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单词 extempore
释义  ex·tem·po·re /ɪkˈstempəri/ adjective formal  PLANspoken or done without any preparation or practice 即兴的,无准备的 SYN impromptu an extempore speech 即席演讲 —extempore adverbExamples from the Corpusextempore• The judgments were very short and appear to have been extempore.• His remarks were extempore and may need to be qualified.• This is usually performed extempore, following the whims of the singer, musician and/or dancer.• We had family prayers before breakfast with extempore prayers from Father, who had the faculty of producing these on demand.Origin extempore (1500-1600) Latin ex tempore “out of the moment”ex·tem·po·re adjectiveChineseSyllable  practice or spoken any Corpus without preparation done or




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