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单词 Mead
1 Mead calls the group "rabidly right-wing".
2 The tribute of tears was the good man's mead.
3 He would taste of the mead of the gods.
4 The group was disintegrating when Mead left it.
5 Mead was bumped off major cases and firm committees, then given only administrative duties, the lawsuit alleges.
6 According to Mead, the Mundugumor regard children as a great inconvenience and treat them brusquely.
7 They sat often at their sewing, discussing mead and medicines and men.
8 The chapel at Lady Mead was full of flowers, and how you screamed and yelled.
9 In 1987, Mead took a blood test and learned he was HIV positive.
10 Most frequently cited is the work of Margaret Mead, perhaps the paramount genius in her field.
11 The problem called by Mead the central issue of every human society arose: what to do with the males.
12 Mead also called on agencies to combat the myth that agencies are over-profitable and profligate in paying employees.
13 Mead also said Heller, Ehrman encouraged him to promote the firm as a progressive company for racial minorities and gays.
14 Mead attempts to achieve the same kind of representation in silicon as he sees in the biological.
15 Mead was already world renowned, as famous for her social activism as for her cultural anthropology.
16 The mead was passed, and the mugs were refilled, and the fires burned a bit lower.
17 He gave me a cup of mead.
18 He drank some mead at supper.
19 After the game, mead on multi - Pu also gave the tactful criticism to main force's attack ability.
20 n January 6, 1973, the anthropologist Margaret Mead published a startling little essay in TV Guide.
21 As an amateur Margaret Mead, it's the point at which guests give themselves over to the esprit de wedding that's much more compelling than the whole with-this-ring pomp and circumstance to me.
22 Berger sees a discontinuity between the social psychology of Cooley and Mead and that of Freud.
23 He points to cultures, such as Samoa, where Margaret Mead found that there was little real adolescence.
24 The sweet water was strained, and used to make mead.
25 Not another word was spoken, till he tossed back the mead in one gulp.
26 Except that he ate venison and roast lamb, and drank milk laced with honey, or hot mead fragrant with herbs.
27 But this view could well be challenged by a new offering from Roland ... Review by David Mead.
28 For example, the Hoover Dam area experienced hundreds of quakes as Lake Mead filled.
29 Through the metabolic process of physiological living material, this paper discusses the health-care function of mead to human body.
30 We purchased the original pair we have from Tim Mead back in the mid 80's.
31 But several decades later, Margaret Mead thought every woman needed three husbands: one for youthful sex, one for security while raising children and one for joyful companionship in old age.
32 When a silver angel at the top of the tree trumpeted, still more beverages spouted out of the pipes: wine, clarified mare's milk, a honey drink, rice mead – take your pick.
33 Margaret Mead, one of the most well-known women anthropologists in USA, established with Benedict the School of Cultural Psychology.
34 If I want information on food taboos in the South Pacific, for example, I have to remember that Margaret Mead wrote about that topic.
35 Anthropologist Margaret Mead recalled she was so excited by the ideas set loose in the first meeting that "I did not notice that I had broken one of my teeth until the Conference was over."
36 It's famous for other reasons, too. Corcoran real estate broker Alex Nicholas says anthropologist Margaret Mead and poet Edna St. Vincent Millay once called it home.
37 Begin with a scenic airplane tour over beautiful Lake Mead and the incredible Hoover Dam.
38 The mead brewed by the method has the advantages of unique flavor, favorable mouth feel, light yellow color, cleanness and clearness, reservation of the fragrances of bee flowers and mellow vinosity.
39 As Margaret Mead said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
40 Pennsylvania Station and the Biltmore Estate and Vanderbilt 50-room dwelling were designed by Charles Follen McKim of McKim, Mead, and White in New York.
41 Lake Mead is a body of water fed by the Colorado River.
42 Laughlin - London Bridge - Lake Mead - Cactus Garden - Las Vegas Dam - Grand Canyon - Skywalk.
43 What do you Mead would say about the internet and 24 - hour television news?
44 Everyone she meets reminds her of someone else, usually an inhabitant of St Mary Mead.
45 Connor Mead: Someone once told me that the power in all and he was right.
46 Mrs. Mead is looking for a chair in rococo style.
47 Mr. Mead was a Johnny - come - lately who lost an opportunity to get rich.
48 Lake Mead is a body of waterby the Colorado River.
49 One of the oldest human needs is having someone wonder where you are when you don't come home at night---Margaret Mead, American anthropologist.
50 Margaret Mead was also concerned about issues like the environment.
51 Margaret Mead made it onto the backs of college service trip t-shirts: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
52 PFR is working with other universities and government agencies on other projects across the UK but the scheme at Rushy Mead is its first to get to the planning stage.
53 Las Vegas had similar problems. It was part of a great desert until Lake Mead was created by the Hoover Dam built on the Colorado River.
54 Interestingly, Mead was a highly regarded academic and had a large part in the formulation of the 1979 American Book of Common Prayer (Church of England).
55 Perhaps the anthropologist Margaret Mead made the most appropriate expression: "a small group of thoughtful( ), and have dedicated citizens can change the world."
56 In the Southwest, continuing drought shrank Lake Mead, the enormous impoundment behind Hoover Dam that waters much of the region, to a fraction of its former self.
57 Margaret Mead shared her strong opinions about social issues. She denounced the spread of nuclear weapons. She spoke against racial injustice.
58 Margaret Mead asked to do research in Samoa in the Pacific Ocean.
59 Although there was a GPS brought by honcho A, our car still got lost in the desert, but we began being excited while watching the blue Lake Mead.
60 Innis was influenced by the university's two eminent communications scholars, George Herbert Mead and Robert E.
61 Prominent anthropologist Margaret Mead once noted that the increasing life expectancy of Americans made it absurd to think that all marriages would or even should endure for a lifetime.
62 According to the company explained that the USA Mead Johnson products detected Cyanuric Acid, perhaps because of the cleaning equipment used in some detergent residue caused.
63 Jean-Paul Sartre and Margaret Mead, to name two spectacularly confident former children, have both remarked on the central importance of grandparents in their own early lives.
64 What do you think Mead would say about the internet and 24 - hour television news?
65 Selections from Trance and Dance in Bali. Directed by Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson. 20 mins. 1951.
66 A small plaque on the house notes that poet Edna St. Vincent Millay once lived there; so did anthropologist Margaret Mead.
67 Lake Mead is a man - made body of water fed by the Colorado River.
68 George Herbert Mead is one of the important representatives of American pragmatism school.
69 Margaret Mead spoke about the dangers of science and technology.
70 Science fiction is where the future happens first, and that puts futurist Syd Mead at least two steps ahead of the rest of us.




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