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单词 extinct
释义  Related topics: Earth sciences, Geologyex·tinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ ●●○ adjective  1  EXISTan extinct type of animal or plant does not exist anymore 灭绝的,绝种的 Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. 恐龙已灭绝数千万年了。 Pandas could become extinct in the wild. 熊猫在野生环境中可能会绝种。 an extinct species 已灭绝的一个物种2. EXISTif a type of person, custom, skill etc is extinct, it does not exist in society anymore 〔某种类型的人、习俗、技能等〕绝迹的,消亡的3. HEan extinct volcano does not erupt anymore 〔火山〕死的,不再活跃的 OPP activeExamples from the Corpusextinct• The white rhino is now almost extinct.• There are several theories as to why the dinosaurs become extinct?• All of them were marine and all of them are extinct.• The adonis blue and silver-skipper butterflies are all but extinct.• Cuvier noticed that the most recently extinct creatures such as the mammoth were closely related to living species.• But there was no laughter, and he had to remember that Browning Societies had been extinct for a long time.• Both are about modern paleontologists who encounter groups of hominids thought extinct for eons.• The most chilling exhibit space is a room that holds species that are extinct or endangered.• The valley contains fossils of many extinct species.• Once extinct this wonderful animal will be gone for ever.become extinct• We are, I fear, in danger of becoming extinct.• If nothing is done to save the whales now, the species will soon become extinct.• Back in the 1950s Jim Corbett gave the tiger ten years before it became extinct.• Can we comfort ourselves with a freezer full of cells as species disappear and the wild itself becomes extinct?• If extinction is repeated, the behavior will eventually disappear or become extinct.• Marriage and the family as we have known them are becoming extinct.• This is because where selfishness brings higher rewards than altruism, selfish individuals leave more descendants, so altruists inevitably become extinct.• It had Breton blood but, like the Breton, was heavily crossed with the Friesian and became extinct by the 1960s.• Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago.• It is estimated that over 30 species have become extinct while waiting for a listing.Origin extinct (1400-1500) Latin exstinctus, past participle of exstinguere; → EXTINGUISHex·tinct adjectiveChineseSyllable  of plant anymore not does exist or Corpus type an animal extinct




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