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单词 Anatomy
1. We have to do anatomy next term.
2. Knowledge of human anatomy is essential to figure drawing.
3. An understanding of human anatomy is important to a dancer.
4. They draw the nude figure with careful anatomy.
5. He later became professor of anatomy at Kiel.
6. Various parts of his anatomy were clearly visible.
7. On which part of her anatomy is she tattooed?
8. It's the anatomy student's bible!
9. Physiology and anatomy are basic to medical science.
10. The whole play reads like an anatomy of evil.
11. You could see a part of his anatomy that I'd rather not mention.
12. Elkind's book is an anatomy of one man's discussion with his son about life.
13. He works as a demonstrator in anatomy at Wolfson College.
14. Here, anatomy provides an intriguing clue.
15. Her best-known work concerned the anatomy of seedlings.
16. This book is not an analysis of that anatomy.
17. Departures from normal human anatomy were marked in red.
18. A vulnerable part of the human anatomy.
19. She read Victorian novels and studied textbooks of anatomy.
20. It was a book of animal anatomy.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. When only seeing is believing the unseen reproductive anatomy of the female can not be an article of faith.
22. First, the anatomy of an ice dam; how it happens and why.
23. I may not know much about anatomy, but I am rug-smart.
24. Applicants interested in applying for the position should submit their CVs to the Anatomy Department no later than February 15.
25. He was hit in a rather sensitive part of his anatomy.
26. He happened to be looking through the medical book "Gray's Anatomy" at the time.
27. For the first time, we have the chance to examine the anatomy of a secret government operation.
28. The family has a distribution covering most parts of the world and shows great uniformity of anatomy.
29. But so far, no direct link has been made between any of these corpses and the Pernkopf anatomy.
30. He had a quick smile, smooth skin and a booming fascination with his own anatomy.
1. Knowledge of human anatomy is essential to figure drawing.
2. Applicants interested in applying for the position should submit their CVs to the Anatomy Department no later than February 15.
3. An understanding of human anatomy is important to a dancer.
4. They draw the nude figure with careful anatomy.
5. Physiology and anatomy are basic to medical science.
31. Books about anatomy, born from fire in the back yard.
32. The architecture of the chapel at the Guell colony is like a study of intimate female anatomy.
33. Diogenes backed up his theory of the importance of air circulating through the body with some primitive human anatomy.
34. These high rates reflect the anatomy of the cervical spine and the dynamic forces that act on it.
35. The simplified anatomy of a rose flower in cross section.
36. We unfolded them carefully, spread them out gently, and studied their anatomy.
37. Vivisection in education Dissection has traditionally been a means of acquiring a knowledge of anatomy.
38. They do not possess the seductive allure of other parts of the female anatomy.
39. It is hard to work out the anatomy of the brain.
40. After being enrolled at the university at the age of seventeen, Freud studied physiology,() biology and anatomy.
41. From this Russell concludes that dinosaurs were more like birds in their soft anatomy and physiology.
42. But the early debates were conducted almost entirely in terms of comparative anatomy and paleontology.
43. But the anatomy provides only this thin layer of clues about where language is located.
44. This is now widely accepted, but Mr.X, strangely, never pursued it further with reference to the anatomy of the individual golfer.
45. The interpretation of our experiment is also corroborated by results of other studies of the functional anatomy of phonological processing.
46. The relative complexity of gastric crypt anatomy compared with colorectal mucosa has discouraged its use as an experimental model in proliferation research.
47. And fewer than 10 % of shoe salespeople have had even basic training in foot anatomy or shoe sizing.
48. Indeed, almost the most valuable part of the coelacanth anatomy, to the Comoreans, is its rough heavy scales.
49. About 1773 he became junior professorial assistant to the professor of anatomy at Alfort veterinary school.
50. In health services,[http://] juniors learned about anatomy and physiology and participated in a one-day job shadow.
51. As well as medical preparations, it contained a great deal of comparative anatomy, including fossils.
52. Comparative anatomy, however, is an unfashionable science in the West today.
53. The session may cover the background anatomy and physiology necessary for the understanding of diseases treated on the ward.
54. And the ear is not the only sensitive part of the human anatomy which Cloverleaf is designed to appeal to.
55. But once you get into the swing of it, the anatomy takes care of itself.
56. Many such debatable questions raised by the anatomy of these creatures still await universally agreed answers.
57. Owen was also put in charge of the College's museum, an important source of specimens for comparative anatomy.
58. Works on comparative anatomy continued this tradition, though by the nineteenth century there was more caution about using mankind.
59. The anatomy of living things is so complex and delicate that they could only have been created by a Supreme Creator.
60. For the first time, we have a chance to examine the anatomy of a secret government operation.
61. Such were Victor Frankenstein's perfectionist obsessions in relation to human anatomy, when he began his investigations into the nature of life.
62. Medical illustrators keep the Pernkopf Anatomy on their drawing boards for ready reference as they depict obscure internal organs with computer-generated images.
63. But he was also interested in the substantial factual detail of astronomy, anatomy, and the physics of motion.
64. He became assistant to the Professor and demonstrator of anatomy, at £25 perannum, plus coals for his sitting room.
65. Sometimes this seems almost to rebuke me, to be a heavy price to pay for a simple preference of male anatomy.
66. Thus anatomy may reflect the fact that there are only a few ways in which some engineering problem can be solved.
67. Exhaustion triumphed over hurt pride and other parts of the anatomy.
68. Had he known anything whatever about Cerean anatomy, however, he would have gone immediately for the left armpit.
69. We joke a lot about medical students wanting a thalamic stimulator while learning gross anatomy.
70. The anatomy of the strands was not investigated.
71. the department of anatomy and physiology.
72. Shapable stylet to conform to the patient's anatomy.
73. We studied the anatomy of the snake.
74. Study of foliar anatomy of Gnetum parvifolium.
75. the anatomy of the horse.
76. The hurricane's anatomy was powerful and complex.
77. Wood anatomy of four species in the genus Magnolia.
78. This was actually good news for Darwin, as it gave him more time to wander around the museums, seeking advice from the various experts in botany, taxidermy, geology and animal anatomy.
79. A research of comparative anatomy was carried out on the characteristics of wood structure between Hainan Scentedrose wood and Vietnamese Scentedrose wood.
80. Objective:To study the applied anatomy and clinical significance of the supra-cavernous sinus segment of oculomotor nerve.
81. Intersexual goats of Saanen breed of Xinong at Northwestern Agricultural University were studied in anatomy, histology[http:///anatomy.html], cytogenetics and genetics.
82. These photos were published in the August issue of Anatomy & Embryology.
83. Objective To provide basic applicable anatomy for clinical practical procedures of selective peripheral neurotomy to lower limbs.
84. Objective: To provide anatomy data for the transposition of vascularized flap of magnus adductor muscle tendon to repair the defected tibial collateral ligament.
85. Introduce the functional anatomy and ultrastructure of insects, with emphasis on adaptation and evolutionary significance.
86. Objective To study the anatomy of the bony structures related to the subtemporal transmandibular approach and provide an advisable anatomy reference for exposure.
87. Systematic and Evolutional Botany, whose main field is the plant comparative anatomy, is one of the important subjects among the modern plant science.
88. A knowledge of anatomy adds to the appreciation of works of art.
89. Conclusion: This operation method rectificaed the anatomy pathological changes of severe ingrown toenail disease and obviously elevated the clinic cure rate.
90. The Genus Potamgeton Linn. in Shaanxi Province has been studied taxonomically, based on field investigations, by using the methods of morphology and anatomy.
91. This article describes the current opinions on anatomy of serratus anterior muscle, clinical applications and our experiences in the free serratus anterior muscle flap transplantation.
92. Input-output analysis can be widely applied into economic forecasting and anatomy.
93. Directive:To study the anatomy of bony labyrinth in order to provide anatomic basis for clinical applications.
94. Objective: Investigate the applied anatomy study on hypophysis of anw - born infant.
95. Anatomy structure of root, stem and leaf of dayflower ( Commelina communis L. ) was studied, There are six xylema in root.
96. We have the fossils, the intermediate forms, the comparative anatomy, the genomic homologies—we've seen what evolution spits out.
97. Gross anatomy provided one of the most memorable experiences of my first year in medical school, and dissecting a human body made me keenly aware of the vastly complex nature of my chosen profession.
98. She talked glibly of anatomy and construction, planes and lines.
99. Because the anatomy structure of lingual face of every tooth is particular, the standard arch form of lingual orthodontic is "mushroom shape".
100. This was a troubling essay on the anatomy of nationhood.
101. Complex biological systems have another structural feature: they are architectonic—that is, their anatomy, fine structure, and biochemistry all reflect a specific physiological function.
102. Objective To describe microsurgical anatomy of the extreme lateral transcondylar approach.
103. Objective To supply brain stem rostral anatomy space parameter for neuroendoscopic key hole operation.
104. Anatomy began as a descriptive science in the days when Latin was the universal scientific language.
105. Objective To study the clinical anatomy characters and the practice value of neuroendoscope in the operation around sellar region.
106. According to the anatomy date, the airway was established with hydrodynamics software.
107. Objective To investigate the anatomy factor of palsy of the extensor hallux longus muscle after proximal tibial osteotomy.
108. To learn more about human anatomy, Leonardo da Vinci secretly dissected corpses.
109. This paper reviewed the functional anatomy of the urethral sphincter systems and the urethral support systems, and the impact of female urinary continence for aging and vaginal delivery.
110. The results of gross anatomy are follows:The color of parotid gland is pale pink and its shape is oblong and lamellar.
111. The author conducted a study to investigate the anatomy of the intraforaminal ligaments of the thoracic and lumbar nerve roots and describe their anatomical relationships and functional properties.
112. Objective Exploration possibility of routine anatomy superficial temporal artery and veins and auriculotemporal nerve and to make a block excision in palients with the inborn preauricular fistula .
113. The physiological anatomy of Leonardo da Vinci also made enormous achievements and is considered the founder of modern physical anatomy.
114. The soft anatomy of conodont shows some soft tissues including eyes, notochord, nerve cord,[] myomeres and caudal fin.
115. Objective To union bio - medical engineering specialized characteristic, discusses the anatomy teaching method.
116. Methods:The cross-section anatomy of upper abdomen in 30 Chinese cadavers and the extension of omental bursa by irrigating emulsion in 5 Chinese cadavers were studied to investigate the omental bursa.
117. The pathological changes of haemophilus parasuis infection in swine were studied with the methods of gross anatomy, routine paraffin section and H·E staining.
118. Methods Analyze the anatomy relation of the trachea and the arteria anonyma and the main reasons of trachea arteria anonyma fistula in clinical through the case.
119. The contents of the systemic and topographic anatomy can be unified.
120. Objective To understand minute anatomy and adjacent relationship of human internal acoustical meatus ( IAM ).
121. Flower anatomy and pollination test showed Armeniaca mume in Da'yi had a higher reproductive capacity and kept some characters of the wild species.
122. Methods Application anatomy study of transverse cervical artery at thoracic outlet was done on 62 sides of 31 adult embalmed cadavers and its relationship with brachial plexus was noted.
123. We studied the gross anatomy of the upper limbs and inner structure of the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord of a phocomelus, in comparison with a normal fetus.
124. To understand endodontic treatment, it the anatomy of the tooth.
125. Shushruta was one of the first to study the human anatomy.
126. Wood anatomy of the Bhesa — new recorded genus of Chinese Celastraceae.
127. Clinical surgery should be the main research field in clinical anatomy.
128. According to regional anatomy the etiology factors are discussed, Methods of treatment are reviewed in which the deepening of tendon groove is recommended.
129. Objective: To study the morphological anatomy of little finger extensors to prevent handicapped extension of little finger after extensor digiti minimi tendon transposition.
130. Writing a medical record of hand surgery challenges rotating physicians a lot due to its special pathogenic process and application of regional anatomy knowledge.
131. Objective To compare the differences of anatomy characteristics and clinical significance between tension-free hernioplasty and traditional hernioplasty.
132. Methods After the study of functional anatomy of wrist joint and intra-lunate micro-structure and wrist X-ray, we put forward the factors contributing to lunate avascular necrosis.
133. A mechanical model of human finger is set up according to the human anatomy.
134. The paper expounds the researches on applied anatomy of blood supply for optic decussation and ophthalmic tract in recent years.
135. The speakers warned that printers will only produce "meat-flavored Jell-O" until the anatomy of different structures is better understood.
136. This report describes the experience of teaching Gross Anatomy in a relatively new medical school, with a curriculum design that is different from other established schools.
137. Methods Embalmed adult cadavers ( 64 sides ) were dissected, and the anatomy of scalenus minimus muscle, especially at the neural surface was observed.
138. Objective To proceed deep data mining in large database obtained by Cancer Genome Anatomy Project and to distinguish the difference expression genes of gastric carcinoma.
139. A surgeon in Brussels called anDreas Vesalius and a French surgeon called Ambroise Pare both studied anatomy in the 16th century.
140. The macroscopic anatomy of the cerebellum and the brain stem of the Chinese buffalo was studied in detail.
140. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
141. Differences may be expected because of variation in hip anatomy and musculotendinous attachments, as well as subtle differences in surgical approach.
142. Comparative anatomy of the secondary phloem of the stem in Cephalotaxus.
143. Objective: To apply the clinical anatomy bases for treatment of brachial neurovascular compression syndrome caused by subclavius muscle.
144. Objective:To reconstruct the three-dimensional image of craniofacial part and realize virtual anatomy on internet.
145. Methods: The residual crown and root of large furcation molars by full root-fill were chosen. Then casting anatomy bolt post-core molars are restored with finely casting full crowns.
146. Results According to the histologic anatomy, we recognized the musculi characters and basic parameters, such as shape, size, echo-pattern, the change of musculi and dynamics of blood flow.
147. Methods The oval fossa and the interventricular septum of goat heart were observed by gross anatomy method.
148. He had worked extensively on the anatomy of living animals.
149. French anatomist, celebrated as the founder of comparative anatomy and paleontology.
150. Coverage begins with developmental anatomy, biomechanics, an in-depth review of imaging, and a detailed guide to patient evaluation.
151. He had brought back much scientific information from South Africa, and many a charming evening we have spent together discussing the comparative anatomy of the Bushman and the Hottentot.
152. Objective:To provide anatomy data for the free transplantation of lower serratus anterior musculocutaneous flap.
153. Objective To study the microsurgical anatomy and clinical application of the far-lateral transcondylar approach and to protect the vital structure around foramen magnum.
154. Objective To research the angiographic anatomy of celiac artery in rabbit.
155. Objective:To provide anatomy data for embolization at third portion of internal maxillary artery and endoscopic surgery approach to pterygopalatine fossa.
156. The subjects of study include gross anatomy, bone biology, developmental anatomy, neuroanatomy, and histology.
157. Wood anatomy of 8 species in Manglietia Bl. from Yunnan.
158. Wood anatomy of the new genus Manglietiastrum Law of Magnoliaceae from China in relation to allied genera.
159. Objective To study amygdaloid body, hippocampal formation and lateral ventricle in thin cross section of brain to provide the anatomy knowledge for clinic.
160. Objective To provide data about morphometry and age anatomy for the clinic application of the coronary sinus.
161. Objective:To provide anatomical basis of tibial intramedullary tridentate nail(TITN) by applied anatomy of tibia.
162. Electric Joint Fluoroscopy - multimedia textbook that illustrates the anatomy of the joints through fluoroscopic imaging.
163. In preparation for licensure, they study everything from nail growth and skin anatomy to equipment maintenance and business practices.
164. Essential functional parts of the gene's anatomy were disabled by mutations, making it impossible for cellular machinery to translate the gene into a useful molecule.
165. Comparative observation on leaf anatomy and pollen of Vernicia Lour. and Aleurites J. R. et G. Forst.
166. To date, imaging features alone do not allow this diagnosis to be made because many patients with postoperative TCS will have complex intradural anatomy.
167. Anatomy is the basis of surgery, only when we are familiar in the context of the regional anatomy that precise removal of the caudate lobe can be safe.
168. Because of the unique anatomy of this location, change of position or modified anatomic structure after previous trauma may induce thoracic outlet syndrome.
169. Objective:To provide anatomy basis for skull base approach through facial tissue translocation.
170. Topographic anatomy is a bridge course of clinical medicine with considerable practicability.
171. Using a systems-based approach[/anatomy.html], Fundamental Anatomy emphasizes organizational and development and insightfully integrates embryology for a more thorough understanding of adult gross anatomy.
172. And my knowledge of anatomy resides in the clear understanding that the hip bone is connected to the leg bone.
173. Such hybrid embryos from Caryopsis out in the anatomy of a embryo culture, the results of a hybrid seedlings.
174. Anatomy favorableness and disbennifit infections of equipment price and enterprise benefit by selecting different depreciation methods.
175. Edward Sagarin has suggested in his "Anatomy of Dirty Words" that there is only one four-letter word in the English language - fuck.
176. Provide image anatomy basis of the ultimate ethmoid sinus for the surgical approach via saddle area.
177. Through the idiographic anatomy to heroism and take out it's distillate in the paper will have active meaning to perfect the hobbledehoy's personality and cultivate their individuality.
178. Objective To study the anatomy of the optic tract with MRI.
179. Conclusions The computerized 3D reconstruction of the human temporomandibular joint played an important role in studying the locomotory anatomy of the human.
180. The anatomy and histology of the digestive tract in Ophicephalus argus was studied using light microscopes.
181. To provide image anatomy basis of the frontal sinus for the transcranial transnasal combined approach.
182. Studies on comparative wood anatomy of 16 species of vines and trees in Celastraceae.
183. For the anatomy and physiology of the brain, the operative field is limited and the injure of normal tissues should be minimized in intracranial lesion resection, biopsy, drainage and diversion.
184. Methods: Teach introduction to medicine of theory class and regional Anatomy practice class discussing the means of interactive teaching and student-based orientation.
185. Results All the 20 patients with facial nerve neuroma or acoustic neuroma were evaluated by anatomy.
186. Ureteral continuity of anatomy and integrality of function after replacement are almostly based on substitutive materials.
187. Objective To improve the calculation formula of cutting fibula side flap of great toe by analyzing its applied anatomy on reconstruction of thumb or fingers.
188. I have also studied Western anatomy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese Shiatsu, Reiki, and Indian Ayurveda, as complement to yoga.
189. My emphasis is on macroanatomy, the anatomy of the major structures of the body. I do not discuss microanatomy, such as the structure of the cell or the specific fibers of muscles.
190. Comparative anatomy compares similar structures in different animals to see how they have changed with evolution.
191. He found out a great deal about the anatomy of animals.
192. This chapter reviews the anatomy of the upper respiratory tract, describes the necessary equipment, presents techniques, and discusses complications of laryngoscopy, intubation, and extubation.
193. The developmental anatomy of the fruit and seed of Nitraria sibirica Pall.
194. Rules, in a knife fight?" Robert Redford uses the opportunity to kick him in a very sensitive part of the male anatomy."
195. Objective: To provide imaging anatomy basis of the posteriorsinus for endoscopic sinus surgery and basicranial surgery.
196. Objectives:To investigate the affection of pelvic anatomy and sagittal balance of the spine to isthmic spondylolisthesis etiology and clinical symptom.
197. Objective To study the anatomy of the facial artery using 16 - slice spiral CT angiography ( CTA ).
198. The glenoid fossa exhibits retroversion and a spiral twist in the horizontal plane, this anatomy property should be considered in the design of shoulder prosthesis.
199. This work, reinforced by geological and comparative anatomy studies, forced a paradigm shift on biology and was seen as overturning firmly held religious beliefs about the origins of life on Earth.
200. It is important to try to rehabilitate the anatomy surgical treatment.
201. Objective:To provide the anatomy basis for transplantation of nerve pedicle and tenioid vessel.
202. Results The clinical anatomy of two fetal malformation confirmed with ultrasound results.
203. Objective: Primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) is the most common type of glaucoma in China[http://], which pathogenesis is associated with the ocular anatomy.
204. Objective:To provide anatomy base to increase the chance of maintaining the facial and vestibulocochlear nerve in the ectomy of vestibulocochlear neuroma(VN).
205. Survey of Speech Anatomy, Respiratory System , Airflows and Pressures.
206. This paper reviewed recent advancements on the study of medial collateral ligament functional anatomy and biomechanics, especially on the quantifiable characteristic.
207. This paper observed the morphology of the fore-intestines of digestive system of plateaus pika by routine gross anatomy.
208. Conclusion The thin section collodion anatomy of temporal bone area, combined with the images of HRCT can clearly delineate the details of facial recess and its relative structures.
209. Objective:To investigate the MRI features of the normal anatomy and abnormalities of lesser omental bursa, and to evaluate the diagnostic value of its abnormalities by MRI.
210. Objective:To report the applied anatomy, biomechanical character and operation method of peroneus longus muscle tendon transposition repairing Achilles tendon defect.
211. A preliminary study on the anatomy of the Piperaceae in China.
212. Imaging anatomy of the infratemporal space has important clinical significance for CT diagnosis of the infratemporal space diseases.
213. A preliminary study on the anatomy of the Chloranthaceae in China.
214. Marian Diamond asks her students on the first day of anatomy class as she casually opens a flowery hatbox and lifts out a preserved human brain.
215. Methods Review the literature and reports on acupoint morphology in gross anatomy, lens anatomy and minute anatomy . Conclusion There is not unified recognition on acupoint morphological structures.
216. Method: 15 adult cadavers (30 sides) were studied on projection anatomy of lacrimal sac on the lateral wall of nasal cavity and the relationship between lacrimal sac and inner canthal ligament.
217. The ball hit him in the most sensitive part of his anatomy.
218. It is out this very reason that this article tries to do an anatomy and sum-up so that Beijing can be better prepared for the transition of fashion.
219. In hospital course school, we learned basic human anatomy and physiology.
220. Look at my anatomy and you'll understand why I am having difficulty adjusting to today's demands.
221. The organogenic calli of Slash Pine(Pinus elliottii)were used to study the differentiation, rooting and histological anatomy of adventitious buds.
222. Objective:To investigate the regional anatomy of the distal abdominal aorta and provide the rational for distal abdominal aorta blockage.
223. The ball hit him excruciatingly in the most sensitive part of his anatomy.
224. Bacon appears not to have known of the work of Vesalius, the pioneer of modern anatomy, or of Gilbert, whose work on magnetism brilliantly illustrated inductive method.
225. Objective To put forward anatomy parameter about the cavernous sinus for microneurosurgery.
226. Acanthostega also drew attention to a formerly underappreciated part of early tetrapod anatomy: the inside of the lower jaw.
227. He was wounded in a vital part of his anatomy, eg the lungs, brain.
228. The anatomy of extensor digitorum brevis ( EDB ) and extensor hallucis brevis ( EHB ) is also dicussed.
229. A knowledge to anatomy helpd to the appreciation of works of art.
230. Methods The dorsal roots of the lumbar nerves in 15 cadavers were dissected and measured by gross anatomy to examine the relationship between the roots and dural sac.
230. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
231. Women can experience sexual pleasure and/or orgasm without knowing anything about their anatomy, or indeed, without touching any part of it.
232. Objective To supply anatomy data for repair of anterior cranial fossa injuries using calvaria and galea aponeurotica vescularized flaps.
233. Objective To study the microsurgical anatomy of the facial nerve (FN ) trunk and provide some important morphometric data about facial-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis (FHA).
234. Applied anatomy on shape and location of root canal orifice in maxillary first permanent molar.
235. But the problem with this research, Hoffman said, is that "I don't know how much one can infer from white matter volume and sulcal anatomy.
236. Objective To study the microsurgical anatomy of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery(PICA).
237. OBJECTIVE To provide the digital for clinical anatomy by measuring tonsillar weight of deferent age groups.
238. In medicine and anatomy, the use of the term to refer to the telencephalon.
239. Conclusions: The morphologic and topographic anatomy of the coronary artery malformation is significant for clinical practice. Its development is based on its embryological foundation.
240. Photo-electronic investigations of the anatomy of the thinned sclera show that the actual collagen fibres are irregularly narrowed and embedded in an altered ground substance (hyaluronic acid).
241. Simultaneous reinnervation of MPG and EUS by one group of somatic motor neurons may be the major neural anatomy infrastructure for controllable voiding via the somatic-autonomic reflex arc.
242. The paper summarizes the researches and advances ir. taxonomy , systematics, anatomy, floral organogenesis and reproduction biology hoping to help the researches of these plants to some extent.
243. My primary care physician, a woman I'll call Dr. Pearl, is right out of Grey's Anatomy.




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