label.
136. She made no attempt to conceal the £6.99 price label.
137. Whether black or white, the label reps went directly to retailers to monitor sales and the efforts of their local distributors.
138. These products do, however, contain a minimal amount of cholesterol as claimed oil the label.
139. She sang at clubs and was offered a recording contract by a small independent label.
140. Two, that the label we put on something determines how we choose to react to it.
141. The generic label shareware covers a marketing concept rather than a particular brand of software.
142. Chapter 1 focuses on current efforts to label the poor, specifically poor women, as the enemy within.
143. Nowadays, for convenience, modern historians label Charles the Bald's kingdom West Francia.
144. Substrate and coenzyme specific for the enzyme label being used are added.
145. The file was a standard office file with a Prior, Keen, Baldwin label stuck in the top right corner.
146. One produced a half gallon flagon of Johnnie Walker Red Label and six little cups.
147. The percentage of voters who label themselves independent keeps going up.
148. By then the Motown label had blown all the other record companies out of the water.
149. One Southern deejay remembers asking a New York label for money to help pay off his insurance.
150. Jealousy is a label here that merely interprets that behaviour.
151. The wine label repeated the same words in a floridly ornate script overprinted on a picture, which Sabine recognised instantly.
152. Now the piece had been put into a polythene bag and given a label pending its despatch for forensic examination.
153. An assembly language statement consists of 3 elements; an optional label, an instruction and an operand.
154. Label all gatevalves so you know which is which in an emergency.
155. There has always been a price differential between private label products and national brands such as Del Monte or Kellogg.
156. Every time you are in contact with the person, you see that label.
156. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
157. There was a gummy label attached to several sharp shards.
158. Is the high-performance approach materially different, or is it just a new label for a set of old ideas?
159. They think that all designer label clothes are just expensive rip-offs.
160. The activity was sustained for quite a long time by pupils who, according to their label, have difficulty sustaining anything.
161. Purple Label sportswear is filled with chocolate-colored suede trench coats, gray pinstriped cashmere slacks, cashmere sweaters and cashmere overcoats.
162. This black-owned family label, like those of Bobby Robinson and Lillian McMurry, evolved out of a record store.
163. The label rational basis would simply be reflective of a conclusion already reached that the court does not wish to intervene.
164. The firm is promising to develop new distribution channels, predicting that resellers will private label their own systems with Integrix components.
165. They played Twenty-one; the scores were kept on the inside of a Lyons Green Label tea packet.
166. Secondly, there is a temptation to attach a diagnostic label to each condition so that it fits neatly on the problem list.
167. It is impossible to isolate parts of the system of government to which the label may authoritatively be attached.
168. The customer is provided with an unstamped addressed label, special wrapper or container.
169. Take care to label all the disks with the correct file names.
170. Now Homestead are just another indie label and no-one cares.
171. The amount of incorporated label was measured by scintillation counting.
172. She dresses her dolls in super expensive Dior label frocks and even has her own yacht.
173. When the garment you choose carries the GORE-TEX fabric label, you know it's guaranteed to keep you dry.
174. Enter Sub Pop, the label that ultimately became known as the home of grunge.
175. With their debut album for the superb independent label Dorado, D*Note are going to go clear.
176. Perhaps such abbreviations of thought are inevitable in the limited space available for text on a display label.
177. A song, after all, is a copyrighted article, one that generates revenue for both the label and the artist.
178. While sushi and sake by the Koi pool may never replace burned beefburgers and Black Label, it's a nice thought.
179. The deviant is the one to whom that label has been successfully applied; deviant behaviour is behaviour that people so label.
180. One white label stuck on the front and one on the back.
181. Yet there is no label Beatty would wear without chafing against it.
182. People are quick to slap that label on you, and then just as eager to predict your downfall.
183. If the homonyms are the same part of speech, they are distinguished by superior numbers following the part-of-speech label.
184. Three thousand miles away, his previous associates were developing hard bop, primarily on the Blue Note label.
185. Cooke won a settlement so big that the label went belly up.
186. However,[http:///label.html] they said they were not certain the drink actually contained the ingredients on the label.
187. The Smithsonian label was shaken by the death of Rinzler last year at the age of 59.
188. Colours again are important as all decarbonisers are hazardous to handle and some sort of warning label is appropriate.
189. Foods sold under this label are guaranteed to be free from additives and preservatives.
190. You can export the playlist for CD Label Printing.
191. Please complete the contact record and address label overleaf.
192. Mainly apply to shrinking label film on polyester bottle.
193. Darrell: Let me check the label. It'says it's polyester.
194. The restaurant was palm off some inferior wine by putting a fancy label on it.
195. Truth wears no label and the seeker has no guarantee of success.
196. Label Africa, Asia, Europe, North, American, South American, Australia and Antarctica.
197. The full address on a stick-on label was that of a Mrs P. R. Slater of Peterborough.
198. A similar label with identifying prefix codes, is used for fixed assets.
199. Holographic image technology in anti - false signaling device application mainly printed anti - false label and trade marks.
200. In principle, government entities at all levels shall procure renewable resource products and environmental label products.
201. To personalize the label for a recipient, make changes in the label previewed here.
202. You should label each card with subject, author, title, page number and the useful information.
203. For convenience, I shall label these methods " piecemeal technology ".
204. Photoelectricity Track Scan scanner is a set of color label location.
205. complete other supplies - garment accessories, hag tag, lace, zipper, woven label, printed label, ironware accessories. etc.
206. The official home page for APA Music, the publishing company and record label.
207. Out of the press clipping, a piece of a label that is done.
208. Please stick on a Sub - Scheme Number label ( if applicable ).
209. Each label can be used to further refine the search.
210. The artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent.
211. Personality default label in the business card printing machine or electronic scale.
212. Drag to add textbox with field label and field. Field automatically reflects foreground drawing's page number.
213. Processing time, given according to label the specific context of proofs.




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