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单词 Pandora's box
释义  Pan·do·ra’s box /pænˌdɔːrəz ˈbɒks $ -ˈbɑːks/ noun  open a Pandora’s box PROBLEMto do or start something that will cause a lot of other problems 打开潘多拉的盒子,引发种种祸患 The report could open up a Pandora’s box of claims from similar cases. 这篇报导可能会开启潘多拉魔盒,引发类似事例的索赔。Examples from the CorpusPandora's box• And the box, stolen, is a Pandora's box of thieved memories.• It is, he stresses, neither a panacea nor a Pandora's box.• Now the only thing that is left in Pandora's box is hope..• Once you open that little Pandora's box it's hard to stop.• The lid of Pandora's box could be wrenched off or tightly sat upon.• Its role in history is merely as the broken lock on Pandora's box.• I've opened Pandora's box.Origin Pandora's box (1500-1600) Pandora woman in an ancient Greek story who opened a box and let all evils out into the worldPan·do·ra’s box nounChineseSyllable  something or start cause do to will that Corpus




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