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单词 Syntax
(1) Let's investigate the syntax of Chinese.
(2) Syntax describes the rules by which words can be combined into sentences, while semantics describes what they mean.
(3) His grammar and syntax, both in oral and written expression, were much better than the average.
(4) They can check syntax and access object while debugging.
(5) This involves information about syntax, semantics, discourse structure, pragmatics and knowledge of the world.
(6) In this case, the relative weighting of lexical:syntax:semantics could be 4:2:1.
(7) How does the syntax of proper names differ from that of descriptions? 15.
(8) The main information that the probabilistic syntax analyser needs from the lexicon is the grammatical tag of each of the candidate words.
(9) Conclusions A probabilistic syntax processor has been developed to assist in the selection of the correct words for a text recognition system.
(10) These include for example syntax and semantics, and the use of information about compounds[http://], commonly used phrases and idioms.
(11) The statistical approach reduces the problem facing the syntax analyser from a logic-based task to one of pattern recognition.
(12) The output produced by the syntax analyser is extremely basic.
(13) Syntax is a putting together according to conventions that often have the look of traffic rules.
(14) And it does so in syntax which calls for quite a feat of structuring and interpreting.
(15) In computational linguistics the main approaches for implementing syntax can be broadly classified as either rule-based or probabilistic.
(16) The score assigned to the word by the syntax analyser is shown beneath the word.
(17) Cureton would surely do better to rely on syntax to determine rhythmic grouping at this level.
(18) For the probabilistic syntax system compounds are troublesome since the window may not contain all of the compound.
(19) The instructions were not carried out because of a syntax error.
(20) Note that the vertical bars must be included as part of the syntax, as they separate parameters within each keyword.
(21) It is effective when read aloud, where the voice can be used to carry over the syntax and sense.
(22) Saying complex things forces you away from the protected Syntax of simple sentences.
(23) Grammar is organized along two main dimensions: morphology and syntax.
(24) The aim of this investigation is to determine how well the syntax analyser behaves when the lattice is successively degraded.
(25) Inflections, positions, and signpost words are the mainstay of syntax.
(26) They give a more holistic understanding than resources such as reference manuals, which emphasize syntax and rules.
(27) There are no stylistic flourishes, such as departures from the basic syntax through the use of modals, questions and negatives.
(28) Conversely, in languages with relatively fixed word order there will be greater instances of tension between syntax and communicative function.
(29) But if the lexicon is not complete, then neither is the syntax, semantics or phonology likely to be.
(30) These are some of the most important, and most ignored, examples of the direct interaction between pragmatics and syntax.
(1) Let's investigate the syntax of Chinese.
(31) But even in such constructions the contributions of syntax can be obscure.
(32) He was meticulous in his use of words and had little patience with careless speech or syntax.
(33) The mistakes made when reading seem to involve the syntax of the sentence.
(34) Syntax has been one of the most widely investigated areas of linguistics and human processing of language has been intensively studied.
(35) But Bolinger also believes that there is a correlation with syntax, or at least with the facts of surface syntactic form.
(36) The number of correct words assigned each rank by the syntax analyser is shown in table 4.13.
(37) The syntax analyser currently operates using statistical information about the combination of sequences of grammatical categories.
(38) The main points of comparison involve vocabulary, syntax, and mastery of the writing system.
(39) In his opinion, while the Smalltalk syntax is very simple, its simplicity obscures simple programming tasks.
(40) The case will establish whether the syntax of computer languages can be held copyright.
(41) Syntax 6.2.1 Star commands and their associated qualifiers are converted from lower-case to upper-case if necessary.
(42) What are some significant differences in pronunciation, vocabulary words[Sentencedict], and syntax? 2.
(43) As with syntax there are two ways of approaching semantic processing.
(44) The room is full of early sunlight and birdsong, and I know what Syntax is.
(45) She wrote poetry with impenetrable syntax about a life where nothing ever happened.
(46) Given this new information, both the syntax and semantic processors can update their information accordingly.
(47) More on Haitian Creole morpho - syntax.
(48) Syntax analysis plays an important role in pattern recognition.
(49) The identifier caused a syntax error.
(50) CMS describes an encapsulation syntax for data protection.
(51) This class belongs to the abstract syntax tree category.
(52) Invalid Syntax. Cannot specify password without specifying username name.
(53) A syntax error was encountered while processing a script.
(54) Syntax errors can be recognized at compilation time.
(55) the difficulties of English syntax.
(56) The syntax used is plain old regular expression syntax.
(57) Introduction to Syntax, Morphology and Phonology.
(58) In contrast, GObject uses standard C function call syntax.
(59) A database query syntax error has occurred.
(60) This dissertation analyzes the think-category verbs from five aspects, which are Semantics, syntax collocation, syntax function, reduplicate forms and correspond relations.
(61) Ritchie's design of C's expression syntax has been carried over into Java in almost exactly its original form.
(62) With the emphasis on the abstraCt syntax tree (AST), the paper also discusses the structure of a disk file as well as the functions designed for saving and recovering the AST.
(63) A sentence of a grammar is ambiguous if there exists two syntax trees for it.
(64) For example, grep, sed, and other tools like them have man pages that describe their regexp syntax and give examples.
(65) This part also analyzes the syntax units used as English and Chinese postpositive attributive, and gives a general classification.
(66) XML's heritage lies in the document world, and this is reflected in its syntax rules.
(67) We wrote our software in a weird AI language, with a bizarre syntax full of parentheses.
(68) Syntax function of Adverbial phrase of neoteric Chinese adverb "indeed" is mostly serving as predicate, and it also serves as a complement accidentally.
(69) A Java object is stored as a string of octets, so you will be using the Octet String LDAP syntax in this series of articles.
(70) By using XML tags within the policy, you can modify text, add text to the utility syntax statement,[] or remove text from it.
(71) JSP , syntax summary, including a name, comment, use the method.
(72) My English is very general, I always fear of a syntax error.
(73) English for law has striking characteristics in terms of diction, syntax and discourse, and it reflects speciality, solemnness , rigorousness and accuracy.
(74) The filename name , or volume label syntax is incorrect.
(75) To index into an array the familiar C syntax is used (e. g. a), and as with C an array index is 0-based.
(76) We show the Web syntax check as the first step.
(77) The checker framework involves configuration file management module, lexical and syntax checker module, semantic checker module and view errors module.
(78) Expressions are still validated for syntax appropriate in the context of the field type, but can be in the full range of grammar as supported by the runtime.
(79) The identification of this phrase has great value for NLPS such as syntax parsing, machine translation.
(80) Plans for version 2.0, currently in alpha testing, include reworking the architecture, adding lots of great new features, and leaving the syntax largely unchanged.
(81) Here other techniques such as compiling an abstract syntax tree and resolving variables in closures are discussed.
(82) A string variable needs to contain the SQL clause in the correct syntax.
(83) Furthermore it is very important that we use language model , syntax and accidence model in middle or big glossary continuous speech recognition.
(84) Its syntax, many grammatical features, a number of phrases and the style of a typical sentence do betray an important Slavic substratum.
(85) Chapter four analyses the disadvantages the lexical - syntax pedagogical model.
(86) The Command Reference still contains the most complete information about syntax and available options for each command.
(87) An abstract syntax tree is an expression represented as a collection of objects.
(88) The funced command has full syntax highlighting, tab completion, and automatic indenting; funcsave and funced make it easy to customize your shell.
(89) This new version further extends AEL, and provides more flexible syntax, better error messages, and some missing functionality.
(90) This paper mainly discusses the Uyghur language generating syntax and syntax rules. the rule-based Uyghur language syntax analysis method and the LR algorithm Uyghur language analysis method.
(91) This revealed a problem we had not expected: users were possibly getting zero results in our OPAC because they were using Google search syntax!
(92) In addition, based on a semantic syntax-directed translation from pure patterns to distorted patterns, a distance measure including both semantics and syntax is proposed.
(93) In Syntax 1, the - operator is the arithmetic subtraction operator used to find the difference between two numbers.
(94) An XML document is well-formed if it follows all of XML's syntax rules.
(95) Syntax error, command unrecognized. This may include errors such as command line too long.
(96) Backus-Naur form: A meta language used to formally describe the syntax of a language.
(97) But just as syntax is nothing until words are built upon it, so too is a sense of right and wrong useless until someone teaches you how to apply it.
(98) If you type dcc 32 alone, it displays a help screen of command - line options and syntax.
(99) This chapter will not teach the PASCAL syntax, but teach you how to construct a program.
(100) The for loop fundamentally has a simple syntax[/syntax.html], allowing you to extract a single item from a container object and do something with it.
(101) With the Directory String and Octet String syntax in mind, you're ready to move on to the next step of making a data entry using ApacheDS.
(102) You can check syntax and compile CICS applications with the command line using the COBOL compiler.
(103) The Chinese syntax parsing is an important problem of the domain of Chinese information processing, which can also promote the development of other related linguistics.
(104) The C # language introduced new syntax to describe your designs.
(105) It is also one of key contrast research in syntax and contact surface of two languages.
(106) It must be validated, because it is now part of the JSP translation unit and must meet JSP syntax rules.
(107) This paper describes the syntax, system organization and architecture, main implementing techniques and related object operation primitives of GKD—POS/SUN.
(108) Apart from providing automatic numbering, the numbered list also aligns the contents of the items, comparable with using table syntax.
(109) Ruby is a pure object-oriented programming language with a super clean syntax that makes programming elegant and fun.
(110) The syntax analyzer has one recursive procedure for each nonterminal U.
(111) An interesting side-effect of abstract syntax trees is that you can completely replace one function call with another.
(112) Actually, that's not quite all; there are a number of operations on arrays that are much more elegant to express in Numeric or Numarray than they are with standard Python data types and syntax.
(113) At the same time, Ruby uses some syntax conventions that make method calls look like attribute access looks in other languages.
(114) Optimization for video coding algorithm involves two categories according to if optimization will affect the syntax of the coded bit stream.
(115) The GRANT statement syntax for other database objects is similar and is available in the DB2 UDB documentation.
(116) The edit point location is immediately after the last character of the code element (including any semicolon, or terminating or separating syntax).
(117) The Java-style package declaration syntax is far more commonly used, however, being both compact and readable.
(118) Since we are now using SQL SELECT statements, the restore_where argument changes from a Perl pattern match to the syntax of an SQL WHERE clause.
(119) To provide an overview of compiler theory with emphasis on lexical and syntax analysis.
(120) The function of a transport multiplexer was to package the audio, video and auxiliary data to TS packets according to MPEG-2 transport layer syntax, and to transmit those packets to a channel.
(121) The PRACTICE specification determines which utilities are to be monitored and which syntax rules to enforce for each utility.
(122) Modifications are made to the syntax tree using a combination of constructors and the ReplaceNode method.
(123) The example below shows a system-maintained MQT, to illustrate the syntax and the steps to follow in defining an MQT and enabling the MQT for routing.
(124) If you pass a specific command into it, such as help updateios, you can see the specific flags and syntax for that command.
(125) The syntax rules of RSS 2.0 are very simple and very strict.
(126) There are two aspects to any language - syntax and semantics.
(127) If it finds SQL, it does a modest syntax check.
(128) Always use a Syntax Check before running simulations. It shakes out the more obvious flaws in the model.
(129) What are the main difficulties of the text? Lexis? Syntax? Sentence structure? Style?
(130) The A:N:- syntax tells XMLStarlet to use an ascending numerical sort.
(131) It uses the XPath expression syntax to address specific parts of an XML document supplementing it with "FOR, LET, WHERE,[http:///syntax.html] ORDER BY and RETURN" expressions.
(132) A method to design a computer aided software engineering tool data structure diagram is presented, and so is the syntax of the data structure diagram.
(133) DSLs tend to create more compact code, boiling away needless verbose syntax.
(134) Firstly, the article discusses the typological significance of the study of NP ellipsis, including the same location of syntax, the ending-beginning ellipsis, and the different syntactic positions.
(135) The syntax-aware reflow we use to wrap long lines is based on the parse trees (abstract syntax trees) for the language,() and some other things need per-language customization.
(136) SquirrelFish differs from the previous implementation of the interpreter in that it uses a bytecode based strategy rather than syntax tree-walking interpretation.
(137) View the annotated method syntax diagram for a complete listing of possible declared parameter types.
(138) Next, it checks for the correct entry name syntax and creates a name service representation of this entry name from the runtime representation.
(139) However, in accordance with the conceptual structure of the DOC verbs, two objects in DOC show a different degree of salience. This difference is more a matter of semantics than syntax.
(140) Syntax tagging is the main and most difficult point of corpus tagging, and should be based on syntax theory.
(141) Thus, it provides core functionality such as syntax highlighting and basic code completion.
(142) Scala provides a lightweight syntax for defining anonymous functions, it supports higher-order functions, it allows functions to be nested, and supports currying.
(143) The syntax uses PRCE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions), a very powerful way of matching any desired string pattern.
(144) Code Highlighter - A code syntax highlighting component available for the.
(145) WebKing is a popular Web syntax checker tool that scans the HTML code directly to help you fix the accessibility errors before using other assistive technology.
(146) A storage mapping of G tree of syntax tree in relational databases is represented.
(147) It introduced JSP. It introduced concept of JSP, document and syntax of ASP, build in object, sever module, form management, database access by WEB and applications in practice.
(148) The syntax of the language is brief to a fault.
(149) To avoid this flaw, you will reconstruct the rule by using Java's abstract syntax tree (AST) to identify the problems.
(150) An RBSP is either empty or has the form of a string of data bits containing syntax elements followed by an RBSP stop bit and followed by zero or more subsequent bits equal to 0.
(151) English middle construction, which involves a complex interlay between syntax and semantics, is one of the most heatedly discussed topics in the linguistics.
(152) When explicit type information for variables is written in the code, these type annotations follow the colon after the item name (i.e., Pascal-like syntax).
(153) This checking module can correctly find syntax errors and some simple logical errors of the diagram program, which provides guidance for the further development.
(154) Schematron abstract patterns allow you to express such general ideas independently of the precise syntax used for the purchase order format.
(155) You can reference arrays by their index, much like native PHP syntax.
(156) This is an invalid syntax for a hexadecimal numeric entity reference.
(157) From the syntax structure, Predicate complement Structure consists of structure component, structure form, structure connection, etc.
(158) Beyond Lua's simple syntax and powerful table structure, Lua's real power is evident when mixing it with a host language.
(159) Generative semantics linguists diverge from Chomsky's syntax research, and declare that syntax of natural language is related to semantics, which is connected with cognition.
(160) At the same the, th e validity in the system is set ap art to the validity of syntax and semantics, they can be judged by the way of formal proof and semantic analysis.
(160) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(161) If a sentential form is ambiguous, then it HAS more than one syntax tree and therefore, in general, more than one handle.
(162) In the first usage shown in the syntax shown previously, the – operator is the binary arithmetic subtraction operator for the difference between two numeric expressions.
(163) This paper provides a Maintaining WAP Site Crawler system. This system can automatically traverse the WAP site, parse every page in the site and check syntax and semantic faults.
(164) In addition to semantics, syntax, as well as their interface, there are also typological surveys which attempt to establish the criterion for cross-linguistic classification of comparatives.
(165) PLINQ combines the simplicity and readability of LINQ syntax with the power of parallel programming.
(166) This Standard does not require a syntax or program - construct checker.
(167) If you make some mistakes while scripting a task, the Syntax Checker is there to help.
(168) Although the regular expression syntax is tight and unlike normal code, the result can end up being more readable than a hand-rolled solution that uses a long chain of string functions.
(169) A general syntax for variable function arguments (...T) and their propagation (v...) is now specified.
(170) Formally, the UPDATE statement syntax is straightforward, because you must specify the new column values for the set of rows to be updated, as shown in Listing 3.
(171) The filename pattern syntax is similar -- but not identical -- to a normal shell pattern (see :help autocmd-patterns for details).
(172) If you want to start the event monitor only for specific applications(), specify an event condition in the CREATE EVENT MONITOR statement syntax shown in Figure 30.
(173) In this paper, a G code translator module of virtual NC machining system is present, and some special expressions are used for lexical and syntax analyzing in this module.
(174) The first and most obvious is the AEL syntax itself. A BNF is provided near the end of this document.
(175) The first part analyzes the differences and contacts on syntax between IF first-order logic and classic first-order logic after a discussion about quantifiers .
(176) For a complete description of the regular expression syntax, refer to the InfoSphere Warehouse documentation or the Java documentation (see Resources).
(177) An issue in the syntax editor in which running a syntax command with a blank right after the command terminator lead to Error 5213 was fixed.
(178) On the basis of the syntax rule, the program for morphology analyses, the program for syntax analyses and the program for executing the macro are designed.
(179) When you remove the focus from the Condition column or the Expression column, the expression text may change to a red color indicating that the expression syntax is incorrect.
(180) You can also retrieve the username of the user executing the trigger by using the SQL built-in function USER (see the Informix 11.50 SQL Syntax manual, pages 4-71).
(181) The syntax of XML makes it easy to programmatically manipulate textual data while still allowing it to be easily understood by humans.
(182) With the use of oriented-object technology and design pattern idea, it implements the class structure of lexical analysis, data structure, symbol table and syntax parsing.
(183) The syntax analyzer calls the scanner when it needs a new symbol.
(184) Although you can build DSLs in the Java language, its anemic set of constructs for hiding context, along with its rigid and unforgiving syntax, make it ill-suited to this technique.
(185) You should utilize the initializer syntax for both static and instance variables.
(186) The rest of the examples in this technical article use Windows syntax. So, if you are on a UNIX machine, please adjust the syntax accordingly.
(187) Unlike the other syntaxes I will cover in this article, PYX is mainly useful as an alternative output syntax.
(188) Design tasks to prepare simple language syntax analysis of lexical analysis procedure.
(189) The roles of PRECIS are important devices to control the syntax in subject indexing.
(190) When returned, the text does not contain any comment syntax.
(190) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(191) The correct syntax to use in the Network Address field should be the server's fully qualified domain name, for example,
(192) Lambda expressions provide a more concise, functional syntax for writing anonymous methods.
(193) To show a sense of syntax in the animals, Abe's team played jumbled "ungrammatical" remixes of finch songs to the birds and measured the response calls.
(194) This embodies the common rule of syntax structure and shows the pragmatic differences in different groups.
(195) This book is oriented towards so - called syntax - directed methods of compiling.
(196) Certainly the basic language syntax and built - in commands are direct descendants of the Bourne Shell's.
(197) If all conditions are met, including the simple syntax rule, it is still not ensured that a spatial grid index is used to satisfy the query.
(198) The document is well formed when it conforms to XML's syntax rules.
(199) In order to analyze the non-repudiation and fairness properties under one frame, a set of first-order logic syntax and semantics for non-repudiation protocols was proposed(), and a model was built.
(200) Syntax parsing results in the conclusion that the wording "however" in amended Article 65 of Criminal Law restricts only the latter crime.
(201) However, the value you can pass as the name parameter is different; instead of passing a full ObjectName, you can pass a partial ObjectName which uses the same syntax as that in queryNames .
(202) Behind the scenes, properties and descriptors amount to the same thing, but the syntax of defining them is rather different.
(203) New functions include regular expression syntax for pattern matching, new date functions such as current date, and new numeric functions such as floor, ceiling and round.
(204) They also facilitate migration to IDS of routines written in the procedural languages of other database servers that support GOTO and LOOP statement syntax.
(205) It has defined the syntax and decoding procedurals of video and audio compression, as well as the frame work of Internet transmission and interaction between human and media.
(206) Mr Sonnenfeldt was contemptuous of other interpreters at Nuremberg who, through a thick lard of Swabian consonants or Polish syntax, could fuddle questioner and questioned alike.
(207) You then can call the functions using standard function call syntax, by combining this prefix with the name of the method to be invoked.
(208) SAMPLE experiment as part of language syntax analysis of the achievement.
(209) The postpositions in Tong Jin-pu dialect of Ci Li, Hunan can be divided into thematic postposition and auxiliary postposition from the syntax classification.
(210) The older document type definition (DTD) syntax for specifying document structure is not namespace-aware.
(211) In linguistic field, the study on temporal features mainly focuses on the internal structure of language such as morphology, syntax, semantics, aspectual study and pragmatics.
(212) This is why lapin syntax validator is giving precious informations such as the error line number and a description of what went wrong.
(213) IDA provides comprehensive built-in constraints to do a model syntax check and to provide design suggestions for logical and physical models, as shown in Figure 21.
(214) Traverses the abstract syntax tree (AST) one or more times, collecting information and checking that the input program makes sense.
(215) I suppose it would be cool if Rich opened up the reader, it might help out for creating nice syntax for things like the pattern matching and monad implementations.




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