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单词 parse
释义  Related topics: Grammarparse /pɑːz $ pɑːrs/ verb [transitive]  technicalSLG to describe the grammar of a word when it is in a particular sentence, or the grammar of the whole sentence 对〔句中的词或句子〕作语法分析 —parser noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusparse• He will not piece or parse.• Here it is necessary to parse Helms's own published thoughts.• A string such as can be parsed into six different word strings even when the word boundary is known.• Still, more calculating power should make it easier to teach computers to learn, and in particular to parse language.• This chapter explores in more detail the effect of such equivalence classes on parsing phonemes into words. 6.1.1.• I will now discuss the Chart parsing process with reference to these requirements.• Another important motivation is that of the psycholinguists who develop computer parsing systems as test-beds for hypotheses about human linguistic processing.• The computer also parses the sentence, deciding which words are verbs, nouns, adverbs and so on.Origin parse (1500-1600) Latin pars orationis “part of speech”parse verbChinese  a Corpus the of describe word to grammar




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