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单词 office party
释义  Related topics: Leisure, Officesˌoffice ˈparty noun [countable]  DLBBOa party, especially one held before Christmas, in the office of a company, government department etc for the people who work there 〔尤指圣诞节前夕在办公室为员工举办的〕办公室派聚会,联欢会Examples from the Corpusoffice party• We met at an office party almost a year ago.• For a tenner, I snapped up a dinner-jacket for an office party, and gave it back afterwards.• She looked as if she were about to set off for a provincial cocktail party, an office party of female executives.• Like a Mephistco office party, but even less entertaining.ˌoffice ˈparty nounChineseSyllable  held party, Christmas, especially the in a Corpus one before office




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