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单词 Gilded
1. Sunlight gilded the children's faces.
2. A set of twenty-four carved and gilded chairs appear on the inventory of the house for 1736.
3. The golden light gilded the sea.
4. The autumn sun gilded the lake.
5. The story revolves around the gilded youth of the 1920s and their glittering lifestyles.
6. The gilded dome of the cathedral rises above the city.
7. The holiest of their chapels are topped with gilded roofs.
8. Many wore jewelled(), gilded coronets fringed with lions' manes.
9. Gilded page ends. Satin ribbon page markers.
10. She simply knows that icons, even the most gilded of them, are made to be hung on a wall.
11. And in the United States, it was the Gilded Age that saw the new industrial economy engulf the entire continent.
12. Wind and sun had gilded her arms and legs honey-brown, hiding the last of the fading bruises.
13. They came in tooled leather, they came gilded and embossed and with special paper made in Florence.
14. It has a fine gilded carving on the high altar.
15. The gilded retable behind the high altar dates from 1660.
16. The gilded, ornamental oval reminds me of nothing more than a tea-tray from Harrod's sale.
17. Only the topmost branches were still gilded by daylight, the illuminated areas shrinking as the sun dropped below the misty horizon.
18. The rider wore a gilded Grecian helmet that was crested with black and red wool and plumed with a white tuft.
19. The rich, in their gilded enclaves in the south of the city, are troubled.
20. It has a high altar with fine gilded carving and a sixteenth-century sculpture of Our Lady of the Rosary.
21. If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded
22. If it was a time of science and silks and gilded barges, it was also a time of pox.
23. By the time the white petals died and the mint-colored berry poked out, the leaf shine was gilded tight and waxy.
24. The table was made of bamboo, lacquered scarlet, and the top was painted with gilded peonies.
25. Only a single, gleaming dome is visible through the haze, a gilded beacon guiding the ferry towards its destination.
26. The dragon, gliding across its vast emptiness, was a mere gilded fly in a banqueting hall.
27. In the Roman Imperial period copper and bronze statues and silver and bronze jewellery were commonly gilded.
28. Her friends all thought that theirs was a match made in heaven, the union of two gilded human beings.
29. Even the horn was of a much lighter colour than usual, although it had been gilded with silver.
30. An interesting feature of the church is the array of gilded heads high up on the walls of the nave.
1. Sunlight gilded the children's faces.
2. A set of twenty-four carved and gilded chairs appear on the inventory of the house for 1736.
31. When Joe inquired about these details, the duke said that gilded window frames were economical because they required no repainting.
32. Frankie knew every gilded swirl and cherub, every plaster rose, every painted bulb in each of the hanging light-fittings.
33. His straight heavy sword hung in a gilded scabbard by his royal blue saddle-cloth that was embroidered with the King's cipher.
34. Blood from his torn ear was soaking his left epaulette with its tarnished chains and gilded eagle.
35. However, the gilded, artistic monument housing the ancient statue is exposed for the admiration and consideration of her devotees.
35. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
36. His eyes were red-rimmed, their gilded brightness dulled from a sleepless night, and perhaps also from weeping.
37. He urged her to sit down on one of the hard, gilded sofas for a moment.
38. There was the altar, with its gilded borders and red sheen that absorbed the glazed white bowls and cups.
39. She considered her reflection between the gilded curlicues of the eighteenth-century looking glass in the hallway and decided to begin a diet.
40. The picture accomplished, the pages are restored to their normal position and the edge gilded.
41. Cavernous, gilded, former ballroom of the Great Eastern hotel, adorned with nudes and chandeliers.
42. He also wore a typical bright blue cloak, and always carried a sword with a gilded hilt.
43. If made of bronze and gilded, it is possibly a knife or dagger pommel.
44. From what Louise told her, this was a middle-income prep school, not one of the gilded establishments.
45. And the third was a shining glass coffin, lying on a rich velvet pall on a gilded trestle.
46. The frontal hood of the plasma gun was gilded with safety runes.
47. A plumbers' convention, Renwick noted from the outsize announcement propped on a gilded easel.
48. Above the marble mantlepiece in Lennox Berkeley's study hangs and eighteenth-century mirror ornamented with gilded Pan pipers.
49. The cross is a masterpiece of red jasper, gold, gilded silver and jewels and dates from the eleventh or twelfth-centuries.
50. Gilded Finish Gilding is a process of overlaying a base metal with a very thin layer of gold.
51. These achievements are marked by gilded plaques fixed to wooden replicas of the cast-iron pillars which held up Victorian buildings.
52. The skulls were gilded and taken out for yearly veneration.
53. A sandwich of grilled chicken, red bell peppers and melted white cheddar on baguette is gilded with a garlic aioli.
54. The walls were exquisitely panelled and bordered with carved scrolls and cornices decorated with gilded flowers.
55. I was particularly amused by Anthony Dowell's cameo as the doddering Emperor, complete with gilded wheelchair.
56. The campanile finishes with a galleried loggia, its conical roof topped with a gilded statue of the Archangel Michael.
57. The towering, gilded replica of the Goddess of Liberty was the next to go.
58. This was surmounted by a gilded griffin and bore a crudely painted canvas of hell's mouth.
59. The setting sun gilded the sky.
60. The dusk was gilded with fireflies.
61. Improvement of gilded registration means gilding scrap rate cuts.
62. Who would not grieve upon a gilded chair?
63. The Spaniards started calling this golden chief El Dorado, "the gilded one."
64. Laura dated Tom first, and, unbeknownst to the gilded Waspy bride, has for years sustained an intimacy with the groom-to-be.
65. The Gilded age is like fertile soil to American modern newspapering, at the same time, the development of newspapering promote greatly the advancement of the industrial society.
66. Burma's sprays of bougainvillea, its gilded pagodas and the sway of schoolgirls dressed in the sarongs called longyis all create a false sense of contentment.
67. The rising sun gilded the tree tops with its golden beams.
68. The sun gilded, empurpled, set fire to and lighted up the tulips, which are nothing but all the varieties of flame made into flowers.
69. Aside from the otherwordly happenings at this haunted hotel, the grand dame offers plenty of old-world charm: gilded paneling, chandeliers, and soaring ceilings.
70. New materials such as gilded cobber and silvery threads emerged.
71. The high regard for Hals among 19th-century artists rubbed off on 19th-century collectors, particularly Americans of the Gilded Age who helped establish and stock the Met.
72. For many young Iranians who are straining under double-digit inflation and social repression, the notion that a gilded and privileged son of royalty would take his own life came as its own shock.
73. As with most issues in this new Gilded Age(), the tale of the American diet is a story of the worst form of corporatism -- the kind whereby the government uses public monies to protect private profit.
74. The United States’ Gilded Age lasted for 16 years, ending with a financial panic in 1893 that turned into a depression, then a Progressive era that saw reform at home and adventurism abroad.
75. Gilded industry can be divided into curtly as and Centre ( hplc ) paper bronzing products bronzing.
76. The gilded, scallop - embellished plates at Serena's table exude Fall warmth, with a glamorous touch.
77. Haven from brigands and the siren world, the monasteries of Meteora in central Greece still uphold the Orthodox tradition of monasticism, once the chaste soul of a gilded Byzantium.
78. Along the walls flanking the gate the are ten gilded bronze vats.
79. Holly's face shone suddenly and deeply, like dark leaves gilded by the sun.
80. The chanting stilled as the leader, face shadowed by a heavily gilded hood, stepped forward and began to intone a ritual in some indecipherable tongue.
81. It was, to be fair, a modestly gilded tea caddy—just thin lines of gilt along the edges.
82. The parade was a phantasmagoria of music, incense, blizzards of doves, camels laden with cinnamon, elephants in golden slippers, bulls with gilded horns.
83. He was assembling a complication that sent a little gilded boy with a trumpet through a door in the clock face to herald the birthdays of its owner's family.
84. A week later, the gilded age of Wall Street had faded away.
85. Sleek side table pieces and smooth accessories are used throughout the room, which are in contrast with the traditional carved and gilded motifs in low relief on the wall.
86. During the first years of the Gilded Age, Boss Tweed's Tammany Hall provided more services to the poor than any city government before it, although for more money went into Tweed's own pocket.
87. There were white clouds, like the feathers of ducks gilded by the sunlight.
88. If not, maybe he a gilded future at the club.
89. He was bare-headed, and the leaves had tossed his rebellious curls and tangled all their gilded threads.
90. She gilded easily from Washington society to the international jet set.
91. Wherefore should I stand in the plague of custom, when the wren goes to' t, and the small gilded fly does lecher in my sight?
92. You came here to drink in the grandeur of the Winter Palace, to float down the majestic canals, to be transported to its gilded czarist opulence.
93. At worst , they were gilded affairs , and with what leniency are gilded errors viewed.
94. Sunlight from the window gilded her shoulder - length blonde hair.
95. If Khaldun is right, the world is going to become a more unsafe place in the coming decade as the great unwashed seek to crash the gilded gates.
96. The gilded bronze tile roof of Jokhang Temple and Potala Palace in distance.
97. What strikes me as paradoxical is that, notwithstanding this negative bias, we as a society remain fascinated by the gilded life.
98. The maturity of newspapering market was formed in the Gilded age.
99. The Lord Mayor follows at the rear in his gilded coach.
100. The four gilded characters Dragon Inn monastery are magnificent, and very impressive.
101. A merely adding chicken to a BLT will form a basic Club ... but then it can be gilded with sliced hard boiled egg, three layers of house-made sourdough and a lemon mayo whipped up by the chef himself.
102. The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today is an 1873 novel by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner that satirizes greed and political corruption in post-Civil War America.
103. He was bare-headed , and the leaves tossed his rebellious curls and tangled all their gilded threads.
104. The ceremony of the gilded man supposedly ended in the late 15th century when El Dorado and his subjects were conquered by another tribe.
105. Some day I'm going to have a big gilded tooth outside my window for a sign.
106. Children growing up in gilded cages can not bear hardships.
107. Now and again a whimsically painted steeple breaks the horizon, its gilded cupola glittering in the bright spring sun.
108. Winter a master miniaturist, making of our lives an intricate, would - in - a gilded - walnut - shell.
109. I shall have a red coat on him and red-flowered trousers and on his head a hat with a small gilded Buddha sewn on the front and on his feet tiger-faced shoes.
110. Gilt in the square: The foredge of a book gilded before rounding.




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