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单词 fancier
释义  fan·ci·er /ˈfænsiə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  pigeon/horse etc fancier DLHsomeone who breeds or is interested in a particular kind of animal or plant 饲养[喜欢]鸽子/马等的人Examples from the Corpusfancier• In his fourteen years as a fancier he has converted a hobby into something of a triumphant campaign.• The major growth of cerebral cortex, as our ancestors became fancier and fancier primates, was sideways.• It stands for nonsense that is called by fancier names.• Entomologists, nutritionists and other insect fanciers scoff at Westerners' bias against bugs.• Robert is a pigeon fancier and a member of the Johnstone Social Flying Club.• Although this usage has almost disappeared, it is still visible in pigeon fanciers.• The fancier something looked, the better he thought it·ci·er nounChineseSyllable  or breeds who is interested a in particular someone kind Corpus




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