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单词 Temperate
(1) These birds only survive in temperate latitudes.
(2) He is temperate in his habits.
(3) Britain has a temperate climate.
(4) The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year.
(5) Please be more temperate in your language.
(6) Great Britain has a temperate climate.
(7) The plant grows only in the temperate zone.
(8) Although these vegetables adapt well to our temperate climate, they tend to crop poorly.
(9) Temperate forests pose the problem of seasonality.
(10) The contrasts between temperate and tropical forests are striking.
(11) The weather here continues to be temperate!
(12) In Temperate regions there are regular seasonal cycles(), ultimately driven by the regular cycling of the Earth around the sun.
(13) People in temperate countries pay little attention to mangroves: trees that grow at the ocean s edge.
(14) Mountainous areas, coastal wetlands, tundra, and temperate forests are under particular threat.
(15) Trichostrongylus is rarely a primary pathogen in temperate areas, but is usually a component of parasitic gastroenteritis in ruminants.
(16) It is distributed in the tropical, subtropical, and temperate zones of the world.
(17) Temperate forests--including deciduous, coniferous, mixed and mountain forests--account for about half of the earth's forest cover.
(18) No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate, who regards pleasure as the highest good. 
(19) His final report to the President was far more temperate and balanced than the earlier memorandum.
(20) Even when Peter began, the sky was pale, the winds were calm, and the air was temperate.
(21) Most members of the family are tropical and subtropical plants; only a few penetrate into the temperate zone.
(22) The epidemiology in subtropical areas is basically similar to that in temperate zones, except that the seasonable timing of events is different.
(23) This is a widespread species found in warm and temperate areas.
(24) Bring a picnic and park yourself in front of the Temperate House for an evening's entertainment.
(25) Nunez is a graying, handsome man who dresses for no one and has a charmingly temperate demeanor.
(26) The epidemiology of H. contortus is best considered separately depending on whether it occurs in tropical and subtropical or in temperate areas.
(27) They are found all over the world except in the cool areas of the temperate zones.
(28) My first impression was of oppressive heat, but then I have spent my life mainly on the cool side of temperate.
(29) Only a small number of species are found in the southern temperate zone or in the tropics.
(30) Brown and McCormick's skuas and Wilson's petrels fly as far as temperate latitudes of the northern hemisphere.
(1) These birds only survive in temperate latitudes.
(2) He is temperate in his habits.
(3) The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year.
(4) Great Britain has a temperate climate.
(31) Both amphibians and reptiles are paralyzed by cold, and are therefore confined to the temperate zones and tropics.
(32) Lawrence, whose preference for more temperate seas brings it perilously close to the environs of civilization.
(33) Apart from E. cordifolius this is the only large species penetrating to the edge of the temperate zone.
(34) Rodomonte hardly noticed the magnificent, unearthly architecture preserved so beautifully away from the squalls of the less temperate zones.
(35) Yet they can only survive in warm or temperate climes, and it would be to their advantage to grow bigger.
(36) Intensification of cold allowed the arctic flora and fauna to spread southward; amelioration encouraged repossession of the borderlands by temperate species.
(37) We therefore say that temperate plants are long-day plants while tropical plants are short-day plants.
(38) The other is naked, eats berries and lives in a temperate geothermal valley.
(39) The high walls now give protection from cold winds to animals from warmer climates as well as to those from temperate ones.
(40) This development is generally very slow and in temperate climates takes at least two months.
(41) Ostertagia is especially important in temperate climates and in subtropical regions with winter rainfall.
(42) It may be difficult to age wild animals, but not so temperate trees(Sentence dictionary), because annually they produce growth rings.
(43) Here I review these data and their implications for a temperate climate.
(44) The length of the day changes in the temperate zone with the change of seasons.
(45) Leafu autumn filled the air, but even so the afternoon had the temperate, almost silky feel of mid-summer.
(46) This epidemiological picture, typical of temperate countries, may be modified in some areas by factors such as climate or husbandry.
(47) Similar air temperatures are observed today in geographically equivalent temperate high latitudes.
(48) The disease is prevalent in temperate areas with high rainfall.
(49) Most aquarium plants come from tropical and subtropical areas, with a few from the warmer parts of the temperate zone.
(50) The life cycle varies, but some species from temperate zones have an annual cycle.
(51) In more temperate regions, sunlight and temperature may he more critical than rainfall in affecting a tree's growth.
(52) For example, in temperate areas there should be an annual rotation of pasture with other livestock or crops.
(53) Altogether there are four similar species known from he tropics and the temperate zones.
(54) A little yacht stove gave out a temperate glow, its draught adjusted to produce exactly the right warmth.
(55) The epidemiology, at least in temperate zones, is similar to that of Ostertagia in ruminants with seasonal hypobiosis a feature.
(56) Therapsid fossil distribution also suggests a temperate, moist climate at higher palaeolatitudes in Pangea.
(57) Deaths due to exposure are more likely during winter in temperate mountains and uplands than on properly-managed polar expeditions.
(58) Thus there are two sources of infection during the grazing season in temperate areas.
(59) The difficulty is greater in relation to overseas markets having temperatures and humidities higher than those of temperate regions.
(60) Its distribution ranges from the tropics to the warmer areas of the temperate zone of both hemispheres.
(61) The Jersey is certainly recognised in tropical countries as giving better results than other temperate breeds.
(62) Many sea-urchins of temperate waters have tiny pronged pincers, often provided with poison glands.
(63) Every Christmas we get a card from the Reverend, informing us that the weather is temperate.
(64) This genus is the major cause of parasitic gastritis in ruminants in temperate areas of the world.
(65) He is temperate in food and drink.
(66) Most of China is situated in the temperate zone.
(67) Grow characteristics: To warm temperate zone tree is planted.
(68) Alfred is temperate in eating.
(69) Asia extends across the frigid, temperate and tropical zones.
(70) Japan is in the temperate zone.
(71) I love the temperate climate here.
(72) Zoology characteristics: To warm temperate zone tree is planted.
(73) Recycling PC: Using the temperate method to depolymerize PC.
(74) Any of various ornamental, mostly climbing plants of the genus Clematis, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having showy, variously colored flowers or decorative fruit clusters.
(75) At the same time North American was released from the Arctic Circle and became temperate.
(76) Warm temperate zones support broadleaf evergreen forests, including laurel forests.
(77) Bozhou lies in south of the North Temperate Zone, it is mainly affected by tropic oceanic air mass and polar continental air mass, with a climate of seasonal temperate semi-humid monsoon.
(78) About 450 species of this genus and 300 of Lithocarpus in the temperate zone, the subtropical zone and the tropics. Small quantities imported from Sabah, Sarawak and Indonesia.
(79) Region in central Asia abdomen, restricted by geographical environment, belong to the warm temperate zone continental drought climatic zone.
(80) Azollaceae (mosquito ferns) A family of free-floating aquatic heterosporous ferns found in tropical and warm temperate parts of America and Asia and introduced elsewhere.
(81) Most of the Japanese archipelago in the temperate climate is temperate maritime monsoon type, and major features of the year is mild and humid, with the winter cold, summer without the intense heat.
(82) Acer plants belong to Aceraceae which mainly produced in temperate zone of north earth.
(83) The areal-types of fern genera had six types, tropical was the largest, while spermatophyte owned 13 types. with 84 tropical genera and 72 temperate genera, leading the first two.
(84) He spoke in a temperate manner, not favoring either side especially.
(85) In fact all major temperate and boreal forests are expanding.
(86) The vegetation in Hexi Corridor of Gansu Province was typical temperate desert with 543 species desert spermatophyte from 228 genera, 55 families. In some areas, the vegetation was under degradation.
(87) No matter the present New York has chaotic, the intelligent personality temperate Donatello is actually did not know!
(88) Natural Spruce - FirStand was the most universal forest type in temperate zero and Frigid Zone in China.
(89) Any of several food and game fishes of the family Carangidae, found in tropical and temperate seas.
(90) Daddy longlegs are very widely distributed in temperate regions and in the tropics.
(91) CONCLUSION: The antigen of temperate zone bedbug (Cimex lectularius) is possibly related to the occurrence of allergic asthma in Nanjing area.
(92) Set me whereas the sun doth parch the green, Or where his beams do not dissolve the ice, In temperate heat, where he is felt and seen.
(93) You'll find the Mola mola in warm and temperate zones of all oceans. It eats fishes, zoa plankton, and jellyfish.
(94) "One really key question is how much influenza is transmitted in tropical locations"—places with high absolute humidity year-round—"and how this compares to temperate parts of the world, " he said.
(95) Any of various usually woody, temperate or tropical grasses of the genera Arundinaria, Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys, or Sasa.
(96) Tropical diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever are reaching temperate regions, and ragweed and poison ivy thrive in the hothouse world.
(97) The plant flora reflects the distinctive characteristics of the temperate zone and little tropical ones.
(98) Every week suitably puts on make-up the tool with the special-purpose abstergent or the temperate soap clean.
(99) Model :The more parts area of Heilongjiang belong to the temperate zone, and only less parts of west and north belong to the frigid zone.
(100) Most of the world's wheat is grown in the North Temperate zone.
(101) Climate is semi - arid northern temperate zone monsoon climate zone.
(102) About 60 species: temperate regions of the N hemisphere,(http:///temperate.html) ma inly from the Himalayas to Japan; 39 species (20 endemic) in China.
(103) The fishes of Milu Park is common river species and few oriental Indian plain species, lack plain fishes of the northern North Temperate Zone.
(104) How is it possible for the giant bear to leave the polar zone for Kanas, located in cold temperate zone?
(105) The dwellers in temperate zones can have no idea of the luxuriance of tropical vegetation.
(106) Yangba scenic sub - tropical to warm temperate zone of the Northern forest transition zone.
(107) Chrysomonada A phylum of golden-brown algae, formerly called the Chrysophyta, common in fresh temperate waters, with a few species in marine waters.
(108) The river's flora can be divided into 15 distribution types and 14 subtypes. Among them, Pantropic, North temperate, Old world temperate and E. asia are important types.
(109) These mountains shelter Lijiang from the harsh northern winds, giving it perennially temperate climate.
(110) Heaths normally develop on poor, sandy, well-drained soils in temperate climates, and are usually subclimax communities maintained by grazing, burning, and sometimes, cutting.
(111) Our motto should be: "Forsaking all worldly desires(), to live righteously and godly and temperately in all things. " Temperate in all our dealings with the world and its temptations.
(112) Any of various ferns in the genus Notholaena, native chiefly to the temperate and tropical Americas, having pinnately compound leaves, and often found in dry, rocky areas.
(113) Most of the world's wheat is grown in the North Temperate Zone.
(114) Natural vegetation in temperate, warm temperate deciduous, broad - leaved, coniferous forest and deciduous shrubs dominated.
(115) This may occur during the lysogenic life cycle of a temperate bacteriophage.
(116) Annual herb (Capsella bursa-pastoris) of the family Cruciferae (mustard family), indigenous to Europe but now a nearly cosmopolitan weed in temperate regions.
(117) A lizardfish captures a meal on the sandy ocean floor of temperate Suruga Bay.
(118) It is to be in temperate zone and region of semi - tropical upland country.
(119) The genus Euphrasia is a group of herbs with zygomorphic flowers, which members are widely distributed in the temperate areas and tropical or sub-tropical mountains.
(120) The true wild roses add up to a few hundred species from the temperate and subtropic zones on the northern hemisphere, including North Africa, Ethiopia, Himalaya and the Philippines.
(121) Bordeaux area had been located in the France southwest part , it had been close to Atlantic Ocean , a temperate climate , the soil form had had Gironde river much, vine here growth is optimum.
(122) Robinia pseudoacacia is a perfect hybrid tree and a pioneer tree species in vegetation restoration, which is high valuable to forest restoration and ecological building of temperate zone of China.
(123) The province's climate ranges from that in the frigid zone, temperate zone, subtropical zone to tropical zone. As a result, Yunnan has rich zoological and botanical resources.
(124) Girls are more likely to be born at tropical latitudes than in temperate or subarctic climes , according to new research.
(125) This species is distributed over the north temperate zone, and Guizhou is the most south boundary of its distributions.
(126) China also has the most diverse flora of any country in the North Temperate zone.
(127) Temperate forest ecosystems occupy a position of prominence among all ecosystems.
(128) This is because the Russian people in the frigid zone , Dalian in temperate, subtropical and you.
(129) Foul-smelling skunk cabbage bloom along the Quinault River in Washington's Hoh River Valley temperate rain forest. The Park is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
(130) Western China is the dividing line between subtropical and temperate.
(131) Analysis of genera flora indicates the temperate component (50.0%) is slightly more than tropics component (45.5%), and the Pantropic component is the most.
(132) The distribution of Adelgidae is coincident with their host plants, mainly in temperate zone and sub-tropical mountainous areas of the Northern Hemisphere.
(133) Other types, known as lysogenic or temperate, integrate their nucleic acid into the host 's chromosome to be replicated during cell division.
(134) Any of numerous usually evergreen ornamental shrubs of the genus Rhododendron of the North Temperate Zone, having clusters of variously colored, often bell-shaped flowers.
(135) Most of the Siberian regional climate is temperate coniferous forests.
(136) The vast movements of the earth's curst created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zone.
(137) The diverse geographic distribution patterns of genera were characterized by 52.51% of temperate zone components and 44.06% of tropical zone components.
(138) The pantropic type is 22.9%, the north temperate type 17.4% and the East Asia one 17.0% at generic level. The temperate elements are slightly more than the tropical ones(237:230).
(139) Ryegrass (Lolium L. ), a graminaceous crop, is one of the most important grasses for forage and turf, and widely distributes in temperate regions.
(140) Cold - Temperate shrubs distributes in alpine area above 3700 m in the Lashihai region.
(141) Noctilucent clouds are a fundamentally new phenomenon in the temperate mid-latitude sky, and it's not clear why they've migrated down from the poles.
(142) Although the tropical and subtropical zone had different germ plasm with our country's and American's in maize, photoperiod sensitivity had restricted its use in temperate zone.
(143) Ninety per cent of the country lies in the temperate zone.
(144) Aceraceae A family of temperate and tropical trees and shrubs that includes the maples and sycamores.
(145) Every week suitably puts on make-up the tool with the special-purpose abstergent or the temperate soap clean, then uses the surface paper suck dry moisture content to air dry again.
(146) They thrive only in suitable soil and a temperate climate.
(147) Although there had been many researches on the effect of drought on lotic ecosystems, most of them were studied in temperate or arid region with an obviously wet and dry season in a year.
(148) Fog crowns towering conifers, such as Douglas fir and yellow cedar, in the Pacific temperate rain forests of Vancouver, British Columbia.
(149) That's true in temperate regions, where glaciers—glacially—flow downhill. Over thousands of years, the frozen masses can scrape miles off of mountains.
(150) Fires of natural origin have historically been extremely common throughout the temperate forests.
(151) The CPC electronic packaging materials have the best integrated properties when annealed under the temperate.
(152) Northern Hemisphere temperate zone, by China southwest mountainous area each kind richest, the cultivation oriental cherry is most famous by the Japanese flowering cherry.
(153) Just as many other mammals living in temperate zone, tree shrew belongesto photosensitive seasonally breeding-mammals.
(154) Most of the country in the temperate zone, although geographically the country stretches from the tropical and subtropical zones in the south to the frigid zone in the north.
(155) The area belongs to Hu Mengling on the west cold temperate zone.
(156) Located at the junction of the temperate and tropical zoogeographical regions, Hong Kong is rich in marine life, often showing distinct seasonal abundance and varieties.
(157) Although the services value of swampland and temperate grasslands are high per unit area, their value has little importance to the grassland ecosystem in Xinjiang due to their small area.
(158) The town belong to the north temperate zone continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons.
(159) Viola L. (Violaceae) is a genus of 525?600 species mainly distributed in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere and the Andes in South America.
(160) Climate condition arrives by Kun Shilan's upper intertropical climate the temperate zone climate of Victoria.
(161) Based on the analytic study of distribution patterns of genera(), it is concluded that the flora of the Mount Qomolangma Nature Conservation is mainly temperate in nature.
(162) At family level, the floristic components showed temperate zone characteristics , add in some of tropical characteristics.
(163) Our region belongs to climate of monsoon of sex of mainland of cold temperate zone.
(164) A grass in the genus Hordeum, native to temperate regions, having flowers in terminal, often long-awned spikes.
(165) The drive to the summit travels from ocean views in Bellingham through temperate rain forest before reaching the parking lot at almost 5, 000 feet above sea level.
(166) China is the only country Earth with continuous tropical subtropical temperate and boreal zones.
(167) Violets grow wild in most temperate regions of the world.
(168) The Mongolian plateau lies in the Asia temperate zone and 11 species of Scorzonera genus which appeared at Mongolian plateau belong to 6 floral component.
(169) Most of the world's wheat is grown in the north temperate zone.
(170) A voracious food and game fish(Pomatomus saltatrix) of temperate and tropical waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans.
(171) Located in tropical zone, it is temperate in climate, and the view is delightful in all seasons, so Havana is known as "Jewel of the Caribbean".
(172) A small Chinese tree(Prunus persica) widely cultivated throughout temperate regions, having pink flowers and edible fruit.
(173) Photoperiod sensitivity was the major obstacle of using tropical and sub - tropical germplasm in temperate zone.
(174) Corydalis:any of various herbs of the genus Corydalis native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having finely divided leaves and spurred, often yellow or pinkish flowers.
(175) The priority in forest history studies was shifted from forest history in the temperate zone to forest history in tropical zone.
(176) Albacore is one of the important temperate and productive species.
(177) In temperate zone, content of secondary substances is low in summer small-seeded (SS) fruits, while high in fall low-quality (FL) fruits.
(178) Some, like this orange-colored species in the Grand Canyon, dwell in desert climes, while others inhabit the tropics, temperate forests, and even Himalayan high peaks.
(179) Most of them are distributed in the temperate zone in terms of the geographic composition of seed plant genera.
(180) Any of various stout bodied , edible fishes of the family Mugilidae , found worldwide in tropical and temperate coastal waters and some freshwater streams Also called gray mullet.
(181) Any of about 40 species of evergreen ornamental and timber trees that make up the genus Picea (pine family), native to temperate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
(182) Located in the belt between the south subtropical zone and the north temperate zone of our country, Shennongjia is a meeting area of various flora, among which rich fern resources and species exist.
(183) Mainly distributed in subtropical and temperate East Asia, the flora of Alismataceae in southwestern Hubei has a very close relationship With the same flora in Jiangxi, Jiangsu and Japan.
(184) The climate is temperate and Mediterranean with hot, dry summers and cool, variably rainy winters.
(185) A popular spot for tourists along the Inside Passage, the Tongass is the largest remaining temperate forest in the world venas the logging industry lobbies for greater access to it.
(186) Based on the analytic study of distribution patterns of genera and families, it is concluded that the flora of the Mufu Range might be mainly temperate in nature.
(187) A much greater structural risk occurs in temperate and tropical areas.
(188) Quercus Liaotungensis is an important dominant species in the warm temperate zone.
(189) Handan city climate of warm temperate continental monsoon climate, four distinct seasons.
(190) Ornamental crabapple, a kind of important ornamental plants, is widely used in gardens on north temperate zone.
(191) The temperature of the working environment is - 20 c ~120 C, suitable for open - air and the high temperate zone machine.
(191) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(192) Vatican City has a temperate Mediterranean climate, mild rainy winters, and hot, dry summers.
(193) In addition, the Angara flora represents a temperate climatic condition.
(194) Any of several perennial herbs of the genus Actaea, native to northern temperate regions, having terminal clusters of red, white, or blackish berries.
(195) Lying within the South Temperate Zone, New Zealand has an oceanic climate, without extremes of heat or cold.
(196) Moss-draped trees, shrubs, and ferns adorn the Hoh River Valley, a temperate rain forest in Washington State's Olympic National Park.
(197) Based on palaeomagnetic data and tectonic analysis, the present authors concluded that this conodont fauna were from Permian Northern Temperate Zones.
(198) Any of several plants of the genus Cimicifuga temperate regions and including the black cohosh.
(199) S. temperate rain forest, the Hoh River Valley is part of Washington State's Olympic National Park. Its trees include big leaf maples, western hemlock, and Sitka spruce.
(200) Has the good viscosity control action, may compound the low cost the temperate lavation thing.
(201) Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones.
(202) Of or relating to the forest areas of the northern North Temperate Zone, dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine.
(203) Lanzhou City climate types are semi - arid north temperate continental monsoon climate.
(204) This pine is called the larch, it grows well in temperate zones.
(205) For plant of warm temperate zone, happy event is warm, cold - resistant sex is differed slightly.
(206) North - west and south - central part of the north temperate zone continental monsoon climate of Yanshan Mountain.
(207) Nearly 120 genera in 60 families of plants have disjunct populations in eastern Asia and temperate North America, relicts of the once widespread flora.
(208) Henan Province is situated in the transition zone of subtropic and temperate zone with a lot of species of Russula genus.
(209) In temperate regions more than one - year - old often survive better than one - year - old plants.
(210) Lying South Temperate Zone, New Zealand has an oceanic climate, without extremes of heat or cold.
(211) The Zhejiang populations show low brachypterous ratios and have a negative correlation with nymphal density, belonging to the temperate type.
(212) Cold- Temperate Mountain Hard-leaf Evergreen Oak Forest is less than the Pine Forest, which usually occurs on east-faced slope above 3000m.
(213) Cedar Creek Treehouse is 80 miles south of Seattle and is set 50 feet up in a 200-year-old western red cedar tree, right in the canopy of a lush temperate rainforest on the base of Mount Rainier.
(214) Biotechnology has a great application potential in variety improvement of Tall Fescue, which is an important cool-season perennial turf grass in the temperate region.




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