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单词 farm
释义  Related topics: Agriculturefarm1 /fɑːm $ fɑːrm/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]  1  TAan area of land used for growing crops or keeping animals 农场;养殖场 a 300-hectare farm 一座300公顷的农场 farm workers 农场工人 farm animals 农场牲畜 Joe had worked on the farm all his life. 乔在农场干了一辈子。a pig/dairy/cattle etc farm He runs a pig farm in Lincolnshire. 他在林肯郡经营一个养猪场。 ► Say on a farm not ‘in a farm’.说 on a farm 不要说 ‘in a farm’.2. TAthe main house on a farm where the farmer lives 农场住宅,农舍 → factory farm at factory farming, fish farm, funny farmn COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + farma 300-hectare/400-acre etc farmHe bought a 300-hectare farm in Shropshire.a pig/sheep/cattle farmA pig farm in Dorset is the suspected source of the epidemic.a dairy farm (=a farm that has cows and produces milk)Checks are made on milk from local dairy arable farm (=a farm where crops are grown)Tractors represent the single biggest cost on most arable farms.a fruit farmHe lives on a fruit farm and helps to pick organic farm (=a farm where artificial chemicals are not used)Organic farms can be as productive as industrial farming.a factory farm (=one in which animals are kept inside, in small spaces, and made to grow or produce eggs very quickly )Pigs in factory farms are fed a mixture of grains and + NOUNa farm workerWe rely on migrant farm workers to pick the crop.a farm labourer British English, a farm laborer American EnglishThe cottages were built for the farm labourers.a farm buildingThe farmhouse is separated by hedges from other farm animalsIt is used mainly for feeding farm machineryIn the field, there was a tractor and some other farm produceMoldova provides Russia with large quantities of farm produce.verbswork on a farmI used to work on a farm when I was on a farmShe lives on a farm in Wiltshire.manage/run a farmHe manages a large dairy farm.own/have a farmThe family owned a small farm in Suffolk.grow something on a farmThey grew wheat and barley on their farm.n THESAURUSfarm an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animalsa 300-hectare farma dairy farma sheep farmranch a very large farm in the western US, Canada, or South America where sheep, cattle, or horses are breda cattle ranch in Wyomingsmallholding British English a piece of land used for farming, that is smaller than an ordinary farma smallholding used for organic farmingplantation a large area of land in a hot country, where crops such as tea, cotton, and sugar are growna rubber plantationa tea plantationhomestead a piece of land for farming that was given to people in the past by the US and Canadian governmentsHe still farms on the family homestead, a hundred years after his grandfather received it.spread American English informal an area of land used for farming or ranchingThey have a pretty big spread just south of the Canadian garden an area of land, often with greenhouses on it, used for growing vegetables and fruitHe runs his own market garden, and sells his produce to the big supermarkets. orchard an area of land with trees, used for growing fruitan apple orchard cherry orchardsallotment British English a small area of land of land, especially in a town or city, which you can use for growing your own vegetables.The land is usually owned by the local council, who charge a very low rentWe grew the tomatoes on our allotment.agriculture the practice of farmingMore than 75% of the land is used for agriculture.arable adjective relating to growing cropsa lack of arable landExamples from the Corpusfarm• a farm in southern Alberta• Instead of killing these families, they decided to construct an ant farm for them.• After a while Bathsheba said goodnight to her farm workers, and closed the sitting-room door and windows.• It was the equivalent of the labor of migrant farm laborers.• In other words, it is compensation for assets financed from the farm overheads.• Get an insight into life on the farm past and present.• Any herbs that are added are also organically produced on the farm.a pig/dairy/cattle etc farm• In 1915 the farm was taken over by Fauchons who ran it as a dairy farm.• He turned the beef holding into a dairy farm and soon began expanding by leasing other dairy farms all over Ireland.• With Marjorie, she rented a tiny cottage at the edge of a dairy farm in Dorset, Vermont.Related topics: Agriculturefarm2 ●●○ verb [intransitive, transitive]  1  TAto use land for growing crops or keeping animals 种(田);养殖 The family has farmed here for generations. 这家人世代在此务农。 The land has been farmed organically since 1995. 自1995年以来,这块土地一直进行有机耕种。2. farmed salmon/fish/rabbits etc fish and animals that have been raised on farms, and not caught from the wild 养殖的鲑鱼/鱼/兔子等3 farm somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb a) RESPONSIBLEto send work to other people instead of doing it yourself 将〔工作〕外包 to The processing will be farmed out to people in local villages. 加工活将外包给当地的村民。b) to send someone to a different place where they will be looked after – used to show disapproval 把〔某人〕寄养在外〔含贬义〕 to At the age of 16 she was farmed out to family friends. 16岁时,她被委托给她家的朋友照看。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfarm• My family has farmed here since 1901.• Foreshadowing yet another Communist practice, he formed colonies of soldiers to farm virgin areas.From Longman Business Dictionaryfarmfarm1 /fɑːmfɑːrm/ noun [countable]1FARMINGan area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals as a businessa 3000-hectare maize farmFarm exports account for 70% of New Zealand’s exports.a dairy farm (=one producing milk and milk products) → co-operative farm → truck farm2FARMINGa place where particular fish or animals are bred as a businessa trout farma mink farm → see also cube farmfarmfarm2 verb [intransitive, transitive] FARMINGto use land for growing crops, keeping animals etcHis family has been farming the same land for generations.organically farmed produce → farm something → out→ See Verb tableOrigin farm1 (1300-1400) Old French ferme “rent, lease”, from Latin firmus “firm, fixed”farm1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1farm2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  land growing area used for Corpus of an Business




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