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单词 kip
释义  kip1 /kɪp/ noun [singular, uncountable]  British English informalSLEEP a period of sleep 睡觉 I’ve only had an hour’s kip. 我只睡了一小时。 We ought to get some kip. 我们应该睡一会儿。Examples from the Corpuskip• It seems like if he is asleep the rest of them have a 90m kip too.• Nothing much was doing, though, and eventually I went home for a bite to eat and a well-deserved kip.• It's so hard to work on full glow when you've only had a couple of hours kip.• But experts who monitored Vincent are baffled why he never needs much kip.• If your husband isn't going to be available until mornin' I think I'd just as soon get some kip.• Em's been working in that kip for six years, since I was twelve.• The collapse of the kip means a mid-ranking civil servant now earns about $ 21 a month.get some kip• If your husband isn't going to be available until mornin' I think I'd just as soon get some kip.• There is nothing more anti-social than other people at it when you are trying to get some kip.kip2 verb (kipped, kipping) [intransitive] British English informal  SLEEPto sleep somewhere, especially somewhere that is not your home 〔尤指在不是自己家的地方〕睡觉kip down There are rooms for drivers to kip down for the night. 有房间供司机过夜。kip on Mum says you can kip on the sofa tonight. 妈妈说你今晚可以睡在沙发上。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuskip• I just stayed out, kipping at me mate's and that.• Bruce himself was spotted kipping on a couch at 4.30am.• My mum says he can kip on her sofa because she likes anyone with a Manc accent.• Tom, you know you can kip on my sofa anytime.Origin kip1 (1800-1900) Danish kippe “cheap hotel”kip1 nounkip2 verbChinese   Corpus a of period sleep




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