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单词 Knowledgeable
1. We employ friendly and knowledgeable staff.
2. Her lawyer seemed very knowledgeable and experienced.
3. Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.
4. She is very knowledgeable about plants.
5. She's very knowledgeable about art.
6. Graham's very knowledgeable about wines.
7. He's very knowledgeable about German literature.
8. He's quite knowledgeable about the theatre.
9. Cocaine addicts get specialized support from knowledgeable staff.
10. Mr Winchester is impressively knowledgeable about all manner of things.
11. Young Mark seems very knowledgeable and experienced for his age — definitely an old head on young shoulders.
12. We had a knowledgeable guide in the person of George Adams.
13. The sales staff are all knowledgeable, helpful,() and cheerful.
14. Mike's quite knowledgeable about jazz.
15. Some may be more aware, more knowledgeable, than others.
16. The giant with golden hair: Fearsome but knowledgeable.
17. Gradually the band became more knowledgeable about the business dealings in the music industry.
18. The troops were very knowledgeable and impressed me with their actions.
19. Penelope became the aggressor, tactful, knowledgeable, sure as the lover.
20. If you keep a horse, regular, knowledgeable inspection of its feet is essential for its well-being.
21. The work force is more knowledgeable than they have ever been about business needs and customer needs.
22. A structural engineer or knowledgeable contractor can advise you on that.
23. Over the last two decades people have become increasingly adventurous, less prejudiced and more knowledgeable about travel.
24. And the worst part was, everyone else seemed to understand it and strode out to the quay full of knowledgeable confidence.
25. Another correspondent asked for cheap tracts which she could distribute to the poor as the middle class were already knowledgeable.
26. There are other resources available to help job-seekers become knowledgeable about various organizations.
27. Spanning several generations of schools and styles[http:///knowledgeable.html], her own recollections are a fascinating mix of knowledgeable anecdote and scurrilous gossip.
28. One advantage the United States has is a large core of VietnameseAmericans capable of speaking the language and knowledgeable about local customs.
29. Diligently, even angrily, we express, discuss, and defend our ostensibly knowledgeable positions.
30. That, thought Dalgliesh, would point to premeditation, or to the instinctive precaution of a knowledgeable expert.
1. We employ friendly and knowledgeable staff.
2. Her lawyer seemed very knowledgeable and experienced.
3. Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.
4. He's quite knowledgeable about the theatre.
5. Young Mark seems very knowledgeable and experienced for his age — definitely an old head on young shoulders.
31. We are looking for people who are knowledgeable about the oil and banking industries.
32. Some readers, knowledgeable about such matters, might worry about a certain sign difference.
33. It needs careful and knowledgeable underwriters to monitor and hopefully improve the capacity in future years.
34. It is absolutely essential that a knowledgeable person with budget experience examine your proposal section on budget.
35. Mr Moore found Jill was knowledgeable, helpful, and a skillful salesperson.
36. Visitors should use reputable travel firms with knowledgeable guides, and avoid camping alone.
37. Economics assumes that consumers are perfectly knowledgeable and make rational choices.
38. The biblical text suggests simply that he spoke of them, knowledgeable man that he was.
39. He's as knowledgeable as any man I've got working for me, and Dillon was saying so only last week.
40. Consultants, therefore, may not be interested in or knowledgeable about journalism.
41. Many knowledgeable people have a deep dislike of the Human Genome Project.
42. Are these professors really more substantially more knowledgeable, there, is there substantially more prestige attached to this?
43. One reason why students should study a variety of subjects is to become knowledgeable citizens.
44. They concentrate on showing themselves as knowledgeable rather than involved, as experts who can impart information.
45. Hence a knowledgeable citizen may not wish to have 502 reduction measures carried out beyond what is reasonable.
46. Few presidents and fewer speakers have been as well educated and as knowledgeable as Clinton and Gingrich.
47. The clinical teacher can become knowledgeable about a particular specialty, and will be aware of the demands of the ward.
48. He is said to have been convivial, widely knowledgeable, with a fertile imagination and a whimsical sense of humour.
49. Consequently, over the years(), I have become knowledgeable about many of the world's remote places.
50. He chose accessible routes, found accommodations in remote areas and was knowledgeable about local plants, animals and customs.
51. But how is it that the individuals most knowledgeable about markets can resign themselves to sitting on the sidelines?
52. She was a tough girl with an abrasive manner, and seemed very knowledgeable about the seamy side of life.
53. Some are more knowledgeable than others about their subject literatures.
54. In fact, the complainant in the case Samaraweera cites was knowledgeable about court procedure.
55. But checking with knowledgeable people at the Vermont Maple Laboratory, I found that the literature was practically nonexistent.
56. The local council organises walks with leaders who are very knowledgeable about the area.
57. A trader knowledgeable of such developments can take appropriate action.
58. Earley is a diligent reporter, knowledgeable in the field of espionage.
59. Lord Underhill was regarded as one of the most knowledgeable people about the internal workings of the Labour Party.
60. The knowledgeable authorities occupy the institutional front row only because others have abandoned the effort.
61. Many opportunities will exist for the most skilled, adaptable, and knowledgeable financial managers.
62. He thumbed through the applications in a knowledgeable manner and made critical comments in imitation of his superiors.
63. They are very respectful, and they are probably some of the most knowledgeable fans.
64. Talkative people are not necessarily smarter, more knowledgeable and more interesting. Dr T.P.Chia 
65. He is very knowledgeable about Cayman history and has been metal detecting all over the Cayman Island.
66. Impromptu teams are picked on the spot, with a knowledgeable captain to ensure a balance.
67. It is beneficial to learn more about what is around us–so that we are more knowledgeable and open-minded. Dr T.P.Chia 
68. Above all the farm worker could establish his reputation as a skilled and knowledgeable craftsman among his fellow workers.
69. It didn't surprise her to learn that he was extremely knowledgeable where his subject was concerned.
70. I received good knowledgeable advice, that worked. and most importantly, I was treated like a human being.
71. I value the way they accept my orders and the talented, knowledgeable and irreplaceable company agronomist who gives me advice.
72. The fact that some supposedly knowledgeable people think the two incompatible just shows how ignorant they are.
73. If the adventurers are not very knowledgeable about Constant Drachenfels, this is a novel way of feeding them some more information.
74. Atheists are more knowledgeable about religion than religious believers, even though they are opposed to God based religion and many of them were previously religious. Dr T.P.Chia 
75. Even knowledgeable thrift presidents felt they faced a choice be-tween rape and slow suicide.
76. Independent travellers are generally and altogether more knowledgeable about what they want from a holiday.
77. When an illness occurs, those who are knowledgeable in such matters proffer a diagnosis.
78. She had sounded so nice on the phone, not knowledgeable but pleasantly enthusiastic.
79. The older and more knowledgeable horseman knew exactly what had happened and took immediate steps to neutralize this smell.
80. He has built up an extensive wine list in close co-operation with Peter Davenport, and is knowledgeable and enthusiastic about it.
81. A: I am knowledgeable and levelheaded.
82. Ten-year-olds are more knowledgeable and generous-spirited.
83. He made some knowledgeable remarks at the meeting.
84. He is knowledgeable about the biology of the honeybee.
85. Hector: You seem quite knowledgeable. Who are you exactly?
86. John is very knowledgeable about classical music.
86. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
87. Knowledgeable of library management software and library security systems.
88. Gayle: They always seem so knowledgeable.
89. An alterative approach to wisdom focuses on the more positive idea that wise people are very knowledgeable people.
90. Few monochrome television engineers found it necessary to be knowledgeable about the subject of " light ".
91. Exir seeks to be recognized in Scandinavia as a cost-efficient, flexible, reliable, and knowledgeable partner for sub-assembly and complete assembly of mechanical and electronic products.
92. If you've been raiding with any reasonably knowledgeable warlock lately, you've probably already noticed this.
93. Who would you a spot on the top ten list of knowledgeable guppy breeders?
94. I have been told by knowledgeable sources that in the elevator and escalator business, service is the biggest moneymaker in the long run.
95. I like International Trade Law best, because the professor is humorous, experienced and knowledgeable.
96. I -- a benighted hoyden, already blossomed teenager of a knowledgeable.
97. In addition, relatively unknown but highly knowledgeable PM/PMP types who also have considerable Agile knowledge are contributing to the conversation, in some cases addressing Ron Jeffries directly.
98. No matter you are knowledgeable, or self-glorification, you boss is possibly more vulgar and injudicious than you think. But you have to listen to him everyday.
99. In Iran the same mischievous propaganda is at work to befool the rather ignorant—or less knowledgeable—public that it poses a threat and is a fanatic, terrorist country.
100. Yes, a few nights of Boolean sleuthing might render you more knowledgeable than your doctor about a particular issue — and more power to you for your interest.
101. Jung was especially knowledgeable in the symbolism of complex mystical traditions such as Gnosticism , Alchemy, Kabala, and similar traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism.
102. The real knowledgeable always know erudite information and the person of knowing erudite always have knowledge.
103. Individuals with prediabetes or diabetes should receive individualized MNT as needed to achieve treatment goals, ideally by a registered dietitian who is knowledgeable about diabetes MNT (B).
104. The adequate disclosure principle holds that a company's financial statements should report enough information for outsiders to make knowledgeable decision about the company.
105. According to Furman, Eastwood's body of work attests to his evolution as an all-round film artist, knowledgeable about film both as an art and as a business.
106. Being somewhat knowledgeable about personal finance, I'm trying to figure out how to finagle this.
107. For hard goods, it's vital to be knowledgeable on the products in order to sell with integrity.
108. Highly experienced and knowledgeable developers have a feel for good design.
109. A knowledgeable counselor can walk you through behavior modification techniques that have a proven track record.
110. I recently spoke owning a holidaymaker who, in path belonging for the commencing of the holiday, knowledgeable a breakdown, so they regarded since the company's help line.
111. Politicians will only raise more money to buy more half-truth ads to fool the least knowledgeable of voters.
112. Consultation with a cardiac electrophysiologist or knowledgeable physician is recommended prior to antiarrhythmic drug initiation.
113. Both scholars received knowledge at the hands of one of the most knowledgeable persons in the Muslim Ummah, Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him).
114. When a local sandlot baseball team found itself without a manager , he kept it going . He was a knowledgeable baseball fan and often took me to Ebbets Field to see the Brooklyn Dodgers play .
115. My advice is to go to an actual running store, where there will be knowledgeable people who can watch you run and tell you what kind of shoe you need (overpronator, supinator, neutral, etc.).
116. You don't have to be thin, naturally blond, super successful, socially connected,[http:///knowledgeable.html] knowledgeable about politics or even particularly charming to find it.
117. Others hold the view that a wealthy person is one who is knowledgeable and wise.
118. Manual programming can be done by someone knowledgeable about the particular process and able to understand, read, and change part programs.
119. A “bluestocking” used to be a scholarly or highly knowledgeable woman.
120. Knowledgeable of all cost in the Materials Department and to recommend measures of control.
121. She is not only a personable person, but also a capable and knowledgeable one.
122. The thesis summarizes the characteristics of physical capital, human capital, fictitious capital, Intangible capital, knowledgeable capital and the related accounting characteristics.
123. People regard him the salt of the earth here. He is not only knowledgeable, but also helpful and nice to everyone in the department.
124. She was knowledgeable, well - spoken and had a good sense of humor.
125. Knowledgeable of city information, its including for entertainment, theater , sightsee, attraction and cultural.
126. The student is very knowledgeable because he also studies things not in the curriculum.
126. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
127. The 21 century is a highly informational, knowledgeable and global society.
128. The knowledgeable subdecanal was a pharmacy doctor from US and he once provided assistance for the local police.
129. Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged or a liability settled between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction.
130. The "Sichuan Textile Technology" integrates professional, knowledgeable, information, practicability, befittingly for researches, managers, teachers and students in colleges or academy.
131. The disclosure principle holds that a company's financial statements should report enough information for outsiders to make knowledgeable decisions about the company.
132. Meteorological knowledge industry has the following characters: development, international exchange and cooperation, knowledgeable decision - making and science.
133. Birds seem to organize their song into some acute and knowledgeable recognition of the storm's approach.
134. It's a two-way street; the freelancer writer that is reliable and knowledgeable, and the editor that is prepared to pay good money for them.
135. If you don't know much about cars, take a knowledgeable friend along.
136. However, while both must be skilled and knowledgeable about that medium , their work serves different ends.
137. That would be someone else's pidgin; I'm not too knowledgeable in that respect.
138. This paper aims at a global review on the prosaic works of the knowledgeable and productive Roman author Varro.




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