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单词 extortionate
释义  ex·tor·tion·ate /ɪkˈstɔːʃənət $ -ɔːr-/ adjective  EXPENSIVEan extortionate price, demand etc is unreasonably high 〔价格、要求等〕过分的,过高的 SYN exorbitant Many local taxi drivers charge extortionate rates. 许多当地出租车司机收费过高。 —extortionately adverbExamples from the Corpusextortionate• Paying £40 for it is nothing less than extortionate.• The same fear sustains extortionate bills in some other businesses.• The penalties are even more extortionate for those who had not planned to go into the red.• The building trades are also riddled with extortionate practices, but here the influence of the Mafia is probably exaggerated.• an extortionate price for car insurance• It also allows people access to loans without resorting to the extortionate rates charged by some legitimate credit companies.• On top of this, they often charge extortionate rates for support through a tolled number.ex·tor·tion·ate adjectiveChineseSyllable  etc price, unreasonably extortionate is demand an Corpus




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