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单词 feature film
释义  Related topics: Filmˈfeature ˌfilm noun [countable]  AMFa full-length film that has a story and is acted by professional actors, and which is usually shown in a cinema 正片,故事片Examples from the Corpusfeature film• We want to make the first feature film with a laugh track.• A high-profile Hollywood feature film now runs about $ 50 million to produce.• Computer graphics should now make the same kind of inroads into feature film production that they already have in television.• And he will appear in at least one feature film for Columbia, which Sony owns.• Alan Farmer suggested that with a vivid feature film, children should be allowed to watch it through without a single interruption.ˈfeature ˌfilm nounChineseSyllable  full-length has and film a story that a Corpus




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