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单词 Inescapable
1. The economic logic of reform is inescapable.
2. She didn't want to confront the inescapable fact that she would have to sell the house.
3. The impression of villainy was inescapable.
4. The impression of villains was inescapable.
5. The inescapable conclusion is that he was murdered by someone in his own family.
6. This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the two things are connected.
7. The police came to the inescapable conclusion that the children had been murdered.
8. I believe that the Government understand those inescapable facts.
9. Now the party is inescapable, at least in suburbia.
10. The Phillips curve was regarded as an inescapable constraint on policy action which the authorities could only ignore at their peril.
11. From the contemplation of this inescapable judgment he turned his face resolutely away.
12. Chief amongst these had been the inescapable fact that she must get rid of Rose Cottage.
13. The inescapable presence of doubt is a constant reminder of our responsibility to truth in a twilight world of truth and half-truth.
14. It seems inescapable that two images of a single quasar have been observed.
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. This meant that man has an inescapable moral responsibility for his own actions.
16. The greying of nations is presented as an inescapable world wide pandemic from which there is no escape.
17. Finniston maintains there is inescapable evidence that the corporate world has become more selfish and self-seeking.
18. Although carefully controlled, aggression is an inescapable aspect of Buid animal sacrifice.
19. The whole process is inescapable precisely because more and more people want it to be so.
20. The inescapable conclusion was that people were continually managing to think it up for themselves.
21. It completely beggared belief, yet it was an inescapable fact.
22. The government looked so vulnerable that even irreproachable traditionalists among the landowning nobility concluded that political reform was inescapable.
23. Justice to all, irrespective of race, sect or class is the inalienable right and the inescapable obligation of all.
24. The very existence of all these middle-aged people was inescapable proof of one's own ageing process.
25. Since the beginning of time, work has been for many people a terrible, inescapable fact of life.
26. Comparisons with the effective school library media program are again inescapable.
27. For those with limited experience of overseas Test matches, especially in the subcontinent, this is the inescapable conclusion.
28. Getting moving here won't mitigate the despair; but it would at least show some capacity to think beyond the sourly inescapable.
29. It must, therefore, ensure that it has the means within its membership to fulfil this inescapable obligation.
30. But something very serious had been sacrificed in this generous and possibly inescapable transaction-intellectual vitality.
1. The economic logic of reform is inescapable.
2. She didn't want to confront the inescapable fact that she would have to sell the house.
3. The impression of villains was inescapable.
31. It is more an argument against inescapable facts about heredity itself!
32. Yet, in this case, in the advanced countries, the facts are inescapable.
33. But the myth was more entertaining when dull but inescapable facts were omitted.
34. One inescapable inference from these numbers is that some of the 620 persons executed were innocent.
35. The conclusion is inescapable. This was an accidental drug overdose and not a suicide.
36. Voice over Thamesdown Borough Councillors have been told that expenditure to tackle the problem of subsidence is virtually inescapable.
37. For these men, the preferential option for the poor had inescapable political implications.
38. Beyond grief and shock, there is the inescapable fact that life is unalterably changed.
39. Illustrations include many paintings by the pre-eminent, or at least inescapable, Civil War artist Mort Kuntsler.
40. A sense of imminent doom was inescapable.
41. An inescapable retro colour filled the place.
42. That differences should occur was inescapable and natural.
43. In my view, online life in the future inescapable.
44. Continuing education and retraining will be inescapable.
45. It is an inescapable part of any state apparatus.
46. Whatever abuse or violence that is inflicted on animals, sooner or later, (this lifetime or the next)[http:///inescapable.html], will eventually be transferred and experienced by humans. This is an inescapable Divine Law.
47. And it is not a question of choice, but an inescapable fact.
48. First, the problems they faced were huge, merciless and inescapable: the Depression, Nazism and Soviet Communism.
49. When the proof was inescapable, they wanted to keep it in - house.
50. At the same time, with the reality of environmental pollution and the environmental disruption ceaselessness aggravation, corporation should undertake inescapable environment social responsibility.
51. The economic cycle is endemic and inescapable and everyone has always known this.
52. The inescapable truth is that the song Barcarole on the Wusuli River derived from the Hoche fork music.
53. It is the inescapable duty of management to fire incompetent people.
54. The evidence seemed inescapable that light consisted of electromagnetic waves of extremely short wavelength.
55. The inescapable fact is that money and who has it ineluctably influences our views about a lot of what happens in the world.
56. Errors are inescapable incidents in the course of scientific research.
57. Owing to his error in calculation, bankruptcy of his enterprise seems inescapable.
58. Accounting staff has an inescapable moral responsibility on accounting information quality.
59. Although Mr Zakaria strives to present the rise of China, India and "the rest" as unthreatening to the US, the inescapable conclusion is that the Bush years marked the apogee of American power.
60. When we analyzed all this information, the conclusion was inescapable.
61. All of us are headed an inescapable encounter with death, God, and final judgment.
62. All men are caught in a inescapable network of mutuality.
63. Shubin writes: "The conclusion was inescapable: the same gill arch that formed part of the jaw of a reptile formed ear bones in mammals.
64. A move that constitutes an inescapable and indefensible attack on a chess opponent's king.
65. It is an inescapable duty as well as an arduous task for Agricultural Development Banks to lend support to leading grain enterprises in the industrialization of agriculture.
66. Charles Taylor criticized the atomism of right supreme, and pointed out we are in an inescapable moral framework. We could make clear the source of this predicament only through virtue.
67. There are many idioms in which this inescapable duality can be expressed.
68. For each individual, several careers will be customary, and continuing education and retraining will be inescapable.




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