单词 | far |
释义 | far1 /fɑː $ fɑːr/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb (comparative farther /ˈfɑːðə $ ˈfɑːrðər/ or further /ˈfɜːðə $ ˈfɜːrðər/, superlative farthest /ˈfɑːðɪst $ ˈfɑːr-/ or furthest /ˈfɜːðɪst $ ˈfɜːr-/) 1 distance 距离 a) FARa long distance 远 Have you driven far? 你开了很远了吗? Since I changed jobs, I have to travel further to get to work. 我换了工作,上班更远了。 Let’s see who can jump the furthest! 我们来比比谁跳得最远!far from The children don’t go far from home. 孩子们不会离家很远。far away She wants to move as far away from here as possible. 她想尽量搬得离这儿远些。 They could hear the sound of water not far away. 他们听见不远处有水声。far down He lives further down the street. 沿这条街再往前走一点就是他的住处。further afield (=further away from where you are now) 更远 If you want to go further afield, there are bicycles for hire. 要是你想去更远的地方,有自行车可以租。further north/south etc Many birds fly further south in the autumn. 秋天,许多鸟类飞往更南的地方。 The plains stretched for as far as the eye could see (=all the distance you could see). 平原一望无际。 The lake is about 4 miles away, but we probably won’t get that far (=won’t go as far as that place). 那座湖大概在四英里之外,但我们可能不会去那么远。 b) how farDISTANCE used when asking the distance between two places, or when talking about the distance between two places 多远 How far is it to the station? 离车站多远? The man didn’t say how far it was to the next town. 那名男子没说下一个镇有多远。 c) as far as something to a place or point, but not beyond it 远至某地点 They managed to get as far as the Spanish border. 他们一直跑到西班牙边境。n RegisterIn everyday English, far is usually only used in negative sentences (it’s not far) and questions (how far…?)In positive sentences, people usually use the expression a long way:Her house was a long way from the nearest town. It’s so far to go! → It’s such a long way to go!2 a lot/very much 很多/非常LOT/VERY MUCH very much, or to a great degree 很大程度上far better/easier etc The new system is far better than the old one. 新系统比旧系统好许多。 There are a far greater number of women working in television than twenty years ago. 从事电视工作的女性远比20年前多。far more/less I enjoyed it far more than I expected. 我远比预想的更喜欢它。far too much/long/busy etc That’s far too much to pay. 这个价钱太高了。 It would take me far too long to explain. 我得花很长时间来解释。far above/below/beyond He bought it for a price that was far beyond (=much more than) its real value. 他出的价钱远远高于实际价值。 The teacher said that her writing skills were far below average. 老师说她的写作能力远低于平均水平。 We’ve kept the original features of the house as far as possible (=as much as possible). 我们尽量保留了房子的原貌。 How far do those old, outdated laws affect today’s legislation? 那些陈旧过时的法律对今天的立法有多少影响? His style was far removed (=very different) from that of Picasso. 他的风格与毕加索有天壤之别。not far off/out/wrong (=close to being correct) 几乎正确 I guessed it would cost $100 and it was $110, so I was not far out. 我猜这东西要100美元,其实是110美元,所以我基本猜对。3 progress 进展VERY used to talk about how much progress someone makes, or how much effect something has 〔用于表示进展情况或影响程度〕 He started to explain, but he didn’t get far (=he did not succeed in saying very much) before Mary interrupted him. 他开始解释起来,但没说几句就被玛丽打断了。get as far as doing something They had got as far as painting the kitchen. 他们已经开始粉刷厨房了。 Many people felt that the new law did not go far enough (=did not have a big enough effect, so that more needed to be done). 许多人认为新的法律力度不够。4 time 时间LONG TIME a long time in the past or the future, or a long time into a particular period 久,久远far into We talked far into the night. 我们谈到深夜。far ahead They want to plan much further ahead than the next few years. 他们想计划得更长远,而不光是接下来的几年。 The first petrol-driven car was produced as far back as 1883. 第一辆汽油动力车的生产要回溯到1883年。 → far-off5 go too far (also take/carry something too far)TOO/TOO MUCH to do something too extreme 〔将某事〕做得太过分 One day she will go too far. 她总有一天会做得太过分的。 Some people thought he had gone too far in his criticism of the police. 有些人觉得他对警方的批评太过分了。6 go so far/as far as to do something spokenBELIEVE to do or say something extreme 竟然做某事,甚至做某事 The government went so far as to try to arrest opposition leaders. 政府竟然企图逮捕反对党领导人。 I wouldn’t go so far as to say that we agreed on the subject. 我才不会说我们在这个问题上意见是一致的。7 so far (also thus far formal)NOW until now 到目前为止,迄今为止 So far we have not had to borrow any money. 到目前为止,我们还不必借钱。 They’re delighted with the replies they’ve received from the public thus far. 到目前为止,他们还满意公众的反应。8 so far so good spokenSUCCESSFUL used to say that things have been happening successfully until now 到目前为止一切都好 We’ve reached the semi-finals. So far so good. 我们进入了半决赛,到目前为止一切顺利。9 far from something OPPOSITE/REVERSEused to say that something very different is true or happens 远非…,完全不… Conditions are still far from ideal. 条件仍很不理想。far from doing/being something Far from helping the situation, you’ve just made it worse. 你那样非但于事无补,反而把事情弄得更糟了。10 far from it spoken used to say that the opposite of what has just been said is true 完全相反,远非如此 ‘Are you bored?’ ‘Far from it. I could listen all night.’ “你厌烦了吗?”“才没呢,我听一晚上都行。” Local people aren’t objecting – far from it. 当地人不反对——完全不反对。11 far and wide over a large area 四处,到处 His fame spread far and wide. 他声名远扬。 People came from far and wide (=came from many places) to see the concert. 人们从各地赶来听音乐会。12 by far/far and away VERYused to say that something is much better, worse etc than anything else 得多,最 Watching sport was by far the most popular activity on Saturday afternoons. 周六下午看体育比赛是最受欢迎的活动。 Spring is far and away the best time to visit the islands. 春天是去这些岛屿旅游的最佳季节。13 somebody will/would/should etc go far SUCCESSFULused to say that you think someone will be successful in the future 某人会/准能成功 He was the best student in his year, and everyone was sure he would go far. 他是同年级最好的学生,每个人都确信他将大有作为。14 as/so far as I’m concerned OPINION spoken used when giving your opinion about something 就我而言,依我看来 As far as I’m concerned she can come home whenever she likes. 就我而言,只要她愿意,随时可以回家。15 as/so far as something is concerned spoken used when you want to talk about a particular thing 就某事而论,至于某事 As far as money’s concerned, there shouldn’t be a problem. 至于钱,应该没有问题。16 as/so far as I know/I can remember/I can tell/I can see etc spokenTHINK/HAVE THE OPINION THAT used to say that you think that something is true, although it is possible that you do not know all the facts or cannot remember completely 据我所知/据我所记得的/依我看 There weren’t any buildings there at all, as far as I can remember. 据我所记得的,那里没有任何建筑。 As far as I can see, there’s nothing else to discuss. 依我看,没有别的什么可以讨论了。17 far be it from me to do something spokenCRITICIZE used when saying that you do not want to criticize someone or say what they should do, especially when this is what you are really about to do 不是我想做某事〔用于批评或告诫某人但又表示自己并非想这么做〕 Far be it from me to teach you your job, but don’t you think you should have been more careful? 不是我想教你怎么工作,只是你难道不认为应该更加仔细些吗?18 as far as it goes LIMITused to say that an idea, suggestion, plan etc is satisfactory, but only to a limited degree 在有限的程度上 His theories are fine, as far as they go. 他的理论大致上还算不错。19 not go far a) ENOUGHif money does not go far, you cannot buy very much with it 〔钱〕买不了多少东西,不经用 My salary doesn’t go very far these days. 如今,我的薪水买不了多少东西。 b) ENOUGHif a supply of something does not go far, it is not enough 不够用,不足 The coffee won’t go far if everyone wants a cup. 如果每个人都要一杯,那咖啡就不够了。20 in so far as/insofar as/in as far as formalPARTLY to the degree that 到…的程度 The research suggests that the drug will be successful, in so far as one can draw conclusions from such a small sample size. 研究表明,就目前这么小规模试用所得出的结论来看,这种药是会成功的。 THESAURUSfar adverb a long distance – used mainly in negatives and questions, or after ‘too’, ‘so’, and ‘as’ 远〔主要用于否定句、疑问句或用于 too、so 和 as 之后〕It’s not far to the airport from here. 这里离机场不远。Have you driven far? 你开车跑了很远吗?The ship was so far away we could hardly see it. 那艘船离得很远,我们几乎都看不见。a long way adverb a long distance from somewhere. This is the most common way of talking about long distances, except in negatives and questions when far is also common 远〔表示距离远最常用的说法,而在否定句和疑问句里far也常用〕You must be tired – you’ve come a long way. 你肯定累了——跑了那么远的路。It’s a long way down from the top of the cliff. 从悬崖顶下来有很长一段路。nI can’t see things that are a long way away.miles adverb informal a very long way 很长的距离We hiked miles. 我们徒步走了很远。The school is miles away from where I live. 学校离我住的地方很远。in the distance adverb a long way from where you are now – used when talking about things that seem small or sounds that seem quiet because they are a long way away 远处〔用于表示某物因距离远而看上去小或声音因距离远而听不清〕Dogs were barking somewhere in the distance. 远远地有狗在吠。distant adjective especially written used about something that is a long distance from where you are now, and looks small or sounds quiet 远处的〔用于表示某物距离远,看上去小或声音轻〕By now, the plane was just a distant speck in the sky. 现在,那架飞机只是天空中远远的一个小点。the rumble of distant thunder 远处隆隆的雷声faraway adjective especially written a very long distance from where you are now 来自远处的a traveller from a faraway land 来自遥远国度的游客His voice sounded faraway. 他的声音似乎很遥远。nHe told us stories about the faraway countries he had visited.remote adjective a remote place is a long distance from other places, and few people go there 〔地方〕偏远的The helicopter crashed in a remote part of the country. 这架直升机在该国的偏远地区坠毁。remote holiday destinations 偏远的度假目的地isolated adjective an isolated place is a long distance from other towns, buildings, or people, and there is very little communication with surrounding places 偏僻闭塞的isolated rural areas of Nepal 尼泊尔偏僻的农村地区Occasionally we passed through a small isolated village. 偶尔我们会经过一个偏僻的小村庄。nIf you travel to isolated areas, make sure you have a good guide.off the beaten track (also off the beaten path American English) adverb a place that is off the beaten track is a long distance from the places where people usually go, and often seems interesting and different because of this 〔地方〕偏远,僻静〔因此显得有趣、与众不同〕She likes to go to places that are a bit off the beaten track. 她喜欢去一些人迹罕至的地方。Examples from the Corpusfar• I don't want to drive very far.• Who do you think can jump the farthest?• Alfonsina Storni seems to have veered as far as possible to the opposite extreme.• Sometimes as far as sixty miles.• We won't be able to go much farther because of the snow.• I was now far behind the others and knew I couldn't catch up.• Cleveland isn't very far from here.• We were sitting too far from the stage to hear what the actors were saying.• Eventually Mark found a place for it far in the bows of the raft, like a miniature fourth mast.• Some people were far more concerned about tuberculosis.• Only two children have talked about the incidents so far, she said.• Lightning dipped and veered in a manner which was far too close for comfort.• But there were far too few new faces, and far too many head office honchos.• Because of the language barrier and culture shock, such insights are far too rare.not far off/out/wrong• In the high country, winter is not far off.• Of course ticket-of-leave is never full of pardon but it's not far off.• The money-collecting always seemed to mean that trouble was not far off.• That much was not far out of the ordinary among Jesuit scholastics.• I was a lad, and there was a farm not far off us.go far enough• But does it go far enough?• But it is more likely that he will not go far enough.• Republicans criticized him for not going far enough.• The package also angered many Hong Kong liberals who argued that the reforms did not go far enough.• This does not go far enough.• The management changes may not go far enough, analysts said.• Loretta decided she had gone far enough, and used the beginning of a farm track to turn the car in.• The account, however, failed to go far enough to explain the supply side of the situation.as far back as• Plans for a share offering date as far back as the late 1980s.• Poisoning incidents have been registered as far back as 1842.• The city had already established a group of engineering colleges as far back as 1860.• The first recorded game took place as far back as 1851 with a match between Oporton and Lisbon.• There are all of these companies or older industrialized sites from as far back as the turn of the century.• There is a dominant sense of existentialism running through your books, beginning as far back as your first novel.• There is some history of women trying to form soccer leagues in Great Britain as far back as the 1800s.• They were in fact social outcasts, to whom documentary references can be found going as far back as the thirteenth century.far2 ●●● S1 W1 adjective (comparative farther or further, superlative farthest or furthest) 1 FARa long distance away 远的 OPP near We can walk to my house from here. It isn’t far. 我们可以从这里步行去我家,不远。 You could see the mountains in the far distance. 你可以看到远处的群山。2 the far side/end/corner etc FARthe side, end etc that is furthest from you 更远的一端/一边/一个角落等 OPP near They crossed the bridge and walked along the far side of the stream. 他们过了桥,在对岸沿着小溪一路前行。 There was a piano in the far corner of the room. 房间的对面角落里有一架钢琴。3 the far north/south etc AREAthe part of a country or area that is furthest in the direction of north, south etc 边远的北部/南部等 It will become windy in the far north and west. 最北部和最西部有大风。4 the far left/right PPGpeople who have extreme left-wing or right-wing political opinions 极左/右分子 The candidate for the far right got ten percent of the vote. 极右派候选人获得了百分之十的选票。5 be a far cry from something DIFFERENTto be very different from something 与某物大不相同 The company lost £3 million, which is a far cry from last year’s £60 million profit. 公司亏损了300万英镑,这与去年赢利6,000万英镑相去甚远。n6 a bridge too far (also a step/cut/adventure etc too far) something that is too extreme An amendment to the constitution would be regarded as a step too far.Examples from the Corpusfar• We can walk if it's not far.• In the far distance she could see the outlines of several tall buildings.• On the far side of the village was a small water mill, probably used for grinding corn.Origin far1 Old English feorrfar1 adverb →10-20 →n REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1far2 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese distance long Corpus a |
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