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单词 Invested
1. The company invested heavily in new technology.
2. The money is principally invested in stocks and shares.
3. They invested heavily in 3G mobile phone networks.
4. We invested the money in a high-interest bank account.
5. Huge sums have been invested in this project.
6. He invested his money in stocks and bonds.
7. He invested his life savings in his daughter's business.
8. The money has been invested for a fixed period.
9. But many leaders have invested their ill-gotten gains in several different countries.
10. He invested his lawyer with complete power to act for him.
11. The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes.
12. They've invested their money wisely.
13. Surplus cash can be invested.
14. She invested in a painting.
15. A king was invested by being crowned.
16. He invested his money in shares.
17. The company has invested in the latest technology.
18. She invested her money in property.
19. Her savings are invested with a building society.
20. The government has invested heavily in public transport.
21. He had invested heavily in the bond market.
22. It's about time you invested in a new shirt.
23. I invested some money in savings bonds.
24. She invested the money on behalf of her ward.
25. The enemy invested the city.
26. Capital can be safely invested in that company.
27. He invested his money in property.Sentence dictionary
28. The company invested thousands in an electronic order-control system.
29. They invested the money very profitably.
30. Everyone here has a lot invested in their careers.
1. The company invested heavily in new technology.
2. The money is principally invested in stocks and shares.
3. They invested heavily in 3G mobile phone networks.
4. We invested the money in a high-interest bank account.
5. Huge sums have been invested in this project.
6. He invested his money in stocks and bonds.
7. He invested his life savings in his daughter's business.
8. The money has been invested for a fixed period.
9. But many leaders have invested their ill-gotten gains in several different countries.
10. He invested his lawyer with complete power to act for him.
11. The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes.
12. Prince Charles was invested with Prince of Wales in 1969.
13. The governor has been invested with full authority to act.
14. They sensibly invested their prize money rather than spending it.
15. It is surprising how soon historical personages became invested with romantic attributes.
31. He invested all our profits in gold shares.
32. The constitution had invested him with certain powers.
33. I invested all my efforts in passing an exam.
34. The money will be invested in managed funds.
35. Our government has invested the minister for trade with all the necessary powers to resolve the dispute.
36. The money saved from the cessation of the road project will be invested in public transport.
37. The interview was broadcast on the same day he was invested as President.
38. They invested in new machinery and equipment, but even then the business was still losing money.
39. He was one of the poor unfortunates who invested in the company and now finds himself a few thousand pounds poorer.
40. They invested money in the company right at the start and the gamble paid off .
41. The college has invested $2 million on a new conference hall.
42. Williams invested a large sum of money in Swiss stocks.
43. Prince Charles was invested with Prince of Wales in 1969.
44. The industry was accused of having invested little in workers, plant or infrastructure.
45. Prince Charles was invested as Prince of Wales in 1969.
46. The sudden death of the young man invested the house with an air of mystery.
47. A fixed proportion of the fund is invested in British firms.
48. History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality.
49. In his poems everyday reality is invested with a sense of wonder and delight.
50. Don't you think it's about time you invested in a new coat?
51. It was very difficult to leave a home we had invested so much in.
52. I was nearly forty when I finally invested in bricks and mortar.
53. You have all invested significant amounts of time and energy in making this project the success that it is.
54. Money has been invested in the scheme to very little purpose.
55. She invested most of her savings in stocks and shares.
56. More money must be invested if we are to see an improvement in services.
57. A significant part of Japan's wealth is invested in the West.
57. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
58. A large amount of capital is invested in all these branches.
59. I invested in the company on the strength of my brother's advice.
60. Jody has invested Alan with great power over her career.
61. She's invested a lot of emotional energy in that business.
62. The crimes committed there invested the place with an air of mystery and gloom.
63. She'd invested extensively in stocks and got her fingers burnt when the market collapsed.
64. The governor has been invested with full authority to act.
65. Thousands of carpetbaggers have invested in the building society, hoping that it will become a public company.
66. He was clever. He invested a lot of money in property. When prices went up, he made a killing.
67. The Queen invested the brave soldier with the Military Cross.
68. The airlines have invested enormous sums in new, quieter aircraft.
69. They sensibly invested their prize money rather than spending it.
70. Richard's heavy-rimmed glasses invested him with an air of intelligence.
71. The government agreed to backstop companies that invested in oil exploration.
72. It is surprising how soon historical personages became invested with romantic attributes.
73. The return on the money we invested was very low.
74. The new position invested her with a good deal of responsibility.
75. The city has invested millions of dollars in the museum.
76. Clinton had invested heavily in Peres' election prospects.
77. It was invested in fledgling biotechnology companies.
78. Getting in costs 5 percent of the amount invested.
79. We've invested in several go-go medical stocks.
80. We have invested considerable resources and expertise to ensure a superior brewing process for Kaliber.
81. The plaintiffs can not raid the $ 4. 3 million invested in his pension funds.
82. He has invested in the high-tech equipment necessary to properly perform and still be a leader in speed and cost.
83. The criterion is the number of years before the pre-tax cash receipts from the project pay back the capital invested.
84. Your premiums buy units in funds invested on the stock market.
85. Of the $ 19.5 billion in venture capital invested nationwide, 95 percent was in technology-based companies.
86. Many are firms that expanded and invested with no expectation of 15 percent. interest rates.
87. The parties have invested a lot of time and muscle in trying to get more coverage for their conventions.
88. In addition we will examine ways of giving those who retire with lump sum payments more choice as to how their savings are invested.
89. We have invested in clean coal technology to safeguard the environment.
90. If they grow by 4.6 per cent,(http:///invested.html) you will receive £1 for every 85p invested.
91. In job creation terms its return on the £170 million so far invested has been small.
92. If money is invested, then interest is paid to the investor.
93. You will have real choice as to how your pension payments are invested.
94. Similarly, other professionals working in the field of catastrophic illness should have other interests that they are heavily invested in emotionally.
95. Consequently, case and statute law was made which prevented distribution of capital invested.
96. It is invested in Treasury securities with a guaranteed monthly rate.
97. I am 39, and like so many of the baby boomers, I have invested in mutual funds.
98. The Japanese company has invested its borrowings in government bonds.
99. He looked for people who had invested in similar Internet ventures before, and could also bring contacts and advice.
100. In comparison, just $ 22 billion was invested in mutual funds in 1990.
101. Official government statistics, for example, show that Hong Kong residents had invested $ 2 billion in California as of 1994.
102. A high proportion of their oil export revenues has been invested in the world's main financial markets.
103. We have also invested for the future in two new depots.
104. More money needs to be invested in developing greener fuel sources.
105. He invested most of his fortune in real estate, for he loved to own land.
106. Heavy losses or, at best, inadequate returns on capital invested have resulted in ignominious withdrawals from the market.
107. Profit figures become merely amounts which can be spent without impairing initial capital invested.
108. The Group invested £1.5 million in the United Arab Emirates to establish two high quality mechanical engineering workshops.
109. Well over £2 billion has been invested in such assets since the stock market collapse in October 1987.
110. Since 1937, the federal government has invested about $ 90 billion in its public housing inventory.
111. State law bars convicts from holding offices invested with executive or legislative authority.
112. There is no invested fund, only promises of how much future contributors will be prepared to pay.
113. It also gives full financial details about money in the Taylor Woodrow fund and where it is invested.
114. The six-month rate varies from 4.7 per cent to 5.2 per cent depending on the amount invested.
115. Imperial governments created a new elite of natives and invested them with the power of their language of administration and justice.
116. That pleases the cigarette makers, who invested heavily in his election.
117. He invested £10(/invested.html),000 in office accommodation and equipment - but the deal never materialised.
118. But in the last three years, the city has invested the capital to see that it happens.
119. In historic cost accounting, capital is measured as the initial capital invested.
120. When he first invested in the company, he knew he was onto a good thing.
121. Finally, assume that the annual payment is invested to earn an average effective annual rate of return equal to 12 percent.
122. The Mirror Group, for one, invested heavily in plant that stood idle.
123. But of course such differences have always been erotically invested, not least in lesbian and gay cultures.
124. Everything Chick did seemed invested with suspicious intent, although much of his behaviour was probably harmless.
125. The first woman spent the lot, the second spent half and banked the rest and the third invested the full amount.
126. Energy in one form or another has been invested in it to get it up there.
127. The new pope was given the name Innocent by the archdeacon and invested with the scarlet mantle which signified his pontificate.
128. Techshare gains were magnified by portfolio borrowings that last summer equaled about 15 cents for each dollar invested.
129. To meet its contractual obligations the proportion of the with-profits fund invested in equities will drop.
130. The Victorians invested considerable faith in the power of the camera to record, classify amid witness.
131. The proceeds from the newly issued bonds were generally invested by investment bankers in U. S. Treasury securities and placed in escrow.
132. Each of us invested ten shillings and we met to decide our bets.
133. It is ironic that a cyborg invested with collective human intelligence should still be represented in a recognisably human form.
134. This amount is reduced by dividends received from the invested and by the investor's share of invested's losses.
135. His commercial activities centred on the Levant trade, in which he invested heavily until his retirement sometime in the late 1670s.
136. In terms of size, independent funds are the largest, with over 75 percent of total venture capital funds invested.
137. The repatriated funds will have to be invested in Government bonds for a number of years.
138. Table 2.2 highlights how oil exporters with cash surpluses have invested their funds in the world's main money and capital markets.
139. In the first year, £3,000 can be invested and up to £1,800 in the following years until you reach the maximum.
140. Foreign businesses, which have invested heavily in Britain over the past few years, were not left out yesterday.
141. Money was invested in virtually any company with a credible story of what they were going to do on the internet.
142. Betty knew for a fact that Gary had invested nothing.
143. To head off competition, the telcos have invested heavily in fiber optics and sophisticated switching technology.
144. But these conditions do not exist where the original parties have invested in transaction-specific assets.
145. The inveterate entrepreneur and a trio of venture capital firms in January invested $ 5 million in Healthscape Inc.
146. Almost all of the remaining capital required to make up the £1551 millions invested came from borrowing.
147. These trading houses have invested heavily in global networks of information-gathering affiliates and extensive communications systems.
147. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
148. Mr Goldinger believed rates would rise and invested in instruments that would appreciate in value if that occurred.
149. They had invested heavily in their branded products and in the machinery to make them.
150. We have now invested £150m in an ambitious upgrading programme of our brewery at St James's Gate in Dublin.
151. The lump sum is invested to buy an increasing or unit-linked annuity which in turn is used to pay the fees.
152. Further investment is needed at the colliery, which reopened last year when 160 miners invested £10,000 each to form the consortium.
153. He refused only to renew his own homage or to recognize or consecrate bishops whom the king had invested.
154. They have, in effect, invested in excess capacity, though whether this was deliberate or accidental is harder to judge.
155. The original mortgage was paid off and the balance invested in the business.
156. Not just the money he'd invested but his allowance from father as well.
157. Some one else invested your profit-sharing for you, and made sure that you never lost and almost always gained.
158. The colonial state also invested heavily in infrastructure such as railways and ports.
159. Balor had two eyes, one being invested with so much evil power that it took four men to lift the eye-lid.
160. The analysis of price changes has the advantage of avoiding the need to define the sum invested.
161. He invested his business gains in building up an estate, purchasing as a country seat the former Carmelite priory of Aylesford.
162. Lawrence invested in real estate and golfed with Bob Hope.
163. A further £265,000 will be invested in a fund to provide her with a tax-free, inflation-proof income for life.
164. There is no quick fix for the baby-boom generation, which has invested relatively little in either children or capital.
165. Apple liked the idea so much that they invested a 20% stake in Adobe making themselves the largest customer.
166. But from 11 October personal pension schemes may introduce facilities allowing scheme members to direct how funds are to be invested.
167. But the maximum amount that can be invested is £18 a month.
168. Custody differs from fund management, where assets are actively invested in stocks and bonds.
169. For your priorities of spiritual fitness for us, in this life, a great deal more effort needs to be invested.
170. The bank never informed us of how the money was being invested.
171. When the town was closely invested, Marquez decided to seek favorable terms for himself.
172. He advanced large sums to Parliament and later invested heavily on his own account in the purchase of bishops' lands.
173. But women took an equally active interest in the policies of the firms where their funds were invested.
174. Resources Telford College has invested heavily in new technology related to visual communication.
175. An incidental feature of the capital transactions is the implication that the capital invested in local farming is being eroded.
176. In this project I have invested considerable time and not a little of my own money.
177. The phone companies have invested in technologies and strategic alliances designed to enter the business.
177. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
178. All investing parties should use their influence to ensure that companies in which they have invested comply with the code. 5.
179. Both companies have also invested heavily in the renewables industry in the last few years.
180. The money is invested principally in oil.
181. The rest of the money is invested in gilt.
182. Allocation of invested funds between risk - free assets and the risky portfolio.
183. In 976 AD , the Babenberg dynasty was invested with parts of its expanse.
184. Happiness is the dividend earned on a well - invested life.
185. Mindful of the needs of its students, Cardiff has invested heavily in providing new and improved residences.
186. Others may have invested in cosmetic surgery, botox or laser treatments.
187. I invested his money, poor fellow, in a bubble scheme.
188. Quan and Bray, a London - based married couple, invested heavily in the project.
189. Japan and the United States have invested in computer technology to monitor and analyze seismic activity .
190. The document also inaccurately described a trustee that safeguards invested assets.
191. I invested in a nightclub. It opens tonight. Want to come?
192. A tsar was a living icon, invested with deep historical and religious significance.




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