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单词 extrude
释义  Related topics: Industryex·trude /ɪkˈstruːd/ verb [transitive]  1. PUSH formal to push or force something out through a hole 挤出2. technicalTI to force plastic or metal through a hole so that it has a particular shape 将〔塑料、金属〕挤压成形 —extrusion /ɪkˈstruːʒən/ noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusextrude• Geochemists tend to focus on the chemical differences be-tween the rocks that are extruded at mid-ocean ridges and hot-spot island volcanoes.• One by one she extrudes eggs.• They simply extrude their internal organs.• The same is true of lava flows which are actually extruded under water.• In the new process, the carpet is granulated and then mixed and extruded with a catalyst.Origin extrude (1500-1600) Latin extrudere, from trudere “to push”ex·trude verbChineseSyllable  push something to a force out through hole or Corpus




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