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单词 upbringing
释义  Related topics: Children, Familyup·bring·ing /ˈʌpˌbrɪŋɪŋ/ ●○○ noun [singular, uncountable]  SSCSSFthe way that your parents care for you and teach you to behave when you are growing up 抚育,养育;培养;教养 → bring up Mike had had a strict upbringing. 迈克从小家教很严。n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa middle-class upbringingShe had a comfortable middle-class upbringing.a religious/Muslim/Catholic etc upbringingBecause of her Catholic upbringing she would not divorce her husband.a sheltered upbringing (=one in which someone is protected from difficult or unpleasant experiences)I'd had a very sheltered upbringing, so going to college was a real eye-opener.a strict upbringingHe reacted violently against his strict upbringing.a privileged upbringing (=when someone has advantages because their family is wealthy)Due to his privileged upbringing, he finds it difficult to identify with ordinary people.a good upbringingHowever good their upbringing, young people may still behave badly.verbshave a good/religious/tough etc upbringingHe had a rather unsettled upbringing, moving with his father from town to town.Examples from the Corpusupbringing• See how ashamed he is of his own father, how he rejects his own background and upbringing?• We had such a beautiful upbringing, let me tell you, Billy.• She didn't like being reminded of her nice, safe, middle-class upbringing.• Nothing in my upbringing had prepared me for the weather, much less the absurd notion of hitchhiking.• Slamming a door in some one's face has nothing to do with breeding or upbringing.• Bearded, he dresses with a casual elegance that reflects a privileged upbringing.• Our grandmother took charge of our religious upbringing.• Evangelicals and others in the mid-nineteenth century still placed the central responsibility for the upbringing of children upon the family.• Their upbringing was pretty straight and traditional, conservative, politically.up·bring·ing noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  way Corpus care for the that your parents




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