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单词 expectancy
释义 Word family  noun expectancy expectation adjective expectant expected ≠ unexpected verb expect adverb expectantly unexpectedly  ex·pec·tan·cy /ɪkˈspektənsi/ noun [uncountable]  EXPECTthe feeling that something pleasant or exciting is going to happen 期待,期望 I saw the look of expectancy in the children’s eyes. 我从孩子们的眼神中看到了期盼。 → life expectancyExamples from the Corpusexpectancy• The police often collaborate in producing an expectancy effect.• We celebrate Passover with joy and expectancy.• It was the kind of silence that was so complete it had a sort of hum, the noise of expectancy.From Longman Business Dictionaryexpectancyex‧pec‧tan‧cy /ɪkˈspektənsi/ noun [uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES the amount of effort an employee believes will be necessary to do his or her job. Expectancy is important to managers because, by knowing about it, they know what they have to do to make their employees want to work harderExpectancy theories of motivation are based on the premise that people are motivated by the expected outcomes of their actions. → see also life expectancyex·pec·tan·cy nounChineseSyllable  feeling is or something exciting the Corpus pleasant Business that




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