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单词 fart
释义  Related topics: Humanfart1 /fɑːt $ fɑːrt/ verb [intransitive] not polite  1.HBHto make air come out of your bowels 放屁 SYN break wind2 fart about/around phrasal verb informal LAZYto waste time not doing very much 浪费时间;闲荡Stop farting around and get on with your work! 别瞎混了,干你的活去!→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfart• What would they do if she farted?• Gleeson farted and bared more of his teeth at Marcus.• I've farted around too much, that's the triste truth.• Marie: Yeah, we think he farted around.• So the train bumps and farts its way along the tracks.• Or mention farting, or something.• By most people's standards Marilyn Monroe was fairly uninhibited; bathing infrequently, and belching and farting with carefree abandon.Related topics: Humanfart2 noun  1. [countable] not politeHBH an act of making air come out of your bowels 放屁2. old fart informalSTUPID/NOT INTELLIGENT a stupid and uninteresting older person 老东西〔指愚蠢无趣的年长者〕Examples from the Corpusfart• My old man said be a Swansea fan but I said bog-off, cobblers you're a fart!• A fart is not an atom bomb...• So he unbuckled his belt and squatted again, exploding farts and twisted guts.• Soho, meanwhile, enthuse and make me feel like a miserable old fart.• The old fart had served his purpose.• No, the idea is to open it without so much as a nun's fart.• The coaches stunk of coal smoke and rationed tobacco and rationed booze and the farts of people eating wartime food.Origin fart1 Old English feortanfart1 verbfart2 nounChinese  come your air to make bowels of out Corpus




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