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单词 Penny
1 A penny saved is a penny earned. Benjamin Franklin 
2 Penny wise and pound foolish.
3 A bad penny always turns up. 
4 The honest penny is better than the stolen dollar. 
5 A penny saved is a penny gained. 
6 The unrighteous penny corrupts the righteous pound. 
7 In for a penny, in for a pound. 
8 Penny and penny, laid up, will be many. 
9 A penny soul never came to twopence. 
10 A penny saved is a penny earned(or gained). 
11 He that regards not a penny, will lavish a pound. 
12 One penny with right is better than a thousand without right. 
13 Spoil (or Lose) the ship for half penny worth of tar. 
14 One penny witgh right is better than a thousand without right. 
15 A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. 
16 Who will not keep a penny, shall never have many. 
17 He who will not keep a penny shall never have money. 
18 I begrudge every penny I pay in tax.
19 Stop niggling about every penny we spend.
20 Antique toy cars are ten a penny nowadays.
21 That house must have cost a pretty penny.
22 A penny for your thoughts.
23 He grudges every penny he has to spend.
24 Give me a penny for 2 halfs.
25 Cider also goes up by a penny a pint while sparkling wine will cost another eight pence a bottle.
26 The excursion won't cost you a penny if you go with us.
27 Nothing for nothing and very little for a half penny
28 Although Bill has been in trouble with the police,he earns an honest penny these days by driving a van.
29 He failed to patent his invention and never made a penny from it.
30 Except for what he spent on haircuts,books and daily necessities he never wasted a penny.
1 A penny soul never came to twopence.
2 Antique toy cars are ten a penny nowadays.
3 That house must have cost a pretty penny.
4 A penny for your thoughts.
5 Give me a penny for 2 halfs.
6 Although Bill has been in trouble with the police,he earns an honest penny these days by driving a van.
7 Cider also goes up by a penny a pint while sparkling wine will cost another eight pence a bottle.
8 He failed to patent his invention and never made a penny from it.
9 The excursion won't cost you a penny if you go with us.
10 Except for what he spent on haircuts,books and daily necessities he never wasted a penny.
11 Don't feel ashamed — we don't despise the widow's mite , and, as they say, every penny helps.
12 Eleanor is always a penny - pinch ever since she has been young.
31 Penny wise, pound foolish.
32 Penny has red hair and a rather flamboyant appearance.
33 She's down to her last penny .
34 The blackmailers bled him for every penny he had.
35 Leggy blondes are two a penny in Hollywood.
36 Brilliant students are two a penny at that college.
37 The blackmailers bled him for every penny he'd got.
38 I have to watch every penny .
39 Every penny of the funds is accounted for.
40 It didn't cost me a penny .
41 He's never turned an honest penny in his life.
42 The salesman won't bate a penny of it.
43 That coat must have cost you a pretty penny!
43 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
44 Teachers of history are ten a penny.
45 We collected £700 and every penny went to charity.
46 Renovating that house will cost you a pretty penny.
47 Unhappily for Berkowitz, he never got a penny.
48 Her husband made her record every penny she spent.
49 His family had cast him off without a penny.
50 It will cost a pretty penny.
51 He has never paid me a penny.
52 We'll screw every last penny out of him.
53 Unleaded gasoline rose more than a penny a gallon.
54 Penny was overindulged by her parents.
55 Jim's uncle cut him off without a penny.
56 I'm just going to spend a penny.
57 She hasn't got a penny to her name.
58 I'd spent all I had, every last penny.
59 The blackmailers bled her for every penny she had.
60 He spends every penny he earns.
61 Brilliant students are ten a penny at that college.
62 It didn't cost a penny.
63 Rings like these are ten a penny.
64 Penny never got uptight about exams.
65 I haven't got a penny on me.
66 Gary clutched a penny in his fist.
67 It must have cost a pretty penny.
68 I bet that cost you a pretty penny.
69 It was an expensive meal but worth every penny.
70 He died without a penny to his name .
71 He cut his son off without a penny.
72 His ex-wife clearly intends to bleed him for every last penny.
73 I'm just an ordinary businessman, trying to earn an honest penny.
73 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
74 Oh well, it's done now. In for a penny, in for a pound.
75 I had to explain the joke to her a couple of times before the penny dropped.
76 She looked confused for a moment, then suddenly the penny dropped.
77 It won't cost penny.
78 The trip was expensive but it was worth every penny.
79 I often win money at cards but never save a penny 'easy come, easy go' is my motto.
80 It won't cost you a penny for the first six months.
81 All the money was gone; every last penny of it.
82 Sure enough, Steve turned up like the proverbial bad penny .
83 Every penny was hard earned, and every shilling was kept until I had to spend it.
84 The unemployed worker was down to his last penny when at last he found a job.
85 Erik collapsed into giggles and squeals as Penny began tickling him.
86 The ancestor of the modern bicycle was called a penny farthing.
87 She's on a high salary but I'm sure she deserves every penny.
88 She doesn't have a penny / cent to her name .
89 He's really serious about Penny and wants to get engaged.
90 Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort to keep up with her work.
91 The hotel was expensive but it was worth every penny .
92 She claimed she was just trying to earn an honest penny.
93 He puzzled over her remark for a moment, and then at last the penny dropped.
94 The boss tried to bleed his employees for every penny they had.
95 You won't get a penny out of Jack - he's very close with his money.
96 I gave him some old clothes which he made a penny of.
97 I have had to work for every single penny I earned.
98 He was determined to go to Australia even if it took every penny of his savings.
99 I haven't a penny left; buying drinks for everyone has cleaned me out completely.
100 My ex-wife is bleeding me for every penny I have.
101 Don't feel ashamed — we don't despise the widow's mite , and, as they say, every penny helps.
102 We spent every last penny we had on the house.
103 Penny doesn't think her co-workers treat her as an equal.
104 We must account for every penny we spend during a business trip.
105 They've got to watch every penny to make ends meet.
106 Every penny counts in the battle to save the rainforests.
107 We have to account for every penny we spend on business trips.
108 Eleanor is always a penny - pinch ever since she has been young.
109 If you'll excuse me, I need to spend a penny.
110 My parents threatened to cut me off without a penny if I married him.
111 I had to explain the problem to her several times before the penny finally dropped.
112 The Brilliantons paid their rent on time and did not owe him a penny.
113 He has calculated the costs down to the last penny.
114 They'll diddle you out of your last penny if you give them the chance.
115 And they haven't received a penny in compensation.
116 You do not spend a penny.
117 Marcia bled him for every penny he had.
118 It won't cost you a penny.
119 She wouldn't cost you a penny.
120 Of course, I spent every penny anyway.
121 And Moran didn't cost them a single penny!
122 Newcastle closed a penny lower at 608 pence.
123 Never made a penny on this war.
124 She'd give away her last penny.
125 The shares lost a penny to 194p.
126 Penny sat down with her knitting.
127 Not a single penny, I assure you.
128 Moira had died before she'd cost anyone a penny.
129 I didn't put my penny in yesterday.
130 As Big showed, Penny Marshall's strength is sentimental comedy.
131 Chaps like Penny had once built empires.
132 Dad doesn't have to pay another penny to Josie.
133 Penny bought a chrome-and -- white decal.
134 Anyway, they would fall in love with these Counts who were ten a penny and even pay for their drinks.
135 They cost a hell of a lot, these Oxford prodigies, but it's worth every penny.
136 At one time, Mr Jarvis the coalman paid a pretty penny just to park his waggons there.
137 The firm's owner assured them that he had never received a penny and was paying a large rent for his premises.
138 Rage Software crept up a penny to 12 1 / 4p and SCi Enter 5 to end on 307 1 / 2p.
139 It had, whatever way, and all night long for all she knew, to amount to a pretty penny.
140 It seemed like Penny was talking to Mike a lot, whispering to him, leaning over.
141 Not a penny of federal money could come into Chicago without clearing through Daley.
142 Dallams were ten a penny in the backstreets of Frizingley.
143 Suddenly the penny dropped, and Meredith knew why he'd been prowling about the airport like an angry lion.
144 A penny bought three jaw breakers or two sticks of licorice.
145 Warm yourself by the fireside of pure genius and it won't cost you a penny.
146 She'd been well aware that Ruth Russell grudged her every penny.
147 Neither he nor Diana receives a penny from the Civil List.
148 His total takings for the day amounted to one penny for a shave.
149 That will add 33% to its value without costing you a penny extra.
150 A charity such as ours must constantly strive for greater efficiency, to put every penny of your subscription to good use.
151 They'd both been working for nearly two years, and all that time they hadn't been paid a penny.
152 Moore, for instance, treasures a collection of sayings Penny Scaggs had written for her in calligraphy.
153 Tax allowances Personal allowance Income tax is not levied on every last penny of your money.
154 The penny suddenly drops, and he is revealed as the one who makes sense of life.
155 The price-£ 50-seemed steep, but it is worth every penny.
156 The popular penny press displaced the small circulation partisan press as the model of the daily newspaper.
157 Trading in Bunzl was fast and furious, volumes topping 6m as the market quote firmed a penny to 94p.
158 You know, where you put a penny by each week in case your nipper gets sick and dies.
159 Old silver heels have been abandoned under a work table in favor of scruffy penny loafers.
160 Slowly Penny nodded and then silently cast her eyes down to her plate.
161 Apart from my fourpence a week, his brothers likewise never ever saw a penny from him.
162 The hotel is full of charm and character and Penny Rawson's beloved and rare plants.
163 Minter wouldn't have paid you a penny for what you might have got out of me.
164 She had the travel atlas(http:///penny.html), and she was showing Mike and Penny where we planned to go.
165 This is one of the few cities left in the country where a penny still buys time on a meter.
166 Strangers were allowed in the news room on payment of one penny put into the Strangers Box.
167 The Strood delegate suggested that this would put a penny on the rates, but the Rochester delegate rejected the resolution.
168 The fish that originally sold for a penny eventually brought 5000 rupees.
169 The Judge said if it had cost one penny more he would have been hanged.
170 The ubiquitous Penny combination led Cambridge Harriers to victory in both team races.
171 It's cost more than a million pounds, but staff and children say it's worth every penny.
172 Weeks she'd been badly, and he wouldn't hear of spending a penny on a doctor.
173 If you were caught speaking in vernacular you paid a penny fine.
174 His argumentative gifts as a popular orator attracted crowds willing to pay a penny or two to hear him.
175 We used to get them for one penny the pack in the navy.
176 For many children, spending money was a Saturday penny and a Wednesday halfpenny.
177 Penny seemed more mature than most of the other students.
178 Finding enough cash to pay even for a handful of sessions wasn't easy but she reckoned the sessions worth every penny.
179 She had been working every day for over a month, and had not received a penny for her labour.
180 The shares bucked the market trend, rising one penny to 491p.
181 My parents never gave me a penny after I turned sixteen.
182 Perhaps I didn't make myself clear - there won't be a penny of extra money for this project.
183 And she adds: But Alan Govier from Oxford hasn't received a penny in pension payments.
184 If Mr. Millan releases the money, every last penny of it will go to the coalfield areas.
185 In fact, you won't have to pay a penny until you've studied your policy in depth.
186 Penny began an inane conversation about the book she was reading to fill the silence.
187 Licensed dealers will hold surplus money on deposit from them and take every penny they can.
188 His mere re-election can be relied on to revive the market and solve those problems - without costing the public purse one penny.
189 Mike was driving, and Penny was in the front seat.
190 Wall Street had been expecting earnings of a penny a share, according to a survey by First Call Inc.
191 A cap like a puddle now lies at his feet, to receive the odd penny.
192 She was paid as much as her male colleagues, and earned every penny.
193 Punters are just crazy about penny shares, and their blindness, some might argue, is only too readily exploited.
194 But I was desperate ... a room was going to cost money and I didn't have a penny.
195 He would need every penny for the fare back home.
196 Me and you and Denver gon na spend every penny of it.
197 Its strong profits rise and increased dividend payout had been anticipated by the City and the shares gained just a penny.
198 His Department has not allocated a single penny to that programme for 1992-93.
199 Moreover, although titles were two a penny in Cannes, Lord Westbourne was different.
200 They're expected to fetch up to £4,000 and every penny will go to charity.
201 I took long breaks away from training and would then reappear like the proverbial bad penny, as if I had never been away.
202 Penny lay in another hospital bed suffering the acute, painful stages of the disease.
203 Try penny whistles, maracas, guitars, recorders, bongo drums and the piano for melodious fun.
204 Penny was eating a piece of bacon off his plate.
205 A pair to fit wellies which reach right up to the knee cost a penny short of a fiver.
206 The other girls are carrying purses and wearing seersucker and madras cotton blouses or printed cotton dresses and penny loafers.
207 Oestrogen makes women feel great and it shouldn't cost them a penny.
208 Britain is not giving a penny, not even a penny black!
209 And made a mint out of it. Without paying a penny to Malcolm and Vivienne - whose idea it was.
210 My father said not to spend a penny more than I need.
211 If you could, you would have turned that family away without a penny.
212 Delegates in Jakarta were urged to get full value out of every penny spent, especially in the current economic climate.
213 Now they are two a penny - or rather they were until 1990.
214 Not a penny: a judge rejects a paralysed woman's claim for damages.
215 A baby girl died in Norfolk after choking on a penny.
216 Participants met once a week at Penny Scaggs' home or at one of several Austin churches.
217 It will be published by Heinemann, edited by Penny Hoare, and the backlist will appear in Mandarin.
218 Have each pair average the number of drops the penny holds.
219 Put another way, there is no longer the incentive to economise on every spare pound and penny in order buy interest-earning assets.
220 Smart public managers spend every penny of every line item, whether they need to or not.
221 We bought the necklace from an old man who was down on his luck and in need of a penny or two.
222 A doubling of the set-aside rate is not good news, coming at a time when every penny counts.
223 I placed the parcels on the table and Mrs Lewis gave me a piece of cake and a penny.
223 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
224 For instance, what if Bozo, Inc., suffers through a recession and earns just one penny?
225 Labour has failed to build a popular consensus around educational reform and was trumped by Ashdown's penny on income tax.
226 Penny sat on a stone bench in the middle of the cavern to rest.
227 Our prizes give you the chance to be penny foolish for once.
228 We charged a penny for admission and two cents a cup for Kool-Aid.
229 Mrs Halloran was yard monitor and her penny loafers were next to him.
230 I was living with Desmond and I used to have to give him every goddamn penny.
231 They were worth every penny of the large chunk of the Hochhauser budget they absorbed.
232 His father was a rickshaw puller, so every penny the family had was laboriously earned.
233 In addition, the increase in national insurance contributions is the equivalent of a penny in the pound on income tax.
234 My warmest wishes to everyone in the family, and a special hug for Penny.
235 She thought Robin must sleep in this bed with Penny, curled around her protectively as you would sleep with a kitten.
236 Oh yes, she had plenty of money of her own, but he wouldn't touch a penny of that.
237 The penny farthing made its first appearance in 1870 and was ridden round the world in 1884.
238 Penny jumped out of the way to avoid being hit by the falling branch.
239 Corbett gave a child a penny to hold the horses and they went into the priest's house.
240 My father was a mean old man who resented every penny he spent on us.
241 Now the Bears will find out in the next eight seasons whether Ben Braun is worth every penny.
242 A broker buy recommendation helped conglomerate Williams Holdings inch ahead a penny to 326p.
243 She has said she will not give a penny until she is entirely satisfied the unit will go ahead as planned.
244 His hair was so flat on top, Petey wanted to put a penny on it.
245 As he learned the craft, the penny finally dropped - or rather the ball.
246 No one earning less than £21,000 will pay a penny more under us.
247 Have them drop water on the penny until the water spills off.
248 Not that they ever doubted they were worth every penny they got.
249 Meanwhile he draws his salary of £63,047 a year - and is worth every penny of it.
250 Big, plain, invincible girls like Penny took happiness where they could.
251 Who will bear responsibility for paying every penny of savings gained by top people?
252 Every grubby penny I can get my grubby hands on, every grubby day of my grubby little life..
253 A heavier penny coinage was introduced by Offa to conform with contemporary Carolingian developments.
254 Raising cash to spend a penny A CO-OPERATIVE of local councils could help reopen Langbaurgh's public toilets, a councillor claims.
255 Beechams Pills could be bought one at a time in a spill for a penny.
256 Penny Darbyshire of Kingston University, who conducted the research, says that the system is badly in need of reform.
257 Every penny of that money went directly to various charities within our own region.
258 The baby's two-year-old sister gave her the penny to cheer her up because she was crying.
259 He says his company paid seventy eight thousand pounds to promoters, and has never received a penny in refunds.
260 Will talked with him for a few minutes, then gave him a penny.
261 It was a wine that they paid about a penny or twopence a glass for.




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