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单词 Definitive
1 Her book is the definitive works on Milton.
2 There is no definitive answer to this.
3 There are no definitive answers/solutions to this problem.
4 This book is the definitive guide to world cuisine.
5 The definitive version of the text is ready to be published.
6 No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so.
7 The police have no definitive proof of her guilt.
8 We got a definitive victory.
9 It is too soon to reach any definitive judgement.
10 Her book is the definitive work on Milton.
11 His "An Orkney Tapestry" is still the definitive book on the islands.
12 Her book is still considered the definitive work on beetles.
13 The list is neither exhaustive nor definitive.
14 As a historical event the exodus was definitive.
15 No one can provide definitive answers to these questions.
16 Only cancellation means definitive ending of the total debt.
17 The definitive treatment is still controversial.
18 Because it will be my definitive work.
19 This became the definitive work of the period.
20 Clearly,[] this study can not provide a definitive answer.
21 Brendan's steak and kidney pudding is definitive.
22 Definitive crust and right amount of chewiness inside.
23 A definitive set of grammatical tags does not exist.
24 The definitive experiments began on New Year's Eve 1988.
25 This is not the definitive work of television.
26 A more definitive test involved measuring their energies.
27 Many people regard it as the definitive interpretation of 'War and Peace'.
28 Clearly we can not as yet give a definitive answer to this question.
29 It is normal practice for the definitive sale and purchase agreement to be drafted by the acquirer's solicitors.
30 The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer.
1 Her book is the definitive works on Milton.
2 There is no definitive answer to this.
3 There are no definitive answers/solutions to this problem.
4 This book is the definitive guide to world cuisine.
5 The definitive version of the text is ready to be published.
6 No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so.
7 We got a definitive victory.
31 That it represents an enormous, possibly definitive setback for efforts to mitigate climate change goes almost without saying.
32 With no definitive ruling, however, he was quickly sent back to prison without his belongings.
33 Suppose, for sake of argument, that this is indeed the definitive legal position.
34 A definitive and concise statement on democratic transition and consolidation with contemporary relevance and applicability.
35 The companies look to reach a definitive merger agreement by May 17 and see closing by July 31.
36 The flock receives virtually no historical background from its shepherd - who is believed to be the definitive authority on such matters.
37 If the blood glucose is above 20 mmol/l a sample should be sent to the laboratory for a definitive result.
38 The definitive movie on these two men whose courage reshaped a nation remains to be made.
39 But even if definitive results were forthcoming, why should it be assumed as self-evident that natural learning is necessarily the most effective?
40 He'd need to push the lab for a more definitive result.
41 Once a definitive picture of it was produced, it was given its own phylum.
42 A definitive agreement for shareholders to approve could come by Feb. 22 when Trafalgar House holds its annual meeting./definitive.html
43 The definitive academic history may not be written until long after Saddam's demise.
44 Halliwell's Film Guide the definitive guide to the movies. 4.
45 A later and quite definitive study conducted by Miller between 1973 and 1978 bore this out.
46 From a letter of credit standpoint, however, the receipt message can also play a more definitive role.
47 In theory, issues of definitive debt instruments in the Euromarkets are negotiable instruments.
48 Ideas expressed at many different periods, or in many different contexts, have been assembled into a definitive world view.
49 While definitive answers may not yet be possible, recent court hearings and interviews with Lee's colleagues have provided new information.
50 These gave them some confidence that they were indeed seeing neutrons from fusion, but they were by no means definitive.
51 In a country without a codified constitution, it is hardly possible to give a definitive answer.
52 A definitive list of words was derived from a number of machine-readable dictionaries.
53 She has written the definitive book on the poet Wordsworth.
54 Tomorrow's consumer price index for December may provide more definitive clues to the Fed's interest rate strategy.
55 Strictly speaking, there is as yet no definitive evidence for declining sperm counts.
56 I would stress that there is no definitive statement on the timescale.
57 However, definitive decisions about such measures must rest with medically qualified personnel.
58 Sometimes subjects require considerable explanation or interpretation, and in these cases the museum catalogue can give definitive help.
59 But only lab tests, he said, will prove a definitive link.
60 Already, he says, it is worse than the drought of 1956, once considered the definitive Texas dry spell.
61 Eventually, however, arterial blood gas values will be required to make a definitive acid-base diagnosis.
62 And in his definitive text the novelist voices social unsteadiness as empty groupings and vapid motions.
63 His books may not be the most definitive works on the phenomenon they describe.
64 This fundamental question does not yet have a definitive answer.
65 The matter seemed to lie beyond the pale of any definitive confirmation.
66 This may be the definitive book on the Scarlatti trial.
67 Yet we find it difficult to take these definitive events and state categorically that they are universal truths for women engineers.
68 The opposition were loyally supporting the Government, but were also pressing for a definitive statement.
69 The calorific value of that on an ordinary definitive stamp is 5.9.
70 We finally agreed on an experiment we would both regard as definitive.
71 Definitive evidence of discrimination, however, may be obtained only from a prospective study.
72 The search for the definitive monograph on Piero, if such a book can ever be written,[http:///definitive.html] will continue.
73 Griffin is the author of the definitive travel guide 'France at Your Fingertips'.
74 In summary, the research to date provides few definitive guidelines for the clinician.
75 None can provide a definitive answer to the question of whom resources should be spent on.
76 The most radical and definitive solution would be for all Third World debtor countries to collectively renounce their debts.
77 Still, while it may not be definitive,() it certainly is delightfully dishy.
78 The Black Book Of Communism is not a definitive work.
79 However, the design can be a useful, if not a definitive, indicator of a rug's origins.
80 The nomenclature of science does not refer to definitive concepts: It is ceaselessly adjusted, completed, varied.
81 Now a definitive agreement has been signed, with each founding partner taking an equal stake in the new venture.
82 The Fundamental Principle, proclaimed in capital letters with definite reference implying definitive solution.
83 Temporal artery biopsy is considered the definitive test in establishing the diagnosis.
84 He added that many market watchers had been hoping for some type of agreement or definitive news yesterday.
85 But the results so far are mixed, although many state transportation officials say it is too early to make definitive judgments.
86 By virtue of the concept of parliamentary sovereignty, the act would be definitive.
87 Definitive music from his golden years and top-class traditional jazz by any standards.
88 He has refused, arguing that a definitive legal answer would split the country irrevocably.
89 To ask for definitive answers to such grandiose questions would, of course, be a tall order.
90 Cat is the appropriate experimental definitive host.
91 In international economics Samuelson has made many definitive contributions.
92 Please give me a definitive answer.
93 The Eleventh Edition is the definitive edition.
94 Clearer fossil may provide a definitive answer.
95 Actually those presentations did not prove definitive.
96 Unfortunately, there's no definitive test for Alzheimer's disease.
97 He disagreed, but he didn't say anything definitive.
98 We don't need a definitive test to confirm this.
99 What is the difference between regeneration and definitive sanctification?
100 Definitive diagnosis depends upon either endoscopy or radiology.
101 An opulent, flamboyant wine with definitive varietal characters.
102 Conclusion:The reason for the obstruction at the anastomosis after definitive right hemicolectomy for enterocutaneous fistula of the terminal ileum was prolonged diversion preoperatively.
102 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
103 In the case of non - Euclidean geometry he published no definitive work.
104 Results staining SP methods can help to definitive the histological type and differentiation of astrocytic tumor.
105 Speaking in a teleconference with the judge presiding over the case, Gibson asked for the trial to be delayed another week to give negotiators time to strike a definitive out-of-court settlement.
106 For atmospheric environments definitive standards have not been published yet.
107 But a definitive conviction of his former co-defendant would, by implication, mean Berlusconi was equally guilty of having bribed him.
108 The right mix of verticals can lead to faster growth and definitive monetization.
109 The rough draft of history now has a smoother, more definitive shape.
110 The mission of the Magisterium is linked to the definitive nature of the covenant established by God with his people in Christ.
111 But Drs. Kramer and Roth sought a much more definitive answer.
112 Their annual rankings of songs and albums gives an often highly controversial but definitive look at all types of music, not just mainstream sludge spewed out on lifelessly redundant pop stations.
113 CONCLUSIONS: Expression profile of aforementioned genes indicated a definitive relationship between vascular endothelial growth factor isoform and vulvar cancer.
114 Treatment includes supplemental oxygen and positioning in the left lateral decubitus position with head down. Definitive care is treatment in a hyperbaric chamber.
115 Much of section 4, devoted to finance, is speculative rather than definitive.
116 The United States Secret Service has made definitive connections between the supernote and the government of North Korea.
117 Besides the difference that popularizes degree, definitive inadequacy also is to restrict pay treasure copyist people one big handicap.
118 In the definitive nomenclature, the suffix "ose" is appended to prefixes denoting the number of carbon atoms in the nomosaccaride; e.g.
119 The definitive (and gruesome) proof came with the discovery of the human muscle protein myoglobin in the fossilized human feces of a prehistoric Anasazi pueblo Indian.
120 Of Geomancy (19 pages) The classic and definitive exposition of this divinatory art, covering both its practice and interpretation.
121 "We found definitive proof that IPA-3 fit into and binds to PAK1's autoregulatory domain, the part of the enzyme where it can, essentially, shut itself off when necessary, " Peterson says.
122 Business travel may prove to be less definitive and potentially less successful, as Neptune will be in a financial house, in hard angle to the new moon, a configuration that adds confusion.
123 Preparation of the share exchange agreement, stock purchase agreement, definitive merger agreement, and all other documents necessary to complete the merger.
124 Polar nuclei The, usually two, haploid nuclei found midway along the EMBRYOSAC, forming a binucleate central cell. They may fuse to form the diploid definitive nucleus.
125 Vaginal cytology can be used for inspection or biopsy to definitive diagnosis.
126 The detailed estimate or definitive estimate is made when the scope of work is clearly defined and the detailed design is in progress so that the essential features of the facility are identifiable.
127 Combining and updating the author's two previous definitive books on ELINT, this volume is the indispensable reference for every ELINT professional.
128 For nearly twenty years, Manning Marable, a historian at Columbia, labored on what he hoped would be a definitive scholarly work on Malcolm X.
129 Studies such as these have provided definitive answers to challenging mechanistic questions.
130 The definitive host of Angiostrongylus cantonensis is Rattus norvegicus and intermediate host is Ampullarum crossean. Its suggest that we must take precautions against Angiostrongylus cantonensis.
131 Another wild card here is that there is no definitive estimate of how much methane in this hydrate/clathrate form exists in our seas and oceans.
132 Genetic resistance of Marek's disease (MD) in chicken is controlled by many genes, and the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene is the most definitive influential factor.
132 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
133 The natural definitive host for P. proliferus is not monkeys, dogs, and cats, but rats.
134 The roadside bomb/improvised explosive device (IED) is one of the definitive weapons in the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan.
135 The prepotency of criminal definitive fact has a special scope and extent, based on the higher standard of proof.
136 We should be clear that neither of these two methods nor any other method of investment appraisal can give a definitive decision.
137 In the former case, the first dot file found in the precedent chain is definitive.
138 The market square, flanked by the colourful gables of burgher houses, is probably the definitive site of the area.
139 IN what may come to be the definitive line about our current economic crisis, Warren Buffett said on the CNBC program "Squawk Box" this month that the United States economy has "fallen off a cliff."
140 Of course, achieving a particular education level is not the definitive measure of someone's mental capacity.
141 We were producing a definitive edition of the poems of Kipling.
142 The definitive host is the dog but it can also infect cats, wolves, coyotes , foxes and other animals, such as ferrets, sea lions and even, under very rare circumstances, humans.
143 Objective To investigate the distribution and infection situation of the definitive host of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Fuzhou.
144 In the early 1940s the Supreme Court announced in rather definitive terms that the First Amendment did not cover obscene or libelous speech, fighting words, or commercial speech.
145 Language is too vague, context-dependent, and creative to be captured with a definitive set of rules that strictly delimit the grammatical from the ungrammatical.
146 More than a playmaker that tries to circulate the ball, he's a player of definitive passes.
147 Although not a definitive requirement for an AOA implementation, an organization should consider using a process authoring tool to maintain descriptions of its existing implementation processes.
148 Subsequently, these observations were generally discounted because definitive evidence for follicular neogenesis was not presented6.
149 Cysts should be excised and sterilized to avoid ingestion by the definitive host.
150 Earlier definitive diagnosis and lung lobe sleeve-resection could apparently raised post - operative survival rate.
151 Principles of Chemical Nomenclature is the definitive work for them, mandated by the authoritative voice of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
152 There is no definitive test as yet for the condition.
153 Consequently, the detailed estimate is often used as the budget estimate since it is sufficient definitive to reflect the project scope and is available long before the engineer's estimate.
154 The Virus Neutralisation Test (VNT) is considered the definitive test to determine whether an animal has had the virus in its system.
155 Conclusion The classification of CT signs is helpful to make a definitive diagnosis and judge prognosis early and correctly in patient with brain-stem injury.
156 However, from the view of comprehensive capability, operations experience and voluntariness, China Mobile should be the definitive candidate to receive TD-SCDMA licenses.
157 It is the library from which the definitive authorized version of software, software documentation, licensing information, and other relevant information is referenced.
158 Conclusion Except Pingtan, the whole Fuzhou area is the natural epidemic foci of An. cantonensis and R. norvegicus is the major definitive host.
159 The Hunter Revolver is the definitive knife for the outdoorsman, hunter, archer, fisherman, and sportsman.
160 Although Manning Marable may not have succeeded in writing a definitive work, his considerable scholarship does remind us how much is elided by any tale of a pilgrim's progress.
161 Theoretical work has enabled definitive statements to be made on these questions.
162 The efficacy of ligation of the thoracic duct above the diaphrenic level for treatment prevention of postoperative chylothorax is definitive and accurate.
163 Except for in-person observations made over the last two decades, little definitive was known about these oases of diversity, like their age or how they might respond to changes in climate.
164 Definitive treatment of iliopsoas impingement often requires surgical revision or iliopsoas tenotomy, although many cases remain undiagnosed or are managed conservatively.
165 The elements in each appositive construction are to be nouns, pronouns and noun phrases, represent the same concept and can be turned into a definitive sentence.
166 The definitive proxy statement will be mailed to stockholders as of a record date to be established for voting on the proposed transaction.
167 There are generally three popular explanations given for the meaning of "Orange" in Orange Pekoe , none of them definitive.
168 Aim: To raise definitive diagnostic rate in early stage of diagnosing acute traumatic subdural hygroma(ATSH) on CT and deepen recognition of the ATSH.
169 This is the definitive guide to every recording session done by the Beatles at EMI's Abbey Road recording studio. 150 full-color, 100 duotone, and 100 black-and-white photographs.
170 The OED is the definitive work on the history and usage of English.
171 Group demographic heterogeneity is one of the definitive factors which have an effect on group performance.
172 This definitive resource is the one comprehensive book needed by every practicing hematologist.
173 Le Morted'Arthur. Sir Thomas Malory. The definitive collection of Arthurian tales - from Lancelot's betrayal to the birth of Mordred to invisible knights.
174 Cohabitation is the living arrangement of choice, meaning that fewer couples are willing to make that definitive commitment and tie the knot.
175 By then, he said, his team might be able to make a definitive statement about supersymmetry and some other theories to explain physics beyond the Standard Model.
176 Nevertheless, the supervision of dog infection should be reinforced because this definitive host constitutes an important link with human contamination.
177 Thus, the majority of children with Graves' disease will need definitive, curative therapy.
178 There are 3 types of estimates according to the accuracy of estimate: order-of-magnitude estimate, budget estimate and definitive estimate.
179 Even a failure that seems definitive can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction.
180 Bidirectional Glenn and Antegrade Pulmonary Blood Flow: Temporary or Definitive Palliation?
181 The mean time between the initial procedure and the definitive fusion was 2.4 weeks.
182 His team came across some ambiguous references in clinical textbooks and in the definitive psychiatrist's reference manual there is no such category for premature orgasms in women.
183 Definitive determination of the benefit of angiotensin - converting angiotensin - receptor blockade.
184 Definitive diagnosis of toxo requires radiographic testing (usually a CT or MRI scan).
185 Since there is no single, definitive resource regarding SOA, the term SOA has been commandeered to represent the interests and agendas of many; such is the problem of de jure standards.




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