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单词 Bolted
1. She bolted her husband out.
2. The box was bolted down.
3. Have you locked and bolted the door?
4. The seat is bolted in place for extra safety.
5. She bolted out of the room in a rage.
6. She bolted the child in.
7. The pickpocket bolted when he saw the policeman.
8. The boy bolted his lunch and ran to the playground.
9. The house has been barred and bolted to prevent re-entry.
10. The thief bolted through the back door.
11. The various parts of the car are bolted together.
12. When the police arrived the burglars bolted.
13. He bolted down his lunch.
14. The horse reared up and bolted.
15. All external doors should be bolted top and bottom.
16. The thief bolted when he saw the policeman.
17. The manager bolted down his breakfast.
18. She bolted from the party.
19. Kevin had bolted through the open window.
20. He bolted with all his company's money.
21. The fox bolted into its borrow.
22. Frightened by the car horn, the horse bolted.
23. The two parts are bolted together.
24. Some kind of vegetables bolted.
25. The horses bolted, crazed with fear.
26. The pig rose squealing and bolted.
27. Ten Democrats bolted on this vote.
28. The cat bolted into the room.
29. These 2 parts are bolted together.
30. It's no use locking the stable door after the horse has bolted
1. She bolted her husband out.
2. The box was bolted down.
3. Have you locked and bolted the door?
4. The seat is bolted in place for extra safety.
5. She bolted out of the room in a rage.
6. She bolted the child in.
7. The pickpocket bolted when he saw the policeman.
8. The boy bolted his lunch and ran to the playground.
9. The house has been barred and bolted to prevent re-entry.
10. As soon as I came downstairs the burglar bolted out.
31. The vice is bolted to the workbench.
32. He bolted down his breakfast.
33. The little boy was bolted in.
34. Let me out!I'm bolted in.
35. I made some excuse and bolted for the exit.
36. The horse bolted down the road.
37. The yacht's keel is bolted to the hull.
38. Some of the party members bolted.
39. When the man tried to get into his own house, he found he had been bolted out.
40. Make sure that the rails are securely bolted in place.
41. When he saw the police arrive, he bolted down an alley.
42. The cell contained an iron bedframe bolted to the floor.
43. I had bolted the door the instant I had seen the bat.
44. On a ship the furniture is often bolted to the deck.
45. She bolted him out.
46. The various parts of the car are then bolted together.
47. The thief bolted out.
48. As soon as I came downstairs the burglar bolted out.
49. She bolted the door.
50. My lettuces have bolted.
51. The boxes were made of heavy panels of metal bolted together.
52. The horse bolted in terror at the sound of the gun.
53. He bolted his breakfast.
54. The door slammed shut and he bolted it.
55. Suddenly a fox bolted from beneath a hedge.
56. Jason bolted the door and closed all the curtains.
57. A wrought-iron bench was bolted to the patio.
58. Was the door bolted or not?
59. She turned and bolted out the door.
60. She shut and bolted the bathroom door.
61. She fully expected the basement door to be bolted.
62. The 1988 law banned automatic and pump-action guns and required that guns be kept in locked cabinets bolted to a wall.
63. Kit car replicas arrive as a confusing jigsaw of pieces which have to be bolted together, often in the family garage.
64. As he bolted down his breakfast Chuck gazed around the clearing with delighted eyes.
65. She turned back quickly into the house, closed and bolted the door and strode across to the telephone.
66. Presumably she bolted the door after her for that was how the police had found it in the morning.
67. One had bolted having kicked and lamed one of the verderers who had tried to hold it.
68. The fibreglass sections were bolted around a built-up steel framework and Beech C-45 outer wing panels were attached.
69. All the doors were locked and bolted so I climbed out through the kitchen window and dropped into a bed of lavender.
70. Look, she said, he's left, bolted, owing three months' back rent.
71. His arms seem bolted to each arm rest and he is staring straight ahead at a television computer game.
72. The restraining bar is bolted across our laps and the cage door is locked firmly in place.
73. The heat is on and the kitchen door is bolted shut.
74. Everything bolted on to the bike is available separately, apart from the swingarm.
75. Capitol police bolted and locked all the windows, in case a prowler was coming in after everyone had left: no luck.
76. Negative ions can also be formed when an atom has an extra electron bolted on.
77. The dog bolted into the road, into the oncoming traffic.
78. Stripped to its basics, this is a current account with the mortgage bolted on as a huge overdraft.
79. Gordy commanded her to sit back down then bolted out the door.
80. His imagination bolted ahead like a runaway horse, only to be reined firmly in and brought to a halt.
81. But everyone erupted into giggles and bolted down the street as free of deference as the wind.
82. Peter Torkildsen bolted from his party to hold the first-ever House hearings on the anti-discrimination measure.
83. Safe in her own hallway, Miss Worthington bolted the front door, turned the master key.
84. Overhead lights crashed to the auditorium floor and members of the audience bolted for exits.
85. The door was bolted, and the woman stood against it, arms folded across her chest.
85. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
86. Faced with a bolted door, Seymour did what thousands of pentecostal preachers have done in similar circumstances ever since.
87. When police approached him to ask him some questions, he bolted.
88. It's bolted to a purpose-made exhaust system and pumps air to the engine though a custom-built intercooler.
89. She tried the handle but the door had obviously been bolted from the inside.
90. A thin steel cord was bolted to the beam that supported the boxcar roof.
91. A low hissing filled the room as she bolted out and slammed the door.
92. Another is killed by a crossbow bolt but the only door is bolted and the windows shuttered.
93. Those authors who operate independently of Palace purview soon discover that doors are quickly locked, bolted and barred to inquiry.
94. Capriati broke her opponent's serve in the opening game and bolted to a 4-0 lead.
95. The sections will be delivered in 20 pieces and lifted into position by two cranes and bolted into position using 12,000 bolts.
96. The far end of the pipe rested on a bi-pod which was also bolted to the flatcar.
97. Control in most cases is ex post facto and akin to closing the stable door when the horse has bolted.
98. She ran to a neighbour for help when she found her front door bolted.
99. Furniture and camera were bolted down, drapes were made of wood.
100. Then she locked the door, bolted the garden doors and prepared for bed.
101. The posts are attached with metal post anchors that are bolted to the concrete footing and then nailed into the post.
102. The rabbits you are after may already have been bolted by natural predators such as stoats, weasels, mink and pine martens.
103. Yes. The heat is on and the kitchen door is bolted shut.
104. With a sigh, Connor shut the door and bolted it, then blew out the candle and went upstairs.
105. The soldier bolted the door which gave onto the platform and sat down opposite me.
106. They bolted at the hard-line views of Pat Buchanan and said Bob Dole lacked vision.
107. This really was an attempt to bolt the stable door after the horses had bolted.
108. The scientists looked at each other in astonishment, and in that instant(), Benny bolted.
109. Telford drove piles in behind the lock walls and bolted together the iron plates to make the lock both stable and watertight.
110. Finally, the lid was put into position and screwed or bolted down.
111. Before I could say a word, she turned and bolted out the front door.
112. She started to strip off, all hell broke loose and he bolted while plain-clothes officers moved in to stage a cover-up.
113. I bolted to buy breakfast, then rushed downstairs to the tracks, sweat dripping through my blue mesh shirt.
114. I bolted down my breakfast and was out the door by 8:00.
115. The shop was dimly lit and cluttered but he found his way to the front door which was bolted.
116. To the right of the pier,(http:///bolted.html) a band of about twelve black men bolted out from behind a metal door.
117. The aim was to save animals who bolted during the blitz - it promised to return any lost animal to its owner.
118. The door was bolted but Wycliffe banged on it and was admitted by a uniformed policeman.
119. He was whisked away as his audience bolted for the exits.
120. She turned the volume down instead of up and went to the door, which she'd dutifully bolted and chained.
121. As soon as nightfall arrived, she found herself locking doors, shutting windows, and finding strange solace in being barred and bolted.
122. As I drew close they both bolted, crashing loudly through the alder thicket.
123. One of the horses got into a panic and bolted.
124. The crane supports the orbiter while it is bolted to the external tank.
125. These doors had been locked, bolted, and nailed securely.
126. Bolted bonnet with seal weld.
127. They bolted down the gangway and took their tickets.
128. Justice James Iredell, who said he felt like a "travelling postboy," nearly broke his leg when his horse bolted.
129. The iteration of geometric programming with constraint positive negative term equations is applied to the optimal design for bolted tight connections used in pressure vessels.
130. This article studies the influence of the bolt tightening torque on the fretting damage of LY12CZ aluminium alloy double shear lap bolted joint by experimental and conumerical analysis.
131. All field splices were bolted using ASTM A 325 hex head bolts.
132. The turbocharger is bolted to the exhaust manifold of the engine.
133. America's accounting rules, like its tax code, are creaking under bolted - on guidance.
134. The bedplate , which in most cases is of the welded design , is bolted to the seating which Forms a part of double of the ship.
135. In 1986, we climbed into a rented motor home and bolted south Florida for the mesas of New Mexico, seeing cousins and digging for Indian arrowheads in my aunt's yard.
136. Unlike the 4CV, which was a full monocoque , the R4 body was bolted on to a chassis.
137. He bolted into a hansom, and drove to the Goat's Club.
138. The eccentric mass type vibration generators are bolted to the platform.
139. The geometrical parameters of a screw bolt are important factors that affect the fatigue strength of the bolted joints.
140. The rape has bolted.
141. Spool valves are body ported but can be bolted to a parallel circuit manifold.
142. Finally my nerves gave andand bolted, through the unfamiliar plantation , tangled vines and rustling leafage.
143. It arrives as a flat pack and is bolted together on site.
144. The bottom edges of the endplates are mated to another winglike device, the lower main plane, which in turn is attached to the rear crash structure – a carbon fibre cone bolted onto the gearbox.
145. A separate floor to the car that is bolted onto the underside of the monocoque .
145. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
146. Bolted end-plate connection is one of the main connection for the steel structures, which is with high resistance ability, large stiffness, and convenient for construction.
147. The orbiter has now been bolted to its external fuel tank and is set to go on its 39th and final mission to the International Space Station on 1 November.
148. This kit allow conversion, in the pipe line, from bolted bonnet valves to bellows leakproof valves.
149. He ducked with his head and shoulders, scraped with more advanced hoof, bolted the alcohol.
150. Has through - bolted, rigid flanges matching B 16.5 Class 150 regular, short - body type.
151. Bolted cover plate to protect seal and cylinder from the ingress of debris.
152. Police say the heifer bolted for its life , escaping from Musa Hala which butchers animals.
153. This paper puts forward a new type of bolted anti-creepers, which changes the fixture mode of the dowelled anti-creeper.
154. The mosque was raised high above the ground with its door inhospitably bolted.
155. The specimen and corresponding fixture have been designed, and the fatigue experiment of composite component with bolted joint has been carried out.
156. The chair was bolted through the rug to the steel floor.
157. After final girt adjustments, the girts shall be securely bolted with high strength bolts.
158. Powered by a rocket bolted to a Eurofighter-Typhoon jet engine, the Bloodhound car will mount an assault on the land speed record.
159. Slewing bearings are generally bolted directly to their mating components.
160. AMC bolted a car body to a Jeep chassis to create the first mass-produced American passenger car with four-wheel drive.
161. He bolted down a few mouthful of food and hurried back to the workshop.
162. Two students at Germany's University of Konstanz bolted a Kinect to a helmet, creating a bare-bones navigational system for the blind.
163. Whether the axle pin can be smoothly bolted into the hinge support is crucial for the whole project. To achieve this goal, a prefabricated taper pin was used to induce the axle pin.
164. A backsaw consists of a straight blade, 8 in. to 14 in. long, bolted to a wood handle.
165. Multistory steel frames are more and more widely used in our country and bolted end-plate connections are often adopted.
165. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
166. We should avoid locking the stable door after the horse has bolted / has been stolen.
167. It is proved that the bolted length can be inspected accurately and the quality of a bolt can be evaluated by using the non-destructive inspection technique of high frequency stress wave.
168. But when you climbed on board, mentally noting the lumpy cushions, the rods trailing wires at the stern and the swivel fish-fighting chair bolted to the deck, you knew you were in the same place.
169. The Flamethrower was a steerable giant blower -- of the type used to air-condition a mid-town skyscraper -- bolted to a Mack truck engine.
170. Here there was no line of giants to push her through; this gate was closed and bolted, and a guard looking wide-awake stood by it.
171. The findings of the study could give us some information for better understanding and rational design of bolted flange joint.
172. Bolted on, top entry single access cover for ease of maintenance.
173. The second photo shows the cover in place but not bolted on.
174. The Dixiecrats bolted themselves once, but the Democrats didn't put them out.
175. Finally my nerves gave away and I turned and bolted, through the unfamiliar plantation, tangled vines and rustling leafage.
176. The rear axle is stationary, and is bolted rigidly to the main frame.




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