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单词 Mole
1. A mole holed the field.
2. A mole is a blemish on a person's skin.
3. She had a tiny mole on her cheek.
4. The mole burrowed in the ground.
5. The mole bored its way underground.
6. A mole mines its way.
7. A mole can undermine the strongest rampart.
8. A black mole on her left arm remarks her.
9. A mole inside the Department of Transport had leaked secret proposals to the press.
10. The mole bored underground.
11. They suspected that a mole had been planted in the organization.
12. The authorities believe there is a mole at the Treasury.
13. A small dark spot,() very like a mole.
14. The units of n are grams per mole.
15. For that alone, you deserve a mole.
16. A mole finds its food by smell alone.
17. Is he a Trotskyite or a right-wing mole?
18. Mole catchers were employed by some canal companies because of the problems which the animal could cause.
19. He claims it was a mole but I know it was him - what can I do to shut him up?
20. During the bacterial reduction of one mole of sulphate, four moles of hydrogen are consumed.
21. He was not a fighting mole, but something in him made him change his course and start suddenly after the rook.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. She was a plump mole only a little older than the visitor, but with warm motherly eyes and pleasant grey fur.
23. The term mol -1 thus means per mole of this specified equation.
24. He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow.
25. The young girl felt very self - conscious about the large mole on her chin.
26. Any sore that does not heaL Progressive changes in size or color or feeling in a wart or mole.
27. Twenty four hours before admission she had had a transitional mole removed from her back under local anaesthesia in the outpatient department.
28. Then she was kidnapped by a beetle, then by a mole, both of whom had courtship in mind.
29. When the time came for civilization on the planet of the Perks, they built war-trains, undermining engines, mole bombs.
30. As one became increasingly proficient, the exposure time per mole decreased.
1. A mole holed the field.
2. She had a tiny mole on her cheek.
3. The mole bored its way underground.
4. A mole mines its way.
5. A mole can undermine the strongest rampart.
6. The young girl felt very self - conscious about the large mole on her chin.
31. Thus the molar mass of CO2 is 44 grams per mole.
32. The government suspects there is a mole who is leaking information to the press.
33. Note that the mole fraction of either A or B can be used to express the composition of the solution.
34. Stitch had been working hard, Rose granted him that. Like a mole was Twitch blind, but a good digger.
35. One day they had a visitor, a wealthy, handsome mole.
36. For example, there are 6.02 X 1023 oxygen molecules, 02, per mole of oxygen molecules, 02.
37. Every early bird is after them, and a mole can eat twice its weight in worms every day.
38. Dustin's neat Beatle cut is slightly tousled and there is a close-up of a mole on his right shoulder.
39. He says Sue Townsend sent us a recipe from Adrian Mole.
40. He reminded Dexter of a panic-stricken mole who had suddenly found himself trapped outside his burrow.
41. Like a giant, bald-faced mole emerging from winter, I squint at the dark shapes of the nearby mountains.
42. She freaks out at her boyfriend for having a mole on his chest, then sort of dates another guy.
43. The mole: Handsome and well dressed as moles go; he wanted to marry Thumbelina.
44. The formula also shows the number of moles of atoms of each element in one mole of molecules.
45. She was motherly, with a big mole on her upper lip.
46. The activity of the solvent can be considered to be equal to the mole fraction of the solvent x 1.
47. One mole of an un-ionized solute dissolved in 1 kilogram of water lowers the freezing point 1. 86-6.
48. I had great smell, excellent salivary glands, powerful tear ducts, and the vision of an old mole.
49. Then he came crawling back into the light of day, blinking like a mole.
50. Though a good deal older than Privet the mole gave the impression of vigour and intelligence, talking quickly, and seeming restless.
51. When the mole molecules of a metal object are heated, they begin to vibrate.
51. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
52. The player, equipped with a small mallet, attempted to whack each mole as it appeared.
53. Also send in any records of mole remains in owl pellets or the diets of other predators.
54. Tinta is made from the negra mole grape and is used for colouring and for sweetening.
55. He has a possible mole on his left cheek and was wearing a beret.
56. The mole was discovered to be the 25-year-old secretary of the minister.
57. If you are lucky enough to get a true wild turkey, the flavor match with the mole sauce is fantastic.
58. Here, in the most powerful position in the greatest Library in moledom, was a mole she sensed was utterly incorruptible.
59. In the meantime, the field mouse prepared Thumbelina for her marriage to the mole.
60. A single mole carcase was found in the nest, but otherwise the small mammal remains were all found inside the pellets.
61. He threw everything out, clothes, shoes, old wellingtons, burrowing underneath all the mess like an overgrown mole.
62. The intensely flavored, spicy mole, with chocolate as its base, is the perfect foil for wild turkey.
63. He walks along a narrow path to a ridge where wild boar, hyenas and the golden mole rat occasionally roam.
64. Ghosts there were, and shadows to frighten a mole, and strange sounds from the few entrances that still remained.
65. It is normally expressed as the number of grams per mole.
66. In his sodden, crushed red velvet, Gabriel felt like a flayed mole.
67. But that would be like quibbling over the mole on Cindy Crawford's cheek.
68. If a mole changes color or shape, see a doctor.
69. The mole quickly burrowed out of sight.
70. The Mole came and crouched beside him.
71. Frigid gusts were driving swells in past the mole.
72. What are you doing,() Ratty?'said the Mole.
73. African rodent resembling a mole in habits and appearance.
74. The mole, s, mouse's and moose's math is worse.
75. Old men sat along the mole and fished.
76. Hullo, Mole!'said the Water Rat.
77. The girl has a tiny mole on her cheek.
78. A mole tunneled a hole under the wall.
79. Can be the mole of trigonometry area done?
80. That mole is a blemish on his face.
81. Too is cropland mole medicable complete?
82. Grandad tool Mole to the top of high hill.
83. Ratty,'said the Mole(http:///mole.html),'Could I ask you something?
84. He hailed the Mole to come and warm himself.
85. He is blind as a mole.
86. Materials and methods The hemodynamics of the uterine arteries and myometrium were assessed by color Doppler flow imaging for 14 patients with invasive hyadatidiform mole.
87. The influence parameters to synthesizing DCPP include time, material mole ratio, mass of catalyst and complexant , agitation speed and temperature etc.
88. He snorted, and during the rest of that weary trudge addressed his remarks exclusively to Mole.
89. Perhaps once the heart arrhythmia cinnabar mole security lock on the slow songs into the memory of other field house, the yard deep.
90. The result of performance test showed that the maleic anhydride and polyethylene glycol 400 monoester was the best to improve the viscosity of epoxy acrylate and the best mole ratio was 0.1.
91. Wherever are you ( hic ) going to ( hic ), Ratty?'cried the tearful Mole, looking up in alarm.
92. But he said thanks to his dog Beamish "nuzzling and licking" him and trying to lift his arm near the mole, he went to a doctor to get it checked out.
93. Mexicans make a hot chocolate sauce called mole and pour it over chicken.
94. What does the mole with each long position on the face represent respectively? Should the mole on nose go with lachrymal mole?
95. C. Because it uses high temperature and high mole ratio, the reaction path can complete and the purity of reaction product alkyl halide can reach about 99%.
96. There he had dug quite a deep hole for dog darnel; and had set a mole trap.
97. "He never disappointed me, " Miler said about the mole. "He made me happy all my life. "
98. The Mole had been working very hard all the morning, spring-cleaning his little home.
99. One obstacle is that little is known about the naked mole rat's genes.
100. Don't use snail bait that contains metaldehyde, fly bait that contains methomyl, and mole or gopher bait where your dog or cat can get to it.
101. How do have an effect to cure a hydatid mole?
102. This paper mainly studies the effect of pressure, LHSV, temperature and mole ratio of alcohol and alkene on conversion ratio of tertiary amylene.
103. We shall creep out quietly into the butler's pantry -'cried the Mole.
104. The amidate modified reaction of lanolin was, studied Material mole ratio, temperature, time, the dosage of catalyzer etc. factors affecting on the reaction were discussed.
105. And when he pierced with a sharp reed the dim eyes of the mole, they laughed, and when he cast stones at the leper they laughed also.
106. The influences of mole ratios of the reactants, concentration of sulfuric acid, sulfonation temperature and catalyst on reaction are discussed.
107. To master pathologic feature of hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, and choriocarcinoma.
108. The matrix method and diagonal matrix method of multi-component VLE flash are established in the paper by choosing mole numbers as iteration variables and material balance as objective function.
109. Much less common than hydatidiform mole is choriocarcinoma, seen here.
110. So, what we get for the disassociation energy for a hydrogen atom is 424 kilojoules per mole.
111. Effects of mole ratio of 1, 2- ethanedithiol to isovaleraldehyde(/mole.html), amount of catalyst and refluxed time were investigated.
112. Theiryield depend on the reaction temperature , mole ratio of chlorobenzene and hydrogen sulfide, and space - velocity.
113. Red mole grows on the body, still can itch, be what disease the delegate has augural?
114. It is showed that the minimum in V mE reached with mole fraction of ionic liquid is different due to the difference of the substitution of the aromatic compound.
115. The blind mole rat rubs its tears into its fur, which appears to make other mole rats less aggressive, said Sobel.
116. The Mole fell backwards on the snow from sheer surprise and delight.
117. A lot of F-M partitioning coefficient were determined and some linear equations between it and mole concentration of halide were established as well.
118. We found that the mole ratio of the raw materials, gelling temperature, carbonization temperature and etching method could effect the pore structure of the porous carbons.
119. In Japan, therefore, this tiny, unwarlike creature is the Senkaku mole; in China it is the Diaoyu mole.
120. A little mole is wandering underground. For wonderer, he seems to own the whole world and also it seems nothing belong to him.
121. The result showed that there were 12 species of pasture pest. The damages of grubs, wireworms, the African mole cricket and agrotis ipsilon were serious.
122. And then I have a non-linear relationship between the pressure and the mole fraction in the gas phase.
123. Its main characters were a rat, a mole, and a toad.
124. For the female mole attending a black-tie affair, surveillance equipment didn't have to be dowdy.
125. Professor Cassie Mole finished the last page of draft manuscripts. Opens is closing tightly the window blind 0.1 dazzling judgments to break through the gloomy defense line.
126. 'Oh, its all very well to TALK, ' said the Mole, rather pettishly , he being new to a river and riverside life and its ways.
127. Hullo, Rat!'said the Mole.
128. Purpose To explore the CDFI diagnostic value for the hydatidiform mole.
129. In a 250-cc. three-necked, round-bottomed flask provided with a mechanical stirrer is placed 21.2g. (0.2 mole) of benzaldehyde , and 18.6 g. (0.2 mole) of aniline is added with rapid stirring.
130. Then he held up his forepaw as the Mole stepped gingerly down.'Lean on that!'
131. Objective To study the relationship between the pathological classification and molecular genetics of hydatidiform mole.
132. Placenta previa was see in 2 cases, cord around neck in 12, intrauterine growth retardation in 1(), and hydatid mole in one.
133. A story between a mole in the police department and an undercover cop.
134. The mole ratio of tetrabutylammonium hydroxide to tetraethylammonium hydroxide in mixed templates affected the purity of TS-1 crystal obviously.
135. The effect of acid and alcohol mole ratio, the amount of vitamin C catalyst and reaction time on the yield of Nipagin esters was investigated.
136. A new study suggests the laid-back lifestyle of some in a colony actually helps the queen mole rat spread her genes.
137. The density of water which is the inverse of the mole volume, so the density, the molar density, is equal to one over the molar volume.
138. I confess that I have been as blind as a mole, but it is better to learn wisdom late than never to learn it at all.
139. These building work can divide By: Mole dyadic style, new gothic and Modernism reach a naturalism.
140. The naked mole rat goes by many names, including the potentially misleading "sand puppy" which might imply that these voracious diggers are cute and friendly fellows.
141. Let's invest more money into at least developing the science of the naked mole rat, the marmoset, the python — whatever.
141. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
142. The Mole a firm believer in Take Your Daughter to Work Day.
143. By studying the catalyst, mole ratio of phenol to formaldehyde and reaction time etc. , introducing the synthesis procedure of high-ortho novolak resin.
144. So what would be seen is, 3R you'd have 3R, the gas constant, per mole, 3R in other words. And if you looked at Cv over 3R, then this value would be one.
145. And molecular markers show that the five true fingers develop together in a mole embryo, with the outsized sesamoid cropping up later.
146. Skeletal structure of a mole, with shovel-shaped hands and wedge-shaped skull, giving the mole perfect tunneling tools.
147. Badger fetches water. Gopher cooks the broth while Mole soothes Bear with a cool, wet cloth.
148. And two mole cricket painting, also on behalf of the Rong family of two, due to distortion in the long story, become a Kai "by two dragon" has been.
149. The Tonglushan Cu-Fe deposit is located at the middle part of the Neocathaysian compound mole track and the northwestward of the Yangxin complex massif.
150. So it is , so it is ,'said the Mole, with great heartiness.
151. What does the mole near chin nose call? Is lachrymal mole long in that?
152. I nod mole to have half month, had been cangue dropped red now redly hole does?
153. This equation must be could with the mole balance rate law and stoichiometry and solved numerically.
154. The discovery of a somatosensory fovea in the star-nosed mole suggests that this organizational scheme is a general evolutionary solution to constructing a high-resolution sensory system.
155. Can mole of inherent wart shape treat dispel through Chinese traditional medicine?
156. 'I understand, ' said the Rat, cutting himself some rashers from a side of bacon, while the Mole dropped some eggs into a saucepan. 'And what's the weather like outside?
157. The field-activated pressure-assisted combustion synthesis (FAPACS) process was utilized to produce and densify tungsten carbides material from tungsten and carbon powders with different mole ratios.
158. However, in the diagnosis of attention should be given some special spirit, state of consciousness such as syncope, seizures, stupor, mole disease attack, the differential phase locked-in syndrome.
159. Several TCM practitioners told me that by substituting the bones of one type of mole rat, the same efficacy has been achieved.
160. This is 12.011 grams per mole or 12.011 atomic mass units,AMU.
161. Preparation of salicylic hydrazide . Controlling material mole ratio and the product recrystallization is the key.
162. The influence factors esterification reaction, such catalyst amount , acid alcohol mole ration, reaction time were investigated.
163. Participants of the first underground bicycle race compete during the "Mole Race" in a mine under Budapest, Hungary, on Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011.
164. Wait like bug of maggot of bee, fly, yellow pink, batty moth, cockroach, mole cricket.
165. "So, I said to myself: that's it. The mole," Miler said in a 2006 interview with Czech public radio.
166. The little mole is dumbfounded when the potato jumps from the ground.
167. Our mole stateside says that they did rather more than that.
168. Conclusion There is not much correlation between pathological classification and molecular genetics of hydatidiform mole.
169. With a decrease in the mole ratio, volatilization of sulfur decreased rapidly.
170. In this paper, the claw shapes of the typical soil animals such as pangolin, mole cricket, ant, dung beetle etc. are observed and analysed by stereomicroscope and scanning electro-microscope.
171. The coagulating mechanism was analyzed by studying the effect of basicity (B) and Si-Al mole ratio on the composite ratio and the effect of composite rate on the coagulating result.
171. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
172. Common with the North mole cricket, the South mole cricket, Taiwan mole cricket.
173. The higher mole fraction of hydrophobe, the stronger viscosity enhancement effect.
174. Obstetric explanations for nausea and vomiting may include multiple pregnancies or a hydatidiform mole.
175. The contrast decreased when triiodide was added near the surface of the grain, or when the mole ratio of io...
176. The contrast decreased when triiodide was added near the surface of the grain, or when the mole ratio of iodide to iodine increased.
177. Method 32 cases of hydatidiform mole were analyzed by DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP, hybridized with the probe 33.15).
178. And then you have one non-linear relationship there for the mole fraction of the gas.
179. We found that the mole ratio of the raw materials, gelling temperature, carbonization temperature and etching method could effect the pore structures of the porous carbons.
180. In men and on the bottom of the West drew a bold portrait of the frame, painted two mole cricket box, head east.
181. Can excuse me dot mole stay imprint? General cost how many? Safe?
182. The cause may be physical — the growth of a tumour or hydatidiform mole in the uterus — or emotional.
183. The star-nosed mole is the world 's fastest mammals eat.
184. Patients with a hydatidiform mole are often large for dates and have hyperemesis gravidarum more frequently.
185. Ring opening of copolymerization and homopolymerization between acrylpimaric acid and ethylene oxide at different mole ratio were studied.
186. After calcination at 500℃ for 2 h, 0.5 % ( in mole percent ) Pr 3 + - TiO 2 powders show that the nanocrystalline TiO 2 with anatase phase.
187. What is the mole? Mole is a more practical value, something that we can handle tangibly.
188. Donkey find donkey, tiger find tiger, dung beetle rape mole cricket.
189. What are the hospitals in Shanghai can go to the acridine mole!
190. The effects of reactant mole ratio , catalyst dosage , microwave irradiationtimeyield of cyclohexanone glycol ketal were investigated.
191. Two moles of epoxy react with one mole of A - 1100.
192. Although this could be called stomp - a - mole.
193. After electronic forming, we'll get one piece of holography nickel shim which records holography images and other information(for example, E-beam or Mole hidden text) in 2D/3D or Dot-master effect.
194. The naked mole rat is also of interest because it is extraordinarily long-lived for a rodent of its size (up to 28 years) and holds the record for the longest living rodent.
195. Size of the uterus and presence of theca lutein cysts were closely related with hydatidiform mole malignant transformation.
196. Melanomas appear as a mole or freckle that changes colour, size or shape, but are the most dangerous type of skin cancer.
197. To do this, Citysense will categorize people into "tribes". So far, 20 tribes have been identified, including "young and edgy, " "business traveler, " "weekend mole, " and "homebody."
198. For a larger mole fraction germanium on silicon substrate, the SiGe bandgap becomes smaller, thus causing larger electron injection efficiency.
199. It is joules per atom. Or, if you multiply by Avogadro's number then you will get joules per mole.
200. In this hydatidiform mole there is atypical trophoblastic proliferation, but villi are still present.
201. A mole or blemish present on the skin from birth; a nevus.
202. The doctor said that the grape - shaped transparent sample embryo in her womb was a vesicular mole.
203. The Mole went to attend theand the Rat heard him utter a cry of surprise.
204. 'Really, Rat, ' said the Mole, quite pettishly , 'I think we'd had enough of this folly.
205. Presently the Mole came tumbling into the room, evidently very pleased with himself.




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