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单词 exploratory
释义 Word family  noun exploration explorer adjective exploratory unexplored verb explore  ex·plor·a·to·ry /ɪkˈsplɒrətəri $ ɪkˈsplɔːrətɔːri/ adjective  FIND OUTdone in order to find out more about something 探索的;勘探的 He’s going to have exploratory surgery on his knee. 他的膝盖要做探查性手术。Examples from the Corpusexploratory• The operations had been mainly exploratory.• Additional potential risk factors for delayed healing were examined in a subsequent exploratory analysis.• Name-giving is one of the perquisites of leading exploratory dives to vent sites.• As reported, an exploratory meeting already has been held.• The scheme provides awards of up to £2,000 per project for exploratory or pilot research.• The principal aim of this exploratory research is to gain a better understanding of franchising and the franchising decision.• Recently a man I knew had an exploratory study.ex·plor·a·to·ry adjectiveChineseSyllable  find order more in Corpus out about to done




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